The Global Protest against the p_p_DonWAVIANS...

Especially those of you in the NHRE (New Holy Roman Empire - EU).
SINthysist said:

Spoken like a true believer in Free Speech, the American Dream, the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights who is thoroughly confused by the Patriot Act and the slow transformation of America from a Democracy to a Dictatorship...

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

President-Elect George W. Bush, CNN News, Aired December 18, 2000


If you were in Amerikkka, I'd re$pect your right to free $peech!


:nana: :nana: :nana:
SINthysist said:
If you were in Amerikkka, I'd re$pect your right to free $peech!


:nana: :nana: :nana:

Hand me a gun someone...

I wanna shoot those fucking bananas...


Re: Re: The Global Protest against the p_p_DonWAVIANS...

p_p_man said:
Spoken like a true believer in Free Speech, the American Dream, the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights who is thoroughly confused by the Patriot Act and the slow transformation of America from a Democracy to a Dictatorship...

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

President-Elect George W. Bush, CNN News, Aired December 18, 2000 :p ppman

I think you have said it all, ppman . . .

Spoken like a true believer in Free Speech, the American Dream, the American Constitution and the Bill of Rights who is thoroughly confused by the Patriot Act and the slow transformation of America from a Democracy to a Dictatorship...

"If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

President-Elect George W. Bush, CNN News, Aired December 18, 2000

Brought to you by the Bush Family Dynasty, puppets to the U$ multinational corporations . . . purveyors of the U$-Iraq Imperialistic War for Control of Undeveloped Middle East oil Reserves . . . :)
Look how much America has advanced

Only after the last tree has been cut down,
only after the last river has been poisoned,
only after the last fish has been caught,
only then will you realize that money cannot be eaten.
--The Cree People

From The Ayn Rand Institute

...Huge tracts of Arctic land are off-limits to productive enterprises, in order not to disturb the caribou and the ice floes. Mining is prohibited when it disturbs the movements of snakes. Mosquito- and alligator-infested swamps (euphemistically called “wetlands”) are deemed sacred, not to be defiled by manmade drainage.

The incalculable damage inflicted on human beings by such prohibitions is immaterial to environmentalists. They have abandoned even the pretext of holding human happiness as their ultimate purpose. In its place, as the open secret which the public is unable to take fully seriously, is the premise that nature must remain unchanged as an end in itself. It is the premise that nature must be protected, not for man, but from man.

All the condemnations you have heard against “excessive consumption” — all the exhortations to “recycle,” to “conserve energy,” to “save the earth” — have, as their motivation, a vision of the crudely primitive state of this Eskimo. That is his environmentalist nirvana — which he seeks to make yours as well.

At root, environmentalism is a systematic campaign to make man feel puny. It is a screed against self-esteem. It tells man to proclaim his own insignificance and to tremble before the mountains and the insects. It tells man that he — like his primitive ancestors — must regard nature with mystical, quivering reverence. It tells man that nature is not to be commanded, only obeyed.

By Peter Schwartz
Hey! hey! ho! ho!....

All that Socialist paranoia has got to go!

No booze for Earl!
Re: Hey! hey! ho! ho!....

Lost Cause said:
All that Socialist paranoia has got to go!

No booze for Earl!


The only true method of Government...


...and that government of the people, by the people, for the people shall not perish from the earth."

So what happened America?

"The People" are still in charge...

Until the grass stops growin',
the wind stops blowin',
and the rivers stop flowin'!

We just got through with the Clintonistas being impeached, lying under oath, misuse of a public institution, but still being praised by the Internationalists. When the bad odor is finally cleared from the houses of government, it'll be even better here. I hear he might be moving back where the Tories belong, that should improve the standards over there for political affairs.
SINthysist said:
Fawking New Deal

What new deal, SIN?? . . . You gettin' paid to sample Jack Daniels now . . . couldn't be Johnnie Walker, that's a British brand . . . unpatriotic . . . :)
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (I know it's spelled wrong, but we always say FDR and I didn't want you to have to stand up ;) ) New Deal.

The first big swindling of the Republic as DeTouqueville's (again sp?) and Franklin's(Jefferson's?) admonitions came together at one fell time.

Democracy can exist only until the Public learns that it can vote itself the largess of the Public Treasury and those willing to trade freedom for security deserve neither...
Sorry, pp, Don, and REDWAVE...

