The fascist menace


Urban Jungle Dweller
Aug 26, 2001
The 1930's, the era of the First Great Depression, spawned a massive upsurge in fascism, especially in Europe. In Italy, Benito Mussolini had taken power in 1922. The Western "democracies" were actually quite friendly with fascist Italy for many years. They envied the fact that as a dictator, he was able to crush the labor movement and impose subservience and docility upon the workforce. But Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1933, and his subsequent rearming and remilitarization of Germany, came to eventually pose a threat to the Western "democracies." One reason Tory British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler at Munich was he was sympathetic to fascism, and wished he could wield the same kind of power in his country that Hitler wielded in Germany.

Today, we are in the midst of a severe global economic crisis, a worldwide recession/depression ("recession" is actually just a euphemism for "depression"). Just as in the 1930's, this has resulted in another upsurge in fascism. We have seen that with LePen's strong showing in the first round of the recent French elections, Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands, Jorg Haider in Austria, etc. We see it also in the racist scapegoating of immigrants, in both Europe and North America, blaming them for the failure of the capitalists' system. Capitalism in its decay and decline inevitably casts aside the pretense of "democracy" and degenerates openly into outright fascism. But unlike the 1930's, when the fascist menace emanated mainly from Nazi Germany, today the fascist menace emanates mainly from the United States of AmeriKKKa.

The blatant stealing of the Presidency in plain view of the American people by a candidate who failed to receive even a plurality of the popular vote, and had to resort to widespread fraud and disenfranchisement of African-Americans in Florida in order to engineer a majority in the Electoral College, marked a open break with the traditions of "democracy" which had served to give the U.S. government a veneer of legitimacy, and gulled the simple Simons into supporting it. Of course, "democracy" in America had always been a sham and a fraud, as the rich manipulated the political system to ensure only candidates acceptable to them could get elected. But in the aftermath of the 2000 election, all pretense of democracy was jettisoned. This was because the ruling class realized it would never accomplish its reactionary agenda, deeply unpopular with the American public, by democratic means.

Just as Hitler engineered the Reichstag fire shortly after becoming power, in order to create the pretext to assume dictatorial powers, Bush engineered the Sept. 11 attacks to provide him with the pretext for a massive assault on civil liberties and basic democratic rights previously unheard of in U.S. history. Not even during World War Two, when the nation faced a far greater threat than a ragtag band of "terrorists," has the U.S. government assumed such dictatorial powrs. The passage of the "Patriot" Act, the rounding up of over a thousand Arab-Americans shortly after 9/11 without any charges being brought, the establishment of a concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay in total violation of international law and fundamental human rights, the widespread intimidation and persecution of political dissenters, the TIPS program, etc.-- all these together added up to an unmistakable drive toward a fascist police state.

In the area of foreign policy, the U.S. government assumed a stance of aggressiveness and bellicosity which the world has not seen since Nazi Germany. Ultimatums were delivered to the entire world ("You're either with us or against us"), the hapless backward country of Afghanistan was invaded and ravaged, U.S. bases (already established in a great many countries) were established in many more countries, especially in Central and East Asia. A noose was drawn around China. Fuehrer Bush established a new "strategic doctrine" of "preemptive strikes," essentially a blueprint for aggression against any country which might dare to challenge U.S. world domination. Now Iraq is in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism, threatened with open, naked, brutal aggression by the greatest military power on earth.

We live today in dark and ominous times, which are likely to become much darker before we see the light. Only the mobilization of the social power of the international working class, and worldwide socialist revolution, can end the fascist menace once and for all, and liberate humanity from the clutches of capitalist exploitation and oppression.
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Common Sense Comrade says:

There have been fascists that were much worse than Bush,he's not even close to the top ten.

Spelling Buddy says:


so now you have all your rhetoric on one thread?

retarded, truly retarded. you don't need unemployment you need disability.

you never settle or conclude one thread you live for controversy.
At last! At last REDWAVE provides us with a solution instead of just bellyaching. Here it is:

Only the mobilization of the social power of the international working class, and worldwide socialist revolution, can end the fascist menace once and for all, and liberate humanity from the clutches of capitalist exploitation and oppression.

What do you think? Can one big labor union do all that? Can it restore democracy and personal freedom in the West? Can it remove despotic tyrants, restore peace and build harmony among nations in the Middle East? Can it eliminate human rights abuses in the Orient? Can it ease the African AIDS epidemic? Can it do all that and still keep the trains on schedule?

Tell us how, REDWAVE!
Ah yes. See the light. The shining light of civil war. Of forced collectivisation of farms. The light of the gulag.
Pagliacci said:
Common Sense Comrade says:

There have been fascists that were much worse than Bush,he's not even close to the top ten.

Spelling Buddy says:


Who are they then?

