The Good Ship Argyle (Closed)


Randomly Pawing At Keys
Jul 16, 2013
Closed for Momoftwins13

Alister Wood
Age: 29
Average height, but appears tall around other fishermen/sailors. Fair haired with a touch of ginger, mustache & goatee to match; brown eyes, sun spotted skin, and weathered for his years


“Storm’s brewing,” Alister exclaimed through the remnants of his Scottish accent, “came up the wire from Norfolk this morning.”

“Aye? And how bad is she?” asked Stewart when he looked up from the stew.

“Bad, red flags goin’ up in Boston.”

“Jeesus, Mary Mother of Joseph.” Stewart put his spoon back into the stew obviously no longer hungry.

“Ting is, we need to put the Argyle out to sea.” Alister poked at his stew with a little more meaning. Here in the pub, the crowd didn’t need to keep much to themselves, all the talk was about the storm, and the stew was always worth the visit. Most were sailors or fishermen like Alister & Stewart, but they each had their own conversation “She’s runnin up the coast. Port be full by tomorrow, if ya ask me, and every one of them be banging into each other when the blow comes in. Better to take the Argyle outta it.”

Stewart shook his head. “Captain, you’ll got ta get ya halfway ta China to catch cod in this season, don’t ye?”

Alister chuckled and took a swig of ale before answering. He wiped a bit of the drink from his fair haired with a touch of ginger mustache that matched the roughly kept locks on his head. “That’s why you’ll get ye a boat of yer own soon enough. Aye, but we won’t be running cod. We’ll take a load of lumber to St Augustine. The Argyle be safe. We’d make it worth it. Be back in a month.”

Stewart stirred the stew and took another spoonful, “ye ain’t gonna get the whole crew.”

“Nay. Colm McGergor. Billy Doyle. Chester. Yerself, if ya want.”

“Leaving Doogle?”

“Aye. Couldn’t ask ‘im to leave that sweet girl and the wee babe behind to face the storm alone. Theys just newlyweds.” There were more that fished regularly on the Argyle, but Alister expected family first; the boat’s owner wouldn’t have it any other way. Only his first mate had a living wife in this crew, and she was tough as nails.

Alister was about the only captain in Halifax without a wife himself. Not because he was cut to rough around the sails. He was tall, strong, and kindly enough compared to your typical sailors. When he immigrated to Canada shortly after the War Between the States at it’s southern brother, was a fresh eyed catch of the docks. His quick advancement to a captain of a schooner probably helped him draw whatever attention he could want. But Alister seemed to not want, only being found off with a gal after he spent a long night in the pub. None worried too much about it though. It’s well known that some of the finest to sail could only be married to the sea.

“So what say, ye Stewart,” Alister asked with a glint in his eye. “Load up at sunup, like old times. Hit the tide, and spit in the eye of the storm just for a laugh?”

There was a bit of worry in his eye but he nodded, “If there be anyone I’d follow into it, it would be you sir.”
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Julia Greggs
Age: 20
Blonde hair, blue eyes, petite and beautiful, always catching men's eyes

Julia couldn't believe it. She looked around, stricken by panic. Where was her bag of things? Her money, her belongings? They were all gone. Someone had stolen them from under her nose as she browsed among the market. She began to truly panic. What would she do? She was set to head home the next day. How would she get there with no money to pay for a ticket for a boat?

She asked everyone if they had seen someone with her bag but of course nobody had. How would she get back to Florida? She found a pub worth lots of activity where she could easily blend in and sat down to think. As she did she heard several men talking of a ship... And couldn't believe her ears. They were going to Florida. She sat forward and began to listen avidly.

She managed to catch the name of the boat and her hope rose. She could find a place to hide on their ship and get back home. It was a great plan!! Of course she had thought traveling was a great plan too Even though her daddy ha told her it was improper and stupid... But this was a flawless plan.

Quickly she stood and nonchalantly headed towards the harbor scanning every vessel until she found the one called Argyle. A quick glance around revealed nobody and she darted aboard where she found a secluded area with only a few barrels she could hide behind. The perfect spot.

She settled into wait.
Some have called her too fat to fish, some a waste of a good sail, but in the cod fleet of Nova Scotia, few could loom like the Good Ship Argyle. Alister could rattle off what she was to a sailor and could explain it all in choice words: Schooner, Yorkshire Billy Boy with a Ketch Rig; Sixty-Three foot hull built as a trader. It may impress fishermen, but It may not stand out to landlubbers.