I have to agree with SIN on this one. It's so much easier to spend one's life with one's head stuck up one's own arse. Who, in that position, would want to have their world view contradicted by someone else?

That's why SIN wants you to shut the fawk up!

Last edited:
He's got it!
Yeah baybee, he's got it!
I'm your Venus!
I'm your fire!
At your desire!

:nana: :nana: :nana:
SINthysist said:
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (I know it's spelled wrong, but we always say FDR and I didn't want you to have to stand up ;) ) New Deal.

The first big swindling of the Republic as DeTouqueville's (again sp?) and Franklin's(Jefferson's?) admonitions came together at one fell time.

Democracy can exist only until the Public learns that it can vote itself the largess of the Public Treasury and those willing to trade freedom for security deserve neither...

So FDR was wrong to start the New Deal which put jobs and money with the American working class, who responded by electing him President three times . . . much to the annoyance of the Republicans who then changes the rules limiting the Presidential term to two elections . . . except in the case of the Bush Family Dynasty when Daddy George can rule for at least three terms and possibly five if he does the right thing by the CIA and other unfettered secret police agencies . . . can you see it now . . . vote Bush or I will indict you for unAmerican activities . . . :)
Sins just feeling left out. The whole world is against him and his redneck bumchums and that makes him irritated.

Top story on the news on Saturday was protests all over the world.

Nothing like a bit of global solidarity to give you a rush. but the big protest day is Feb. 14. That's where you'll see the streets filled across the planet.

Even though the White House said yesterday that Saddam can go into exile if he wants. About face! Retreat!!

Coolville said:
...Even though the White House said yesterday that Saddam can go into exile if he wants. About face! Retreat!!


Only because they know no one will have him. Libya offered assylum but only to his family, not him or his psycho son Uday.

FEB 14th for a protest? They hoping to get all the sad lonely single people out together in the hope that they can score? "Protested against the war on Iraq. Not really interested but I thought I might pick up a bird on the demo..."

Yeah, the Kyoto Gang Reunion tour...

Some of those guys still think Jerry Garcia is alive and they're still on tour.

Rednecks are in the South.

We were Bible Thumpers who started the Civil War to free the slaves... We went over into Missourah and killed Rednecks!

The New Deal was the underpinnings of the socialist state over the Republic. A Republic shattered by the loss of States Rights with the loss of the South in said Civil War. The New Deal was just the next logical step for the creation of Big Brother, All Hail Our Ford...
Coolville said:
Sins just feeling left out. The whole world is against him and his redneck bumchums and that makes him irritated.

Top story on the news on Saturday was protests all over the world.

Nothing like a bit of global solidarity to give you a rush. but the big protest day is Feb. 14. That's where you'll see the streets filled across the planet.

Even though the White House said yesterday that Saddam can go into exile if he wants. About face! Retreat!! :p

Hey Coolville . . . how's the happy Hafnian tonight??

The Rumsveld offer of exile stinks of a scared oligarchy . . . 200,000 march against Dubyah Shrub in Washington . . . similar numbers in Europe . . . the strategy of U$ deception and double dealing being exposed on the public Internet for all to see . . . U$ corporate profits crashing as 1,000,000,000 Arab people chose NOT to buy American goods and services . . . over $US700 billion of Arab investment money being transferred OUT of America and into Europe because the EU is considered more sympathetic to Arab society . . .

So . . . we will forgive Saddam Hussein his "Crimes Against Humanity" . . . because he was doing them under contract to U$ multinational ordnance suppliers on behalf of the U$ military) and just take the Undeveloped Oil Reserves as a little piece of U$ carpetbagging . . . sort of payment for all that preparation that is no longer needed . . . unless we do an Andrew Jackson and divert into Iran while the U$ is there already . . . after all, the Iranian mullahs helped Ronny Reagan get elected, so they can be the next former allies that the U$ invades . . . :)

I wonder if we can organise a march here for the 14th February . . . would be good to demonstrate in support of world peace . . . got any contacts, anyone?? . . . (the CIA need NOT apply) . . . :)
When the Earth was new...

I used to go to anti-war protests to get a free high, and to get laid. Never carried a sign, but planted my flag quite a few times. I found that the clueless protest chicks were the most gullible, and easiest to get in the weeds. I supposed it hasn't changed much, since they use the tired old slogans as back then. I kept beating the absolute shit out of the morons that waved the NVA flag around those events, I'm glad I haven't changed. See ya on the streets.