The "Fuck you cancer!" thread

Good heads up for all. Funny you let everyone know about the scammers. I had one call me tonight. Breast Cancer of Florida, but by the time i got to the phone they hungup. Boy I was going to let them have and shock them with the tumor I got..

But on another note. This is where I have been on one of my researches... Looks like just good healthy food for you, loaded full of B-17.

Been here. Doc OZ believe or not. Ran across it by accident on one of my Google searches...

And finally here, if worse case scenario tomorrow at Doc appt. The center is only about 30 minutes from the house

So see all my is on the up and up not from any scams or scammer on my research online...:)

You know, we should all eat like this... not just wait until our bodies go off course.

I hope you'll keep us posted on how the alkaline stuff works.
You know, we should all eat like this... not just wait until our bodies go off course.

I hope you'll keep us posted on how the alkaline stuff works.

Yes you are so right cookicat. But you don't think about any of this till it hit home. Like as a example a four way intersection that keeps getting wrecks, take a few fatalities before they install a traffic light instead of stop signs.

I never thought about spinal cord injuries till my wife had a bad car and we went through all of it. To make story short...She was paralyzed from her neck down when she got to the hospital. But after surgery at Emory University and a month of rehab at the Shepard Spinal Center , both in Atlanta. She was able to walk again. That's been almost 10 years now. Yes she still has some paralysis, but to see her you wouldn't know it. Except for the scar on the front of her neck and the back.

Yes I do believe in prayers and saw miracles do happen at the Shepard Spinal Clinic.

Also heard about another thing, but don't know any truth to it. Mixing backing soda and Blackstrap Molasses kills cancer cells.. The molasses is like Trojan Horse for the cancer cells that gets the soda there to cancer cells thinking it is sugar likeand backing soda is for the alkaline. Cant hurt ya. Might make you poop like a racing horse is what I thought. I have found out that cancer does not thrive in a alkaline versus loves acidic things. Found this out on a lot of websites.

Looks like the Cancer Treatment Center of America has nothing but good options versus what my doctor wants to do. Just cut my bladder out. I am not living like that or my quality of life. I watch my step-dad go through all that. No way you cut and butcher me like that, is how I see it.

But who is to say it works or not. Guess the jury is out on that and I am going to ask tomorrow about it. Can't hurt to ask.

excuse any of my misspelled words to:D
Your body regulates its internal pH levels regardless of your diet. Considering that you're eating enough substances to produce both acidic and alkaline fluids, your internal pH will remain constant regardless of how heavily you're eating foods with alkaline properties. Any excess just gets soaked up through your kidneys and disposed of.

Not that an 'alkaline diet' is a bad thing, cutting down on your intake of certain foods is a good thing for sure, but the acidic=bad alkaline=good hypothesis is just another unsubstantiated dietary fad, like a few years ago when gluten-free was trending. But the soda + Molasses thing sounds like dietary voodoo, if it were such an effective treatment against cancer then wouldn't oncologists prescribe that first before moving on to surgery and chemo?
(Well maybe they wouldn't in the USA because everything is privatized over there...)

Try not to get your information from sites that aren't verifiably grounded in actual scientific consensus. Even if you try something that sounds harmless enough to be worth a shot, we've got no idea what's going on internally because of it and it could be harming you. I recommend the NHS' website, CDC, the journal "Oncology", and other such sources to get information on lifestyle changes that might help combat the effects of cancer. Since from them you know you're getting the scientific consensus and not some anecdotal claims from internet anonymises.

Just be immensely sceptical of anyone trying to sell you something...
Be safe and here's hoping you'll be OK. :rose:
Thanks Elle -
Mom has had some of the worst and most unusual complications and side effects that her MD's have ever seen with chemo.
But she now has an end date. August1
Big sigh of relief that she will begin to feel better in the not too distant future.

Hopefully the side effects will prove to all be reversible.

Yayyy!!! Happy to hear an end date has been chosen....hoping your Mom is hanging tough and the side effects give her a break...
Your body regulates its internal pH levels regardless of your diet. Considering that you're eating enough substances to produce both acidic and alkaline fluids, your internal pH will remain constant regardless of how heavily you're eating foods with alkaline properties. Any excess just gets soaked up through your kidneys and disposed of.

