The guy down the hall


sexual catalyst
Sep 3, 2000
I had just moved into a new place, the air conditioner wasn't working and I had my door open into the hallway. It was a small appartment complex there was only three places on this floor and I knew a young family lived in one. I had not seen anyone leave or enter the other appartment and wondered if anyone lived there as I moved furniture and unpacked. I was sweaty and sitting in the hall drinking a tall glass of iced tea when I saw him. I felt completely disheveled as he took the last few stairs.


I'll leave his physical characteristics up to the person who writes with me. However I am short and dislike craning my neck to see a guy and don't really care for guys with blonde hair.
I was tired and it had been a long day. An argument that turned into a row that turned into a breakup with my girlfriend in the morning. Which turned into turning up late for work which turned into an argument with my boss which nearly turned into getting fired in the afternoon. On the way home in the evening I realised I'd forgotten my keys and I'd have to wait til my roommate got back from a trip, tommorow evening, to get in. But I could stay with my girlfriend. Oh wait. No, I couldn't.

I didn't even know why I was climbing the stairs to my rooms. Maybe I thought I could pick the lock or something. I passed a mirror, and gave myself the once over. Dark hair, blue eyes, pale, high cheekbones. Me alright. I gave myself a friendly, encouraging smile.

Coming to the top of the stairs, I saw something more worth looking at.

My dark brown locks were tied up in a messy arrangement off my neck. At least I had shaved recently so that my slightly tanned legs were smooth as they extended out of the shorts that I was wearing. I had taken my shoes off and my purple toenails glinted in the light. My t-shirt was sticking to me and I felt my bra clinging to me. Right now I was glad I had muscular legs and breasts most women envy.

I was half dumbstruck as I watched him walk towards me, good lord he could not be my neighbor. Not with my luck, I stood slowly, at 5'2" and in bare feet I doubted I looked like anyone special. I just smiled and extended my hand.

"Hello," I said unsure of what else to say right now.
I breathed a little deeper as my eyes travelled over her, from the glistening legs, brief, tight shorts and T-shirt clinging to the curves of her breasts. I felt a sudden urge to babble.

'Hi, I'm Matthew. I live up the hall. You don't have any amazing cat-burglar lockpicking skills, do you?', I asked, taking her hand and shaking it. I held on to to it a moment more than was necessary, brushing my fingers across her palm. Casually. I hoped.

'It's just... I locked myself out of my rooms this morning'. I gave my best 'lovable but helpless' grin. This girl was hot

"Micki," I let my hand drop from his, "I actually think we have the kind of lock you can pick with a credit card. I wipe my hands on my shorts and ask, "So do you have a credit card or ID handy?" I take it from him, glance at the card before heading down to his door. "You'd be amazed how often this comes in handy." I say kneeling in front of door so I can see the locking mechanism. I give it a slip a flick and slide and jiggle the knob until it turns.

"I guess it's your lucky day," I hand you back the card. "You might want to make a spare key."
Hot and the possessor of amazing catburglar lockpicking skills. She looked up. I hoped I hadn't spoken out loud.

'Maybe it is my lucky day. Hey, do you want to come in for some coffee? It's the least I can offer my saviour'

I cursed the fact that I didn't drink coffee. "Actually I don't care for coffee." I glance in his appartment and comment, "but anything cold to drink would be much appreciated." I had this crazy impulse to use my lockpicking skills at a later time and wondered if the walls really were as thin as the previous occupant had told me.