The Halfbreed (closed)


Jun 9, 2003
She stood in the main chapel Jacob standing in between her and the door to the archbishop meeting room. A snarl curling her lips. She and Jacob were very out of place and seemed to set all the parish priests nuns and workers on edge.

If you can keep calm they want you in the meeting Lyria.

She spun on Jacob like a wolf.

Fine... but I will get a full explanation of why is that clear?

Jacob shrugged and closed the door behind them when she walked in looking back out for a second seeing a couple of new priests arriving. Wondering how long it would take before they were going to be a headache or ally. Once the meeting was over the Archbishop escorted them out and looked to the transferred priest.

Greetings sorry our introductions are a little late unexpected meeting. Welcome.
Father Christopher acknowledged the Archbishop by taking his fat bejeweled hand and kissing the air above it. “Be as innocent as a dove and wise as a snake. Remember that Christ is your lord, not these corrupt and compromised men” his thoughts raced as he went through the motions.

“May the same power that raised our lord from the dead give you wisdom and sustain you, your Grace” his mouth twisted a little at the emptiness that he knew his words had to this man. This corpulent boil on the backside of Christ's church. Still, he had sworn to obey, to submit, to serve the authorities whom god had raised up over him. “I am Father Christopher Yardley” you know who I am you old worm “how may I be of service to the diocese?”
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In all honesty, I am glad there are still those who want to transfer here with our bouts of more than our share of exorcisms.

He sighed.

Much less someone wanting to add their gifts to our exorcism department. Father Zain will be pleased to teach you all he knows.
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“I look forward to father zain completing my training. I was top of my class in demonology you know” Christopher’s words rushed out embarrassingly, be humble as Christ was humble he reminded himself.”that is, I was meaning to say how much it means to me to be accepted to serve here.”

“Your grace” he remembered to add. He kissed the air above the archbishops hand again for good measure.

Internally his psyche waged open war on itself

The man is not worthy of my obedience!

But there is no authority except that which god has raised up!

Yes you fool I know that! We are to respect the emperor but fear god remember ?

Of course I know that! In what way is serving here not fearing god?

The archbishop is a man of the flesh!

It may that Christ has placed us here to learn to submit to unworthy vessels. After all, I myself am unworthy.

His internal monologue is prim, prideful.

You are a fool. This man is openly hostile to the gospel of our lord and sav…

SHUT. UP. BOTH OF YOU came a third voice from nowhere. I WILL obey. I WILL serve, I MUST confront the demonic influence at work in this world.

Christopher snapped to his senses. The vast empty spaces of the chapel seemed infinite and were ringed in shadow. “If there’s not anything more required of me your grace, I’d like to forgo the evening meal and spend the time in my chambers reflecting on the holiness of our lord.” And he hurried out of the presence of the archbishop.
That's fine Father Zain will speak with you tomorrow. He will be checking on some parishioners tomorrow who he has had to help over the years. A good start to see the best result of the work he has tirelessly done for so long.

The Archbishop nodded to the young man. He was surprised that they had someone sent to them but he seemed quite committed and perhaps even excited for the placement. Enough thinking on that he had to admit many came to Father Zain even briefly due to his years and years of knowledge and ability and loyalty after the successful ones. Then there were the others. The ones they had to be called in on. Jacob and Lyria. Sister Lena had given her that name as a baby when her mother died at birth. The Archbishop before him Father Daniels had learned of what Lyria was and in his zealot-misguided hope to wipe out all evil had weaponized a child. To him it was inexcusable what Daniels had done even if she was not a normal child. She was still a child and when he was sent here she was already out of their "orphanage" group home system but sister Lena had managed to keep her human and willing to help on her terms. It had helped that another like her had made their presence known and was a buffer for her as well.
Father Christopher woke early, hungry, a little embarrassed at rushing from the presence of the Arch Bishop, and more than a little refreshed from his sleep. It was as if christ and all his heavenly army had stood guard around him. A veritable hedge of protection.

He completed his morning routine, first praying the rosary, and then metaphorically putting on the whole armor of god.