Not that an 'alkaline diet' is a bad thing, cutting down on your intake of certain foods is a good thing for sure, but the acidic=bad alkaline=good hypothesis is just another unsubstantiated dietary fad, like a few years ago when gluten-free was trending. But the soda + Molasses thing sounds like dietary voodoo, if it were such an effective treatment against cancer then wouldn't oncologists prescribe that first before moving on to surgery and chemo?
(Well maybe they wouldn't in the USA because everything is privatized over there...)

Try not to get your information from sites that aren't verifiably grounded in actual scientific consensus. Even if you try something that sounds harmless enough to be worth a shot, we've got no idea what's going on internally because of it and it could be harming you. I recommend the NHS' website, CDC, the journal "Oncology", and other such sources to get information on lifestyle changes that might help combat the effects of cancer. Since from them you know you're getting the scientific consensus and not some anecdotal claims from internet anonymises.

Just be immensely sceptical of anyone trying to sell you something...
Be safe and here's hoping you'll be OK. :rose:

Yes i know that and have read a lot about how your body regulates it.

It has been tried in Italy but they laughed at him. Dr. Simioncini. But we all know how the pharma industry($$$$) is too. Sometimes you got to think outside the box. Heck no, not crazy to harm myself with quick said cures. And smart enough not spend money on snake oil.

I don't trust CDC or anything our Government has its hand in. I still say they use us like guinea pigs... We didn't have all this cancer years ago. The facts are there to see, just have to look it up for yourself and see it. But if this Doc is just interested in a quick cut and fix instead of other options then I don't need him either. I already have other options lined up with my Regular Doctor, if this Urologist chooses only the cut it out of me, like using drugs to just treat the symptoms instead of treating the underlying cause. My regular Doc even said whoa slow down way to many other options, but lets see what your results are first before we take next steps. He was already mentioning to my wife, before I came out recovery last week, cutting the whole bladder out. Nope don't think so till i get 2nd or even a third opinion. You don't know till you walk inside somebody else shoes. We have a great Med Center where I work, plus they got your back and lookout for you on matters like this.:) They have already called two other places for me, but like I said, see what results are before we can step another direction.

Just quick links I found. There are lots of Youtube videos with him explaining it. Interesting. Only research for me.

Thank you for hoping the best for me Consilience:)
Reading researching and seeing so much out there versus cutting... Even changing diet to go more towards the alkaline food side instead of acidic food.:)

Will relay the info and let all know when I do tomorrow.

Hey Cascadia. How you doing lately?

I'm good Devl4fun...
good luck with all the approaches you are trying.
sending you hugs and kisses for a good outcome.
It would be a terrible option to just take your bladder...

good thoughts and prayers for you.
My best friend for many years, my roommate at one point was battling cancer. I say was because I saw on social media yesterday that he lost his battle. We had a falling out years ago but reconnected a bit. It was never the same, but I still can't believe he's gone.
My best friend for many years, my roommate at one point was battling cancer. I say was because I saw on social media yesterday that he lost his battle. We had a falling out years ago but reconnected a bit. It was never the same, but I still can't believe he's gone.

Sorry for your loss especially since you just reconnected...did he have a family?

Okay here goes. More bad news Doctor wants to cut it all out. I am like whoa whoa back the horse up away from the cart.... He said C2 right now for the bladder cancer. I figured it was, so news didn't shock me. Got copies of all my med records and going back to my work med center and take it from there tomorrow. Looks like headed for chemo and radiation. Will try to hold off on the Chemo if I can. If I cant then well will do it.

Will be going head first into this and not looking back either. Just going to hang on for the ride. Going to to the Cancer Treatment Center of America for 2nd opinion and then I already have another Doc about one and half hours from me lined up to, So all options are being laid on the table now. That's about where I stand now.
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Okay here goes. More bad news Doctor wants to cut it all out. I am like whoa whoa back the horse up away from the cart.... He said C2 right now for the bladder cancer. I figured it was, so news didn't shock me. Got copies of all my med records and going back to my work med center and take it from there tomorrow. Looks like headed for chemo and radiation. Will try to hold off on the Chemo if I can. If I cant then well will do it.

