The Gallant Chateau

Knock knock

Left the invite back home. Had come to borrow your animal kingdom encyclopedia
Yes the X had me stumped so I cheated and used your wifi and googled
I am gonna now out of the animal game for a bit. What's here to eat?
Hash browns and sausages plz. I am famished. I bought some freshly baked butter cookies for you.
Stopping in. Did I hear something about breakfast? Thought I smell deliciousness in the air.
I try. What would you like? Pancakes, sausage, and hashbrowns with fresh fruit, coffee, and OJ are available. :)
Good morning darlin' :kiss:
Thought I'd stop by..Do you have coffee here too..?

Good morning to Lizzie as well :rose:
Morning Candy :kiss:

I am afraid I must dash.
So long Gallant. And thanks for the brekkie.
Hands you a plate with pancakes, honeydew, strawberries, and blue berries with a glass of oj.