Hitler, Mussolini and....?

phrodeau said:
What do you think? Can one big labor union do all that? Can it restore democracy and personal freedom in the West? Can it remove despotic tyrants, restore peace and build harmony among nations in the Middle East? Can it eliminate human rights abuses in the Orient? Can it ease the African AIDS epidemic? Can it do all that and still keep the trains on schedule?

Tell us how, REDWAVE!
Of course not. The same old problems will continue — in fact, they'll get worse — but at least he'll be happy then. His ass-kissing to the socialist elite would mean he wouldn't have to stand in the bread lines like every other miserable motherfucker.

Hey, RED, I won't go through your rambling bullshit and shred it point by point if you just do one thing — Please cite evidence and support for this:

Shit shoveled by REDWAVE
Just as Hitler engineered the Reichstag fire shortly after becoming power, in order to create the pretext to assume dictatorial powers, Bush engineered the Sept. 11 attacks to provide him with the pretext for a massive assault on civil liberties and basic democratic rights previously unheard of in U.S. history.
If not, I will consider you of no higher intelligence than a chimp with a word processor (the oft-repeated catchphrases smack of constant cutting and pasting), and my "debate" with you will reflect that.

Re: Re: The fascist menace

HeavyStick said:

so now you have all your rhetoric on one thread?

retarded, truly retarded. you don't need unemployment you need disability.

you never settle or conclude one thread you live for controversy.

Brilliant reply!

Well done!

My, my, how some people can get grumpy!

anyway, the German Justice Minister compared Bush to Hitler a couple of days ago, which didn't tickle the White House's fancy, needless to say.

she said that Bush's tactics, kicking up the dust about Iraq, is merely a "classic tactic" which distracts from all of his domestic problems. "A tactic that Hitler used well".

And for the moron who has a "spelling buddy" (kind of like the teacher and Mr. Hand from South park?)

Fuehrer is the accepted English spelling of Führer. ü is ue in English. Just as ø is oe and å is aa and æ is ae... etc.
Oh and relating to the REDWAVE thread yesterday about the CIA/FBI having info beforehand...

on the news last night Eleanor Hill, head of the Congressional Hearing regarding CIA/FBI incompetencies on sept 11, said that both agencies recieved a reliable tip that Osama had plans to fly planes into selective buildings as early as 1996. (previously, the date was 1998).

Both agencies failed to follow up on the tip.

short term memories....

Don't forget the Clinton tactic of bombing Yugoslavia, and blowing up an aspirin factory to cover his butt at home. As for Nazis, who knows best than those who were, Germany and what was Denmark during the war? And while Hitler was being appeased, what were they calling Churchill?
As for Worker revolution, they wouldn't show up! They'd just consider it free time off to go fishin'! :D
Clinton is no better than Bush - he just has personality and intelligence.
Funny how yanks always try to use the same tactics as Hitler...

"You're facist war mongering morons!!!"
"Yeah, but remember the second world war!"

"What about the 40 million Americans living under the poverty line?!"
"Yeah, but remember the second world war!"

"Sept. 11th was your own fault"!
"Yeah, but remember the second world war!"


As though it bears any relevance. But it's a good "distract their attention" tactic. Classic.

You are, indeed, Bush's pocket puppet.
Focus people. Focus.

U.S. eyes pilot with ties to al Qaeda
By Bill Gertz

U.S. intelligence agencies are looking for a missing Sudanese air force pilot who is said to be planning to hijack an airliner and fly it into the White House.