Will be going head first into this and not looking back either. Just going to hang on for the ride. Going to to the Cancer Treatment Center of America for 2nd opinion and then I already have another Doc about one and half hours from me lined up to, So all options are being laid on the table now. That's about where I stand now.

Damn...hoped for better news for you Devlishone4fun. Wish you all the best in making the tough decisions regarding your treatment and I will continue praying for you.
Thanks Elle -
Mom has had some of the worst and most unusual complications and side effects that her MD's have ever seen with chemo.
But she now has an end date. August1
Big sigh of relief that she will begin to feel better in the not too distant future.

Hopefully the side effects will prove to all be reversible.

:rose:Hi cb, I'm so glad your mom has an end date for her treatments. She has definitely had a tough road. I hope all goes well and she crosses the finish line with flying colors.

I went with my brother to his local oncologist earlier this week. Bad news. The increased pain in his back are additional tumor sites in his spine. The tumors in his liver are larger also. He's off his second course of chemo drugs and now starts a new medication. This shit may cause horrible oral ulcers and lung complications. I swear the "treatments" are as bad as the disease. FYC!

Prayers and positive thoughts to you and your mom....your entire family. :heart:

I never thought about spinal cord injuries till my wife had a bad car and we went through all of it. To make story short...She was paralyzed from her neck down when she got to the hospital. But after surgery at Emory University and a month of rehab at the Shepard Spinal Center , both in Atlanta. She was able to walk again. That's been almost 10 years now. Yes she still has some paralysis, but to see her you wouldn't know it. Except for the scar on the front of her neck and the back.

Yes I do believe in prayers and saw miracles do happen at the Shepard Spinal Clinic.

Looks like the Cancer Treatment Center of America has nothing but good options versus what my doctor wants to do. Just cut my bladder out. I am not living like that or my quality of life. I watch my step-dad go through all that. No way you cut and butcher me like that, is how I see it.

But who is to say it works or not. Guess the jury is out on that and I am going to ask tomorrow about it. Can't hurt to ask.

:rose:Sending you positive thoughts and prayers Devilishone....I'm so happy you live close to top notch care. Keep being vigilant with your options and treatment. I hope for all the best for you. :rose:

Okay here goes. More bad news Doctor wants to cut it all out. I am like whoa whoa back the horse up away from the cart.... He said C2 right now for the bladder cancer. I figured it was, so news didn't shock me. Got copies of all my med records and going back to my work med center and take it from there tomorrow. Looks like headed for chemo and radiation. Will try to hold off on the Chemo if I can. If I cant then well will do it.

Will be going head first into this and not looking back either. Just going to hang on for the ride. Going to to the Cancer Treatment Center of America for 2nd opinion and then I already have another Doc about one and half hours from me lined up to, So all options are being laid on the table now. That's about where I stand now.

Hugs sweetie, and I just send you a PM.
Good Morning all.
I got number 7 of chemo yesterday, yeah one more to go.
Than a month of much needed rest, September my reconstruction surgery and than 35 days straight of radiation. But the end is finally in sight.....

HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU ALL :kiss::kiss::kiss::rose::rose::rose::heart:
And F***** YOU Cancer

2 pics ;) when I started chemo always took a number picture so here is 7
the other one is , I started a board with the 100 days of chemo treatment, every day I cross one off. It so helped me to see it reducing to right now the last 13 days till I get chemo 8.


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Hugs sweetie, and I just send you a PM.

I got the pm Emma, just read it and replied back. Long one, well not really that long lol:D

Hopeful that so far everything is working out on CTCA for me. Talked to them yesterday and now my ball is rolling their way.:)

I know I let Emma know this in my pm and if any of you ever have any doubts about anything, keeping praying... This is one of the things that I mentioned to her in my reply back.... Prayers get answered in all kinds of ways we don't think about.

