The Greatest Whores


Aug 31, 2012
Beginning with the infamous EVE, who were/are the greatest whores in history?

1) EVE

2) ?
Ummm.... what have you been drinking/smoking/shooting?
Based on the metaphorical nature of the Bible, it must be assumed that Eve engaged in sex with an animal, then caused Adam to also participate in the immoral act, that being the reason their god treated them so harshly.
As a continuation on this thought, Cain apparently mated with an animal after he was kicked out of the Garden of Delights for having killed his brother Abel. That would serve as an explanation for the second and third races of human-like beings alluded to in the Bible.

So, based on metaphor as per the Bible, Eve is the first Great Whore.
Based on the metaphorical nature of the Bible, it must be assumed that Eve engaged in sex with an animal, then caused Adam to also participate in the immoral act, that being the reason their god treated them so harshly.
As a continuation on this thought, Cain apparently mated with an animal after he was kicked out of the Garden of Delights for having killed his brother Abel. That would serve as an explanation for the second and third races of human-like beings alluded to in the Bible.

So, based on metaphor as per the Bible, Eve is the first Great Whore.

Based on the metaphorical nature of Weezard I would say your full of *$@*. LOL. But I love you anyway. What is the fixation with quessing if people did it with animals?

6. Pamela Anderson
Not one fucking Kardasian or Snookie?

What in the hell is the world coming to when you cannot get labeled as a whore! :mad:
9. Mom Weezard

10. Cousin Judith Mae "Handjob Finish" Weezard
11.) Leni von Riefenstahl
Hitlers prefer her as the best Director
for Movies about his life, biggest thing
was her movie about the Olympic Games
1936 in Germany, Berlin.
Name of the movie

She died 2003 at age 101
12. Grandma Pauline "Gummy Gums" Weezard

13. Uncle Jeb "Call Me Mabeline" Weezard
Irene would make the list, fucked her way into ruling the world. Not bad.