To the untrained, the boat was nearly twice as long as the other schooners in the harbor, but since she spent its dock time closer to merchant trans-ocean boats she didn’t stand up to the Galleons and Brigs. The hull in fact would appear narrow to the tall ships, with a flat aft. She had two masts, the main halfway along the hull & a smaller forward of the rudder. Both, when sent to sea, had rectangular sails angling upward to the sky near the top to run with the wind; however, the main included two jibs, triangularly angled sails attached to the rig. She would be quick for her size, but smaller schooners running less tonnage were quicker.

The nice thing about being in port, Alister believed, is a man could appreciate the ship in a way you don’t see when aboard. This morning, like he does before each sail, he took time to look over her to find that appreciation. She was ready to sail early, since most of the rations and drinking water was loaded the day before. By order of the owner, the shoremen fill remaining space on deck with cases of Cod Liver Oil, since one could turn a mighty profit from shipping that.

“We ready boys?” he called to the crew as they finished tying down items and lifting the sails up the masts.

“Just ‘bout captain,” yelled down a gruff old man seeming too old to be up on top the gaff, let along on a boat at all.

“Good Chester, and the rest of ye?” Alister called around the deck.

Steward approached, “tide will start running in an hour, sir. Get ye self settled, and we are be ready to weigh lay.”

“Right,” Alister said with a wink. “Then that’s will be it then.”

He left the crew to work, while climbing down to his cabin below. It was tiny, barely room for a cot and a chest, but it was private as his position required. He dropped his sack on the deck, and slouched onto the cot.

Next to the cot, the wood of the hull was carved with two insignias. As was his tradition when he was about to set sail he made a prayer, his his fingers, and touched the first reciting the latin engraving “tutus in undis”, “safe on the waves”. The engraving matched that of Clan Wood, and was a remembrance to family loss. He kissed his fingers and touched the other engraving, a replica of the Argyle itself. “Watch over us with your blessings Maggie.” He paused long enough to feel that she was with him again, and gave one last thought.

With a smile, he climbed from the cabin, and before he was out he shouted “Weigh Lay, boys,” and in minutes they were to sea.


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Julia could hear shouting and men talking and laughing all around. The crew of the ship had obviously arrived. Julia couldn't even imagine what they were doing just beyond the barrels she stayed behind. She had no knowledge of the sea life and no idea what taking a boat like this out on water took...

It didn't seem all that complicated to her- raise the masts and let the wind blow you, right? She had no clue. She shifted in her hiding place, her muscles screaming with protest of being cramped for so long... She hoped this trip was a fast one. Her legs were already tired from being bent up. She figured that night when everyone went to bed she would get up and stretch, find some food she could snatch and then get some rest.

Suddenly the ship began to move. At first she wasnt positive if they were actually moving or the ship was just rocking. They were on their way though! She had made it undetected! She smiled to herself. Mission accomplished. She was on her way and doing it on her own, without calling her daddy who would have rubbed it in and said "I told you so!"

Who needed that lecture anyway?
Three men hung their feet over the gunwale as they looked up at the first mate eagerly. In the early autumn twilight the first stars began to show. The made worked the stargazer with a growing smile. They had only set sail that morn but already a wager was on the line. When Stewart dropped the stargazer he looked at the map and sketched some notes for their position.

"Well?" Alister asked with almost an edge of disappointment. The storm to the southwest gave a full blow for most the day. They were running close to the wind nearly due east, the boys were tight on the sails. By mid-morning they grew cocky; so the captain made a wager.

Stewart laugh to the crew, "220 knots. Stoke the fire boys, the captain be cooking tonight."

Alister laughed and clapped the crew on their backs. Because they had to sail out of the way of the storm it would be a fortnight before they reach St Augustine, even making this time. But they would be safer way out to sea, and it was worth the wager.

They are mostly hardtack the day, and with how well they worked the boys were hungry. Time to pull the salted pork and ale from the cargo.

The ale the boys took up before sunset, but the pork was well below.

He tossed a few sacks, pulled at a cover on a barrel and found the meat ready for as good of a meal a bad cook like Alister could be.

That's when he heard something. Vermin probably but worth a look. Lifting his latern to see if he could the little bugger.