“I take the helmet of salvation which protects my thoughts and desires oh lord” he prayed “I place it over my head now, and humbly entreat that my mind be kept pure and focused only on the things of god”

He bent down to lace up his leather sandals.

“I take in my hand now the sword of the spirit, which is the word of god” he mumbled softly by rote as he picked up his Bible “oh lord, may I not unsheath your holy weapon for any but the enemies of the cross”

Feeling thus equipped, he strode to the dining hall and ate a light breakfast alone of fresh whole wheat bread and some home made yoghurt. Then, he set out to Father Zains study.

He knocked softly on the heavy oak door “Father zain? My name is father Yardley, I have been sent to serve the diocese under your guidance”
Father Zain walked over and answered the door. Rather spry and athletic for his well over 80 years of age.

Welcome welcome.

He spoke with his ever-lingering slight Greek accent

You may get trial by fire as it were I have to see about young woman of parishioner from our church. Family has had much bad luck over the years very sad really. Your first job will be comfort and stay with Grandmother in downstairs dining room or living room.
Christopher bowed his head in respect. Father Zain was a legend at his seminary, a man famous for his knowledge and skill at dealing with the demonic.

“I’m eager to serve, and eager to learn” he said “what do I need to know about the family we will visit? Is the grandmother a believer in our lord? Should i pray with her?” The questions spilled out
Yes, that would be very helpful.

Father Zain nodded.

Let's go trial by fire I suppose.

He just hoped this one would go smoothly it was far too soon for this young priest to meet those that finish exorcisms that do not go well. Once they were in father Zains old truck and on the road he finally spoke of more about the family's history of unfortunate possession as they drove. Once at the house, an older gentleman let them in.

Hello detective. I hope your presence here is not any indication of how matters have shifted.

The cop shook his head.

Nope just returned the rather lovely trophy young Synthia won long ago and apparently chose to assault my car with that's all. The young woman seems to be in rare form today so I will leave you to it. Lunch break is over for me soon.

With that Fsther Zain introduced Helena to his assistant and briefly pleaded with her not to go up stairs and interrupt him.

I will... Whatever keeps cold one far away... Unless...

Helena shook her head and motioned for the young priest to follow her to the kitchen.

Coffee you drink with me
Christopher followed the older lady to the kitchen, his head buzzing with excitement. This was a real possession case, at least it had all the signs of one.

“Madam, I thank you for your kindess” he said softly, “perhaps you would like me to pray with you? Or we could recite scripture to comfort us during this time?”

Hearing no response he began to hum “a might fortress is our god” as he entered the kitchen
We drink coffee...

She was focusing on what she could control... Her own hospitality to the young priest.

Father Zain. He helps family long time many... Problems...
He took the coffee in his hands and enjoyed its aroma. “Thank you” he said sipping it “what kinds of problems?”
Uncle... Sister... Nephew... Grandson...

She then pointed upstairs

Niece... All fall... He help... Cold one... Help...

She shook her head not wanting to think about the cold one. The cold one as she called her was necessary and she had even watched her grow up but still cursed the darkness that caused her to be as she was.

You are new... Tell me about you young one
“The cold one?” Christopher was puzzled “there’s not much to say, I recently graduated with my doctor of divinity which I now earnestly want to use to serve gods people in this diocese” he sipped his coffee…”cold one” nagged at him. He strained his ears, unsure of what he hoped to hear, but there was nothing but the domestic white noise of a normal house.

“I was assign to Father Zain upon graduation” he continued “it’s my strong belief that we must not just live righteous lives but we must also oppose the works of evil where we find them. I hope to be equipped to do so as I serve here”

There was a lengthy pause

“Tell me…about the cold one” he said carefully
The old woman shook her head no and moved to get food. Breads and fruit and cheese.

You eat... You work with Zain you need energy... Need health.

The noises upstairs slowly became more violent and hard impact sounds.
Christopher ate slowly, he’d completed a 40 day fast between graduation and this posting. It had greatly strengthened his spirit, and he had experienced the palpable presence of his lord in the waning days of it. Now, his stomach was shrunken and only able to digest simple food.

