The funny thing about conservatives..


Really Really Experienced
Mar 16, 2004
Is that they say they want small government, but every one of their policies creates a bigger government.
Is that they say they want small government, but every one of their policies creates a bigger government.

This is completely retarded on so many levels, its mind boggling.

I assume this is a statement that if you don't oppose any limits on behavioral vice you're supporting "big government." In fact, the real reason liberals support behavioral vice is because its harmful to people who then need government to care for the side effect of the booze, drugs, promiscious sex, gambling, etc, thus expanding government even more. To oppose vice, is to support an overall shrinking of government. Again, if that's what you're referring to.
This is completely retarded on so many levels, its mind boggling.

I assume this is a statement that if you don't oppose any limits on behavioral vice you're supporting "big government." In fact, the real reason liberals support behavioral vice is because its harmful to people who then need government to care for the side effect of the booze, drugs, promiscious sex, gambling, etc, thus expanding government even more. To oppose vice, is to support an overall shrinking of government. Again, if that's what you're referring to.

How about schools, marriage, & women's choices?

Why don't you love this country & freedom?
How about schools, marriage, & women's choices?

Why don't you love this country & freedom?

Schools? More specific please?

Marriage? Getting rid of it would I suppose shrink government, but most people don't support that yet.

Women's "choices"? Huh? Huh? Huh? What the fuck is this even supposed to mean???????
The size of the debt was increased four-fold in the 12 years before Clinton and over doubled during the time of GWB.... The numbers don't lie...republicans are not for small govt, they are for kicking the can down the road while giving corporations and the wealthy as much of a cut as they can grab until the next democrat administration tries to reverse it.

The OP didn't say anything about was a direct challenge to republican talking points that are SIMPLY NOT TRUE.
The size of the debt was increased four-fold in the 12 years before Clinton and over doubled during the time of GWB.... The numbers don't lie...republicans are not for small govt, they are for kicking the can down the road while giving corporations and the wealthy as much of a cut as they can grab until the next democrat administration tries to reverse it.

The OP didn't say anything about was a direct challenge to republican talking points that are SIMPLY NOT TRUE.

Republicans aren't necessarily the same as conservatives, anymore than Democrats are necessarily the same as liberals.

I can't speak for Republicans, I support the Constitution Party this year.