In an instant he found what made the noise. He instantly angered, because compared to rats this be worse ... Much worse.
Julia heard a man come down close to where she was hiding. He held we breath as much as possible and tried to hold perfectly still as to my alert the man who was close by, rifling through a barrel.

Suddenly she noticed a spider on her leg. Without making a noise she tried to brush it away, but it merely climbed higher upon her. Biting her lol she flipped at it with her hand, and ended up accidentally kicking out at the barrel beside her, making a thump noise.

She saw light from a lantern rise and then a mans face peering down at her. Her first thought was at least she could come out of hiding. Her next was UH-OH... He was mad. Very mad.

"Uh, I can explain" she said suddenly. "Please don't tell the others in here!!"

Her heart was beating furiously within her chest and her palms were sweaty. A small tremble moved through her body at the fury written plainly across this mans face. She wondered if he would tell their captain, and if so, if the captain would drop her off somewhere...

It was a scary thought.
Her pleas were heard, but just added to the den of anger & frustration. Thru the dust of the hold, he took a hard look at the woman; his chin stiffing with the urge to hold his tongue but his face likely turning a fiery red to match the heat of it. In the soft glow of candle, she was clearly a maiden but he could see little else. Except those eyes, fair blue eyes pleading to him. They seemed like large deep pools as blue as the Caribbean. Even in the dark, she shown through those eyes a light bright like the sun.

Yet, Alister was a man of duty first. Duty first meant something had to be done, but in this case, best leave it to the crew to discuss.

Leaving the food behind he started to climb out of the hold, “Come on Lass, Topside with ya,” and waved behind him to have her follow. “Best you come out rather than havin’ to pull yur arse out meself.” He climbed out with her in tow, not moving forward until he knew she was coming with.

When he emerged, the crew circled immediately, and none were too happy.

Colm McGregor, a barrel chested short man started spitting about the stowaway.

The old man, Chester, immediately started calling her bad luck and a danger to the ship.

Steward, older than Alister and just as weather worn, remain quiet and upset looking towards his captain for guidance.

Billy Doyle, younger than the woman himself, just stared at her chest.

Alister waved them to silence, and they obliged dutifully. He turned to the woman, the first time seeing her in the fading daylight. “Alright Lass, you got right now to get out with ye story. What were you doing down there, and what was ya thinking? Tell us your story, or we throw you over the side.”
Another stupid idea. Another HORRENDOUSLY STUPID idea. These men were gonna kill her, she thought as they gathered round, yelling, shouting and looking ready to attack. She was so scared she barely think. They were going to throw her overboard.

The man who had found her was glaring at her and demanded she tell her story.

"I..." Everyone glared. She felt like she couldn't speak she was so scared. She trembled and took a step back. "Please don't throw me over" she said quietly. "I, I lost my bag and all my money and I live in Florida so I thought"... She shrugged and ran out of words... What did it matter anyway?

These men didn't care about her story.

She didn't speak another word but her eyes said it all. She was a helpless woman, scared to death of what lay ahead of her at the hands of these men. She took a few more steps backward, away from them.

"I'm so sorry" she said again, her voice shaking softly.
The crew were up in arms, and for good reasons for the most part. He let them go on some about what should be done, mostly about going back or finding a ship to dump her onto. Some was more cruel. All what he expected, but still needed to be said. Alister only listened to the shouting and calling, before he waved them quiet. They did so on his command, and he respectfully turned to her.

“Here’s where we stand, Lass because you put us up in our ears.” His words came out as reasonable, and seemed stem the tide of anger. “There be a burden of you being here. Another soul, another mouth to feed. We load needed for food & water but be only so much. Bad luck and we be sitting dead in the water for as long as ya rations last. We canna be running down to the local for another loaf of bread you understand. Sure, we can ration what we got, but it could cost us out of our own pay. Ting is, we sailed today to miss a mighty blow, and if we were ta take ye back would mean the blow be giving us all she got. We be in our rights, Lass, to throw you overboard for yer little adventure ‘ere to save ourselves. If we keep ya on board ... at best luck ye be cutting into our livelihood, and could kill us if at worst luck.”

The old man shouted, “and womens is bad luck at sea.”