“I should go and help father Zain” he said, standing up
Father Zain called out a moment later.

Father Yardly call the ArchBishop with the message... MAKE THE CALL!

With those words, Helena began speaking rapidly and low on some prayer in clearly her native language.
“May I use your telephone?” The noise upstairs went up again in intensity.

The phone was in the hallway at the base of the stairs. Christopher dialed number of the diocese. His fingers were shaking, and he had to redial several times because of wrong numbers. Eventually a bored woman answered


“The archbishops office please, this is Father Yardley, it’s urgent”

“there’s no father yard-knee here”

“No, I’m father Yardley, I’m need to speak with the Archbishop urgently!”

“No need to be rude young man” the disembodied voice scolded “I’ll put you through”

“Archbishop” a clipped voice picked up the phone. Christopher could virtually see the archbishops triple chin wobbling as he held the receiver in his chubby small hands.

“Your grace, Father Zain asked me to tell you to make the call”

There was a silence on the other end “you’re sure of this?”

“I am your grace”

“You can tell him I have made it. May god protect us all”

“May the love of our lord and savior jes…” click….the line went dead, cutting off Christopher formal blessing. He was pretty sure that the Archbishop didn’t care anyway.

He walked up the stairs and, remembering Father Zains desire to deal with whatever he was dealing with alone called down the hallway “the call has been made. May I be of service?”
Yes, when they arrive let them come up here and please stay with Helena.

Father Zain called out to Christopher then he called out to Helena.

Helena... Cold one is hurting... Cold one was not told something they needed to to know last time.

Helena nodded.

Cold one... Need tea... You help... Cold one angry... Cold one...

She just shook her head with a teary sigh. She knew the child now woman's history and did not hate her as many did she just hated the life the poor girl was destined to live. She hobbled back into the kitchen and began to prepare some hot tea.

Jacob answered the call.

Yes sir... Helena... The last of her family isn't it... Yeah I know She will be there it should help both of them.

Packing up he tossed Lyria her keys and told her the info on the way.
A man and an eerily beautiful woman stood at the doorway when James answered the door at Helen’s anxious but distracted comman as she brewed tea.

“He’s upstairs” Christopher pointed
Lyria nodded and headed upstairs with Jacob in tow. A minute or two later Jacob was helping Father Zain down the stairs and to the kitchen as Helena was setting cups on the table. She sighed seeing Jacob and turned to get the cup of tea as well. Jacob nodded to Helena and sat down. The noises upstairs seemed steady for a couple of minutes before dead silence.
Christopher watched in silence as the pair ascended the stairs. His eyes were fixed on the woman. There was something about her that seemed…out of the ordinary. What kind of woman mysteriously appears to assist at an exorcism he asked himself. Were women even capable of casting demons out? He made a mental note to consult with Father Zain on the subject.

He followed the father and the stranger into the kitchen.

“Father Zain, are you alright?”
He nodded and held up a hand to silence any more questions for now. Sipping the coffee Helena placed before him Jacob followed suit till he heard the water running upstairs and stood to go back upstairs.

Sit sit she is fine Jacob

Father Zain motioned for him to sit back down. Helena handed Jacob his coffee.

Cold one will be fine... Our little cold one always will be fine.

A moment later Lyra walked downstairs tensing as Helena moved to give her a hug as if human contact was not a comfortable thing for her. A clearly unamused glance at him then eyes locking on Father Zain as if in some silent question she started to leave.

Rose tea... Cold one sit and drink now.

Helena seemed to order like a mother would a child. Lydia simply nodded and downed the tea then turned once more to go.
“wait!” Christopher knew that he was breaking potentially dozens of subclauses of canon law by directly addressing a woman after an exorcism when he was the junior priest in the romn, not to mention social niceties, but he had to know.”what happened up there? Who, who are you?”
Dead cold eyes looked to him as an almost inhuman snarl sought to fall from her till Father Zain stood up and looked to Helena as the coroner drove up. Helena pointed to the tea for her and tried to shoosh the young priest as Jacob went to let them in.


Was all he said.