The pilot was trained in Afghanistan and is linked to the al Qaeda terrorist organization, The Washington Times has learned from U.S. intelligence officials.
An intelligence report on the missing pilot was sent to U.S. policy-makers last week. The report said the pilot had entered Canada last week and was in that country preparing for the attack.
Canadian authorities, however, had no records indicating the pilot had entered the country. The name of the pilot is known to U.S. intelligence, but officials declined to disclose the pilot's name.
Spokesmen for the CIA and FBI would not comment on the matter.
Vincent Cannistraro, a former CIA counterterrorism official, said U.S. intelligence agencies receive a "blizzard" of intelligence reports from around the world. The problem is trying to verify the information, he said.
Intelligence officials have said that one potential target of the hijacked jetliner that crashed in rural Pennsylvania on September 11 was the White House. The hijackers also may have planned to fly the aircraft into the Capitol or the Pentagon.
Sudan is on the State Department's list of state sponsors of international terrorism, although the Khartoum government condemned the September 11 attacks and pledged to cooperate with the United States in fighting terrorism.
A State Department annual report on terrorism said Sudan "stepped up" counterterrorism cooperation with U.S. agencies. However, the report stated that "a number of international terrorist groups including al Qaeda, the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Egyptian al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya, the Palestine Islamic Jihad, and Hamas continued to use Sudan as a safe haven, primarily for conducting logistics and other support activities."
Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was based in Sudan until his expulsion from the country in 1996 and resettlement in Afghanistan.
The report on the Sudanese pilot comes as U.S. authorities say al Qaeda is decentralizing its leadership. Al Qaeda cells in up to 60 nations are said to have authority to conduct terrorist attacks with relative autonomy from the leadership, according to U.S. intelligence officials.
Meanwhile, the FBI on Wednesday sent a notice to law-enforcement agencies around the country warning that terrorists may attempt to hijack airliners using new methods.
Officials said the missing Sudanese pilot and the FBI notice are not related.
The FBI also said al Qaeda is attempting to find new ways to sneak bombs onto aircraft using undetectable explosive material.
The notice was sent despite the fact that the information was obtained before the September 11 attacks.
The FBI said there is no new information indicating that terrorists are planning attacks.
The FBI notice said al Qaeda members had talked about "hijacking a commercial airliner using Muslim extremists of non-Arabic appearance" to avoid scrutiny by security personnel.
The FBI said the information was based on discussions among 10 to 20 Chechen Muslims linked to the al Qaeda network who are living in the United States.
The terrorists spoke of sitting in the first-class cabin and then taking control of the aircraft by overwhelming the crew.
The terrorists also spoke of smuggling liquid explosives onto aircraft by mixing the fluid with coffee and carrying it on board in hand-held baggage.
Officials confirmed the details contained in the FBI notice after it was first reported by ABC News.
He just showed up with no paperwork, picked a new name, and took advantage of Canada's WONDERFUL ENLIGHTENED IMMIGRATION POLICY which is going to eventually FORCE us to close the border and create a new enemy out of an ally...

Wake up CANUCKS!

Not to mention the reports that the next tactic is to use dissatisfied non-Arab muslims in the US to launch new attacks. Now are they talking about the Johnny bin Lauden's or the Farakahn Brigade and all thos African-American converts from our prison system...

FOCUS REDWAVE FOCUS - They hope to incite race war...

No Excuse for Child Abuse!!

teddybear4play said:
Of course not. The same old problems will continue — in fact, they'll get worse — but at least he'll be happy then. His ass-kissing to the socialist elite would mean he wouldn't have to stand in the bread lines like every other miserable motherfucker.

Hey, RED, I won't go through your rambling bullshit and shred it point by point if you just do one thing — Please cite evidence and support for this:

If not, I will consider you of no higher intelligence than a chimp with a word processor (the oft-repeated catchphrases smack of constant cutting and pasting), and my "debate" with you will reflect that. TB4p

Great sig, TB4p . . . I hope they catch up with this "lady" real quick . . . Your ingenuity is a true public service. :)
The 1930's, the era of the First Great Depression, spawned a massive upsurge in fascism, especially in Europe. In Italy, Benito Mussolini had taken power in 1922. The Western "democracies" were actually quite friendly with fascist Italy for many years. They envied the fact that as a dictator, he was able to crush the labor movement and impose subservience and docility upon the workforce. But Hitler's rise to power in Germany in 1933, and his subsequent rearming and remilitarization of Germany, came to eventually pose a threat to the Western "democracies." One reason Tory British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain appeased Hitler at Munich was he was sympathetic to fascism, and wished he could wield the same kind of power in his country that Hitler wielded in Germany.

Today, we are in the midst of a severe global economic crisis, a worldwide recession/depression ("recession" is actually just a euphemism for "depression"). Just as in the 1930's, this has resulted in another upsurge in fascism. We have seen that with LePen's strong showing in the first round of the recent French elections, Pim Fortuyn in the Netherlands, Jorge Haider in Austria, etc. We see it also in the racist scapegoating of immigrants, in both Europe and North America, blaming them for the failure of the capitalists' system. Capitalism in its decay and decline inevitably casts aside the pretense of "democracy" and degenerates openly into outright fascism. But unlike the 1930's, when the fascist menace emanated mainly from Nazi Germany, today the fascist menace emanates mainly from the United States of AmeriKKKa.

The blatant stealing of the Presidency in plain view of the American people by a candidate who failed to receive even a plurality of the popular vote, and had to resort to widespread fraud and disenfranchisement of African-Americans in Florida in order to engineer a majority in the Electoral College, marked a open break with the traditions of "democracy" which had served to give the U.S. government a veneer of legitimacy, and gulled the simple Simons into supporting it. Of course, "democracy" in America had always been a sham and a fraud, as the rich manipulated the political system to ensure only candidates acceptable to them could get elected. But in the aftermath of the 2000 election, all pretense of democracy was jettisoned. This was because the ruling class realized it would never accomplish its reactionary agenda, deeply unpopular with the American public, by democratic means.