What I said to Emma:

I know this might sound funny or not to you. But while they, CTCA, had me on hold on the phone. I was sitting outside on my cell while talking them. I looked up at the clouds and the sky I said to myself "I know you made and are making this phone call happen. Thank You Lord! Just a strong and overpower feeling I had.
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I got the pm Emma, just read it and replied back. Long one, well not really that long lol:D

Hopeful that so far everything is working out on CTCA for me. Talked to them yesterday and now my ball is rolling their way.:)

I know I let Emma know this in my pm and if any of you ever have any doubts about anything, keeping praying... This is one of the things that I mentioned to her in my reply back.... Prayers get answered in all kinds of ways we don't think about.

What I said to Emma:

I know this might sound funny or not to you. But while they, CTCA, had me on hold on the phone. I was sitting outside on my cell while talking them. I looked up at the clouds and the sky I said to myself "I know you made and are making this phone call happen. Thank You Lord! Just a strong and overpower feeling I had.

Hey sugar, hope things go well with your appointment at CTCA - have heard good things about them.
Keep the faith, I know you are strong. Hugs and keeping you in prayer.
It's not me. It's the power of the Hating Ghost, speaking through me.




FY, C.




Just FY.


I get that. I really do.

Maybe, like the Whos, if every one of us can utter our own tiny "fuck you."

Well, maybe a “A fuck you's a fuck you No matter how small.”

MWY agrees: FYC.
Good Morning all.
I got number 7 of chemo yesterday, yeah one more to go.
Than a month of much needed rest, September my reconstruction surgery and than 35 days straight of radiation. But the end is finally in sight.....

HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU ALL :kiss::kiss::kiss::rose::rose::rose::heart:
And F***** YOU Cancer

2 pics ;) when I started chemo always took a number picture so here is 7
the other one is , I started a board with the 100 days of chemo treatment, every day I cross one off. It so helped me to see it reducing to right now the last 13 days till I get chemo 8.

Emma, you rock girl !! So proud of you.

Okay here goes. More bad news Doctor wants to cut it all out. I am like whoa whoa back the horse up away from the cart.... He said C2 right now for the bladder cancer. I figured it was, so news didn't shock me. Got copies of all my med records and going back to my work med center and take it from there tomorrow. Looks like headed for chemo and radiation. Will try to hold off on the Chemo if I can. If I cant then well will do it.

Will be going head first into this and not looking back either. Just going to hang on for the ride. Going to to the Cancer Treatment Center of America for 2nd opinion and then I already have another Doc about one and half hours from me lined up to, So all options are being laid on the table now. That's about where I stand now.

The news sure sucks! But CTCA sounds like a great choice! Positive thoughts and prayers are headed your way!!! And BTW.....FUCK YOU CANCER!
Good Morning all.
I got number 7 of chemo yesterday, yeah one more to go.
Than a month of much needed rest, September my reconstruction surgery and than 35 days straight of radiation. But the end is finally in sight.....

HUGS AND LOVE TO YOU ALL :kiss::kiss::kiss::rose::rose::heart:
And F***** YOU Cancer

2 pics ;) when I started chemo always took a number picture so here is 7
the other one is , I started a board with the 100 days of chemo treatment, every day I cross one off. It so helped me to see it reducing to right now the last 13 days till I get chemo 8.

Congratulations sweet Emmy! The light at the end of the tunnel *SS* Hugs, kisses, positive thoughts and prayers are always on the way sweetie!!! :rose::rose::rose:

Good news (sort of)....I had some testing done and the initial reports look very good...

Some more testing this week but cautiously optimistic that I may be in remission...
Good news (sort of)....I had some testing done and the initial reports look very good...

Some more testing this week but cautiously optimistic that I may be in remission...

OMG! that is awesome :)
I am cautiously jumping up and down for joy for you. :rose:
Good news (sort of)....I had some testing done and the initial reports look very good...

Some more testing this week but cautiously optimistic that I may be in remission...

Hooray!!! Glad for the sort-of good news :D :rose:
Good news (sort of)....I had some testing done and the initial reports look very good...

Some more testing this week but cautiously optimistic that I may be in remission...

That's awesome!!!!! Congratulations. Hey guess what.....Fuck you Cancer!!