Alister shot him a glance, and he like the rest of them piped down. He had little doubt he was scaring the woman, but better she knew. “But lucky for ye, we’d be god*fearing men. You seem to be a good girl, but you need ta give us a good reason to risk tings for you. What be so important with Florida to risk all our lives?”
Julia stared with wide eyes at all of the men before her. Stupid stupid stupid idea to come on this boat. "Florida... It's my home" she said as if that explained. "I have no job here... I couldn't support myself... I... I need to get home".

Her eyes pleaded with the men to understand but she was getting no sympathy. Their eyes were hard as steel and told her that they didn't give a damn what happened to her.

"I had no other option" she said softly. She took another step backwards and bumped against the railing and her heart nearly beat from her chest as she almost lost her balance. That would have solved these men's problem...

"I won't get in the way and I, well I don't eat very much at all... Look at me, I'm tiny" she pleaded. "I will stay well out of the way. I won't bother you at all... Just, please, please let me stay..."
Alister listened, then turned back to the crew. “What’ya think boys?” he asked solemnly. He could see their opinions were split, either from the concern they have for what they would face or how’d they be judged by the maker for throwing a helpless girl to the sea.

After a pause of silence, the young lad Billy Doyle spoke up, “She can share my bunk, sir.” Billy was a bit of a pervert for being a kid, so this got a laugh from the boys; Billy probably meant it though.

“She probably rather jump off ship herself,” spat Colm.

When the laughter died some, Stewart, being the good mate he is spoke for the rest of them. “Yur call Captain, we go with whatever ya say.”

So there it was, the weight of another’s life scaled against the weight of the crews. He doubted that she understood what they were against, doubted anyone on land would. Yet it is not the judgement of landlubbers that worried him. He thought of what Maggie would tell him to do, but what Maggie would do is what all misguided landlubbers would do.

At that moment, the main sail above them gave a muffled flap and pulled tight against its ropes. Without their attention it luffed for time. Now the sheet went taut, and a gust that propelled it pushed the boat up a few more knots. To Alister, the Argyle was making it’s vote into the question; a full sail in a good wind, and the decision was made.

“We make good time, this keeps up could make St Augustine in a fortnight. We should be safe.” Besides Stewart, he could hear some disappointed noises from the boys, except one. “And she sleeps in my cabin, Billy,” which got the last of the boys disappointed. “I reserve me right to change my mind though, Lass. And no, you won’t stay out of the way. On MY boat, everyone works. That starts with dinner tonight.”
Julia's heart was practically in her throat as she waited for these men to make a decision. One boy who kept leering at her chest suggested she stay with him and her eyes went wide with fear. This boy wouldn't know what to do with a woman probably but the thought was still frightening anyway.

Finally the captain spoke up and Julia felt her heart begin to beat again, although double time. He said she could stay for that time being and Julia's scared face broke into a stunning smile that lit up her features. He insisted she would stay in his cabin and her eyes darted that way. Could she trust him? Truth was he seemed like her safest bet. And he was handsome on top of it all, she thought with an uncharacteristic smirk.

The man who she realized was captain said she would work for her keep starting with dinner. Right. She could do that.

"Uh, yes sir" she said before turning to him. "I don't know boats" she admitted. "Just once if you could show me where everything is I will be good for the rest of the trip!"
They set to it then. Alister directed the crew to show her what she needed. Cooking stove, a meager whale oil device, was put to work with the captain showing it’s use leading to cooked pork with baked before they set sail. For the most part, the crew were silent to the woman. Showing her what to do, answering her questions, but wouldn’t engage in the most simple of conversation or interest in her.

Stewart was maybe the warmest. While the captain took the help as the boys started to turn in, Stewart took a few minutes to show the woman key things to be aware of, what could swing and hit her, where to walk to keep on her feet, and where the boys kept their chamber pots so she doesn’t mistake them as cooking gear.

When it was settled Stewart tried to give warning to her. “The Captain, he’s a good man. He saved ye life, he did. Best remember that to keep him happy.” He stopped and realized something in his words, “Sorry, that came ye wrong, with ye in his cabin. Ye be fine in there, Lass, he sleeps most nights topside. Plus he dunna touched a lady like yourself since he sailed from Scotland.” He stopped again, rethinking, “That tis, he had a lady then, not that he donna touch ladies.”

To stave off further embarrassment, he pointed towards the door heading to the Captain quarters. “Your bunk be down there. Captain may sleep topside, so make yerself cozy. He told’n there a sack of the cabin boy’s with shirts and pants and tings; if you wanna change.”