Just as Hitler engineered the Reichstag fire shortly after becoming power, in order to create the pretext to assume dictatorial powers, Bush engineered the Sept. 11 attacks to provide him with the pretext for a massive assault on civil liberties and basic democratic rights previously unheard of in U.S. history. Not even during World War Two, when the nation faced a far greater threat than a ragtag band of "terrorists," has the U.S. government assumed such dictatorial powrs. The passage of the "Patriot" Act, the rounding up of over a thousand Arab-Americans shortly after 9/11 without any charges being brought, the establishment of a concentration camp in Guantanamo Bay in total violation of international law and fundamental human rights, the widespread intimidation and persecution of political dissenters, the TIPS program, etc.-- all these together added up to an unmistakable drive toward a fascist police state.

In the area of foreign policy, the U.S. government assumed a stance of aggressiveness and bellicosity which the world has not seen since Nazi Germany. Ultimatums were delivered to the entire world ("You're either with us or against us"), the hapless backward country of Afghanistan was invaded and ravaged, U.S. bases (already established in a great many countries) were established in many more countries, especially in Central and East Asia. A noose was drawn around China. Fuehrer Bush established a new "strategic doctrine" of "preemptive strikes," essentially a blueprint for aggression against any country which might dare to challenge U.S. world domination. Now Iraq is in the crosshairs of U.S. imperialism, threatened with open, naked, brutal aggression by the greatest military power on earth.

We live today in dark and ominous times, which are likely to become much darker before we see the light. Only the mobilization of the social power of the international working class, and worldwide socialist revolution, can end the fascist menace once and for all, and liberate humanity from the clutches of capitalist exploitation and oppression.

Great post, Redwave . . . the similarities are too, too close . . . I think that Bush Senior is trying to establish the US Fourth Reich . . . just like grandaddy Prescott Bush provided financial services for the Nazi Third Reich . . . keeping it in the family, so to speak.

Hi Mr CIA Man, having a nice evening?? :kiss:

Don, you better hope they don't appoint me Govenor of the New State of OZ...
I'll give you BUSH did it on purpose. Okay?

I'll give you AMERICA and the Capitalistic Stock Markets are about to collapse.



I almost weakened and posted a response to Redwave. No, it's too crazy. Don, you're getting pretty far out there too.

Sin, once you consolidate your power in your new regime, can I have something? France would be good. I kinda like the pastry. The skiing isn't bad either. I'd even share it with the supportive people from the UK.
Coolville said:
...anyway, the German Justice Minister compared Bush to Hitler a couple of days ago...

that's not correct...

She's only said, Bush was trying to distract public interest from USinternal probs when focusing on his "anti-Hussein" campain.
Like Maggie Thatcher did whith the Falklands. She then added, it has to be considered a concept that worked since those days of Hitler.

Isn't that something different ?
Hello Rex, how are you? Yes, that makes a big difference, thank you for clarifying it.

However, most of the people that are posting on this thread are not really interested in reality or the truth (so usually I just ignore them).

Hope you have a good weekend.
Reply to phrodeau

Once capitalism has finally been overthrown, the toiling masses will then be able to proceed to the building of socialism worldwide. Instead of multinational corporations based in the advanced countries exploiting the less developed nations and sucking wealth out of them, workers in the advanced nations will go to the aid of those in the less advanced, bringing their standard of living up to parity with ours. Massive public works projects will guarantee full employment at a living wage, rebuild the crumbling infrastructure, and provide a level of public services-- roads, schools, hospitals, parks, libraries, museums, etc.-- unparalleled in all of human history. Borders and armies will be abolished, and the entire world united peacefully in a federation of workers' states. Power will flow from the bottom up, with the local workers council, where all will have an equal voice, as the base. There will be total equality of all races, both genders, all religions, etc., and all forms of discrimination and bias will be swept away. Bureaucracy and corruption will be guarded against by two simple measures. First, an easy, effective right of recall of all public officials, should a majority become disatisfied with them. Second, all public officials, even the highest, will serve at ordinary workers' wages. Once socialism has been established, police and prisons will virtually disappear, as the main cause of crime, poverty, will no longer exist.
LovetoGiveRoses said:
Hello Rex, how are you? Yes, that makes a big difference, thank you for clarifying it.

However, most of the people that are posting on this thread are not really interested in reality or the truth (so usually I just ignore them).

Hope you have a good weekend.

hi LTGR, i'm doing fine, ty

Well, I consider Coolville a pretty intelligent and educated guy, Though i don't agree with some of his POVs I've seen some valid points in his statements. That doesn't really matter since i like clever conversations and intelligent discussions anyway.

In this case he just trapped into some misguiding reports, we're now discussing on the entire day here in Germany. Pre-election irritations on purpose I suppose.

I must admit that i don't support the governing party of chancellor Schroeder and i personally don't like the Justice Minister Mrs. Hertha Däubler-Gmelin. But she just didn't say what some papers tried to put into her mouth....