The hot typrwriter


Draco interdum Vincit
Aug 18, 2007
Anyone seen these ?

Ye gods, if someone had taken these pictures in for commercial processing, they'd have been hauled up before His Honour at the very least.

Written erotica has not changed much, really, has it ?
Anyone seen these ?

Ye gods, if someone had taken these pictures in for commercial processing, they'd have been hauled up before His Honour at the very least.

Written erotica has not changed much, really, has it ?

Not much, no. "The Way of a Man and a Maid" reads exactly like bad NC today.

"Oh, Mr. Page, your prose is thrilling. Could you jig my pink quivering pudding?"
Anyone else noticed that the ladies are a bit more 'substantial' than their modern sisters ?
Today's fashion isn't designed for women, but for clotheshangers. That's the whole reason why most models look like stick figures. Bleh.
Yeah, they have ounces to bounce. You know, Tom has been complaining his muse Dierdre has been playing hooky. Do you think that might be her?

Yep, that sure looks like her. Last two pics in sepia tone. I always knew she had a thing for manual typewriters. :rolleyes:
Must be hard to keep your mind on your writing . . . ;)

It's a muse's job to inspire and since I write a lot of erotica she's perfect at what she does. Those shots must have been taken in a doll house; she's only three inches tall. :D
It's a muse's job to inspire and since I write a lot of erotica she's perfect at what she does. Those shots must have been taken in a doll house; she's only three inches tall. :D

Aw. . . . What a shame.