Leaving her quickly to it without another word, the mate reported back to the Captain. What he knew what he could expect, which wasn’t much or more than what he knew already. Alister listened, but was distant, lost in questioning his own decision. In time, Stewart urged him to go look on the lass, since at the least she couldn’t be trusted in his room to pilfer it.

So that’s what he did, he left the post. Not sure if she would be sleeping or not, he crept into the room, looking in to see to the stowaway.
Julia managed to put together a meal for the men on the ship- it wasn't anywhere near a decent one but it was the best she couldn do with what she has and the men didn't seem to mind it. She ate the tiniest amount she could get by with, just enough to stop her stomach from growling.

She was definitely an outcast among the men. Not that she expected any different but she had to admit a little conversation would have been nice. Eventually one man introduced himself as Stuart and told her a few things about the ship and the captain. He said she would be safe with the captain which for some reason helped her relax a bit. He showed her the captains quarters and where she could find spare clothes which was a treat to her.

Stewart told her to go settle in so she did that. She went down to the room and looked around. It was small but clean. Much better than her hiding spot out on the deck...

She slipped out of all of her clothes and underclothes, and put on a mans shirt and pair of pants to sleep in so she would be more comfortable. The clothes dwarved her petite body and hung on her like a flour sack.

She finally lay down up the bed and tried to rest. Sleep didn't come easy. The motion of the boat combined with her restless mind wouldnt let her. She lay there staring at the ceiling.

After a bit she's heard the cabin door open and froze in the bed, her eyes wide to try and see who it was.
Alister stopped at the door, peering through the darkness towards the bunk where he was sure she was at. With a practiced hand, he pulled a match from a catch and lit a lantern just inside the door.

He was taken aback when he saw her. He agreed to her sleeping there, was his idea, but still different to see one in the place that was his sanctuary. She lay there awake wrapped in sheets and loose clothes making her look younger than he remembered. Alister remembered those eyes, the ones that found him in the cargo hold before. Bright, wide, deep. They stayed on him surely from a twinge of fear, but touched a part of him that felt like his own fear.

He pulled his eyes away and stooped to push a few of his own clothes off the floor and into a sack. “‘Taint a royal’s quarters, but ye find yaself comfortable lass?”
It was the captain who entered the room then. He was allowed, she reminded herself. This was HIS bunk. She was a leech upon him. His muscular frame filled the doorway as he stood there staring for a moment before moving into the room.

Those few seconds made her incredibly aware of why a virile man he was. He was the kind of man women fought for... And yet he thought she were scum. A crook barely worth saving. And it was true. The crook part at least.

"I'm more comfortable than I feel I have the right to be" she said quietly in response to his question. "I know you all don't believe me but I really didn't mean to have this happen. I... I was just desperate to get home where I belong".

Her eye sought his but it was too dark to truly see his expression.
He grabbed a shirt from a hanger, heavier than the one he had on, and draped it over his shoulder with the intent of changing. He considered being discrete in front of the lady, but it was his cabin even if she slept there.

On his chest was a tattoo rough sketched and sloppy. The image was that of the Argyle and a mirror of the carving along the bunk. Where the tattoo was located stood out right above his heart.

“If ya don’t mind me asking,” he said as he pulled the heavier shirt over his arms. “Whater’n ya doing Halifax, if ya home is in Florida? How’da lose ya tings?”
Julia quickly averted her eyes when the captain took his shirt off. It wasn't proper to see him like that. She felt herself blush and was glad for the darkness to cover that. She had seen, however, the tattoo and the well defined muscles upon his cheat and the image was seared upon her mind.

"I was traveling" she informed him. "Seeing the world a bit. And when I was at the market, someone swiped my bag with everything in it. EVERYTHING. I was due to leave in two days and had no way of doing so... So I did the only thing I could think after I heard of you all coming to Florida. I was in the pub... And well like I said. I was desperate".

She looked at him and shrugged. "I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. I'm not the type to usually do anything like this but.. I didnt think I had another option".
Her story was reasonable enough, believable enough. Still, he’d have to deal with it either sometime on this trip or when they arrive. He looked back at her, and even in the layers of large clothing and blankets she was quite fetching. He felt an urge to stay, but it wouldn’t be proper.

He reached to the floor again to grab a bed roll for on deck. That’s when he noticed the pile of her clothes, complete with undergarment. When he stood he looked to her to say something again, but couldn’t help to think of what lie underneath the cabin boy’s shirt she wore.

Staring at her, feeling that he would make it awkward soon, he cough and turned to the door, remembering what he intended to say. “Keep in mind Lass, we maybe sailing ya home. The Argyle, she IS our home. I know it be difficult, but respect what ya donna know.”
She saw him look down at her discarded clothes and blushed furiously. She should have stowed them away somewhere instead of leaving them out in the open like that. Julia heard his words and nodded quietly. "Yes sir" she replied.

The captain turned to walk out and Julia stopped him. "Sir," she called out. "Can I ... Can I ask your name being as I'm gonna be sleeping in your bed? It only seems appropriate..."

She hesitated for a moment. "I don't expect you to sleep up there actually. I can sleep up there..."
“Wit all due respect, Lass,” he said turning back to her, “unless you can show me ya sea legs, I dunna think it be safe for ya to sleep up there. She rolls on a rouge, and over you go. And we donna need Billy takin’ da night watch just so he can watch you sleep, if watch is all he does.”

He stopped at the door, and reconsidered, “Sorry lass, that was crass of me. We be all Godfearing, like I said.” Turning back, his mind again started to fill with what she hid under those clothes. Godfearing, indeed, he cursed to himself. He collected himself some before continuing, “but the sea, she can make a man …” He faded off a bit, then turned towards the door.

“And … around the boys, it is Captain. Always.” Looking over his shoulder, “tis Alister. Alister Wood.”
The captains comments made Julia a little more fearful of the men aboard the ship. She knew they were god fearing but she also knew the captain had been about to say that the sea could make a man do strange things...

Alister. She liked his name but didn't say so.

"Alister", she said aloud. "Please don't let me kick you from your bed. I feel bad enough as it is for putting you all in this situation. At least let me sleep in here on the floor while you take your bed. It is the least I can do for you after you stepped up and didn't... Well you didn't throw me Overboard".
When she offered to take the floor he weighed the options. Be unfair to make her sleep on the floor, though she is no passenger and it is his head. The boys would think the worst about sharing the cabin with her, but he did say this would be the case. There would be no impropriety if she was on the floor and he in the bunk. Moreso if she did wish ill will to them, he could keep an eye on her here.

“Aye then,” he said, “have the floor.” He untied the bedroll and threw it to the thin strip of floor not taken by the bunk or desk in the cabin and started preparing it for her.

That’s what he told himself, but an idea of what could happen floated in his head. What he could see as she prepared herself for bed, how the clothes she wore could move about in the night. When those ideas glimpsed through his mind, he cursed quietly and went about the business of preparing himself for the bunk.
Julia nodded when Alister agreed to her question. She realized she wasn't properly dressed to stand before a man- in men's trousers and shirt- but nothing about this situation was proper at all. Sharing a bunk with a man... It was unheard of.

Slowly she stood from the bed and walked to the bedroll on the floor. It looked extremely uncomfortable and she sighed inaudibly. The quarters were tight and she had to slide by Alister to get to the bedroll.

Her body brushed against his as she did and startled, her eyes flew to his and she moved away quickly.

"Sorry" she mumbled quickly. With that she lay down on the roll and moved to try and get comfortable in the cramped conditions.
As the prepared themselves in his quarters, he did what he could to avert his eyes. When he caught himself letting those eyes wander where they shouldn’t he caught only suggestions of what lied beneath. She was utterly careful.

In one moment they did touch, and he could feel how close her warm flesh was through the clothing. There was an instant dark thought to pull those threads from her, weak in his mind but strong enough to rattle to his consciousness. When her eyes locked on his, her light soft eyes against the dark brown pools of his, it wrapped him in desire and fear. Where was this coming from inside of him, and worse could she tell it was there.

He quickly moved to the bunk, laid into it as he had done for years, and went to blow out the lantern when he saw she was settled. “Goodnigh’ Lass.” he said just before the room fell into darkness.

As he collected his thoughts, trying to let his tired bones rest, his mind went to Maggie like it usually does at these times. Instead her face became less clear to him, weakened by another. Soon the stowaway’s face replaced it, and the images of the rest of her in a fantasy. Groaning as these disreputable thoughts entered his head, he huffed & turned in frustration. This was going to be a long voyage.