The Elder Dragon (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
Luna Fox didn't have anything so what the people were about to do would not matter to her, she had no family since her mother died giving birth to her and her father killed and right now? She was just worried about the moment. She did not think Dragons were monsters, frankly she thought humans were monsters. That they were a violent species since what you could not control or understand people would fear and kill.

Frustrated the hell out of her it really did, right now? She was beyond frustrated and pissed off. She had been helping dragons since she was old enough to, since she was six years old she did it. Now at the age of 18 she was about to be hung for it. Someone had caught her and now? She was terrified about dying, though she knew she had no regrets. Dragons were beautiful creatures that were dying, and she would keep helping them.

Everyone was spitting at her feet and trying to get her face, people yelling and hitting her with sticks. And even hit her with stones, but she would not allow anyone or anything to hurt her spirit. She would not beg she would not cry, hell she did not even want to bleed but she had no choice in that. Right now she just wanted them to hurry up and kill her. It's not like they could take any more from her.

But in the distance she thought she heard a roar, she had no idea if she was hearing that right. She figured if it was a dragon maybe it would eat everyone, course would probably eat her as well. But she stood at the hanging noose as her hands were tied behind her back. A woman came screaming saying it was "him" and when she said him everyone knew it was the father of all dragons, the biggest dragon ever.
Deep blue eyes had seen centuries pass over the world. Eyes that had watched lakes form to rivers, mountain explode with the molten core of the earth and the sky scorch the plain of grass with a single flash of light. The Earth for the longest time was its own architect, until the hands of man began to dig greedily into the dirt. It became harder to tell who was the master of whom anymore. The skies belonged to him and the Earth, the mortal could never take that from him.

Those eyes had watched the human walk naked along the woods. He never thought they would be capable of anything that he had seen now. They only grew bolder in time, risking everything they had for the spark of ingenuity. Each century brought such leaps and bounds to the mortals realm. Art, culture, and war were they're domains and they only seem to grow ever more creative. But when you have lived as long as this creature, you learned patience. With eternity at his whim he had all of time to learn but he wasted not a moment.

Some of his kind grew stale and lazy, focusing on their greed and lust. Others far too bold pushing for power against all they surveyed...greed. It was in they're blood that greed, it would be as their gift and curse. Greed though had slain many of his children and his children's children. But time builds an armor around you, the scales begin to harden to a metal beyond steel. Now those blue eyes stared deeply at the mortals. In a state of utter hypocrisy by the look of it.

Mortals feared what they did not understand. It was the mob mentality...where there was once an individual, it seemed to alter by adding another man or woman to the stage. It changed them into a hive mind of social constraints. Humanity never ceased to surprise him nor did it cease to reach his expectations.

As the young girl held herself ever resilient, in the face of utter hatred those dark blue eyes stared from miles away. Those eyes alone pulsed with a construct of ephemeral energy bleeding from them, the construct moving into shapes and colors. Words formed from the ducts of his eyes, spelling out with glaring red. They spoke of hatred, traitor, bitch, whore. Leading from those eyes were there should have been brows came long shards of scale connected to bone. A snout raised into the air to smell his surroundings.

The creatures head twisted in wonderment...where was the fear? Those put before the mercy of the mob, there was always the smell of fear, despair...hopelessness. Yes from this maiden there was a stalwart foolish courage or perhaps acceptance of fate. As the massive creature breathed in, perched on a shard of mountain side, legs the size of silos flexed and forced the ground below it to bend. Hind legs found their stance quickly and the front leg stretched up. A great gust of wind left as the creature unfolded a pair of arms connected to the shoulders. No hands were attached to the expanding arms and from the limbs connected a lighter scaled webbing of prismatic flesh. The wings of this creature seemed to alter color with the rays of the sun glancing off.

With a sudden burst of energy the span reached to its full length and the wind fled away from him. As the creature breathed it reared back on those muscled hind legs and bellowed forth a sound that was almost an energy in itself. The bellow of this beast unleashed itself upon the world, he wished the world to know that he approached...a fairer warning that many did no receive. A roar that simple told existence 'Here I am, and I am Here.' A bellow from the Father of Dragons, a being beyond legend and of a near demigod status. A myth among even dragons at this day and age. Malekrosh, The Wyrm of Sovereign.

Quite suddenly the creature ejected from the peak, nearly decimating the stone from its place. This mortal...this woman...where was her fear? All of them had fear, only legends of men spoke of those without fear in their hearts. Where was hers? Did someone steal it, was there something in his horde of treasure missing? There was no subtlety in his actions as he went straight to this town that held the woman in question.

Luna could feel the wind began to stir as the wing span of the beast began to alter the very course of the wind. Animals could already feel his presence arriving, horses reared back, dogs began to bark and rats began to flee.

A lone archer perched on a tower was strumming his lute when he felt the change of his surroundings. When his lute seemed to strum its own tune from the forceful gale. The archer pushed back his hooded jerkin to see the beast approach. He was trained to do one thing at such a sight.


Malek breathed in once again as he began to approach this city...a scent became quite familiar to him. There was the fear he expected, sometimes mortal never surprised. Today though...he would find the unexpected.


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Luna was terrified that she would die today but would not give the villagers the satisfaction by writhing in pain and begging. That was now how she worked that she knew all to well, the way the woman announced it she had a feeling she hadn't just seen it and thought it was just because she was tired. Or some stupid nonsense like that any way, right now? She did not care what was to happen here. He could easily kill her without much of a thought, step on her accidentally and it wouldn't by an accident.

From up above she saw it circling her and grew rather curious as to what was going on, but she watched him closely and right now? She did not seem to worry about it killing her, if he had that intention perhaps he would have killed her already. She wanted to get out of the bindings and that was hard enough as it was. Right now? She did not seem to give a shit what was to happen to them, but she grew use to it. Now would come the trick where everything had its place and a place for everything.

Moments like this were just to few and far between, now would come the day she would not want to ever do, now? She was just worried about every little thing. Closing her eyes as everything in her just froze her, like she was just waiting for someone to pull the lever and kill her. But this dragon was a mystery she had never heard of a dragon protect a human before. Perhaps the baby she saved was his?" And the baby dragon just told him, she had no idea how special that would be for her.

Life was precious she knew and when she opened up her eyes, she was thinking of a poem she had made up years ago. It was about a panther but it could be about what he was as well, smiling a little as she remembered it. No one seemed to care how things happened, and right now? She was just satisfied that life went on after a while. Now however this was all there were, her heart beating quickly. Moving her heart all over the place as she grinned, her mind going all over as she began to think.

"His gaze, from staring through the bars has grown so weary. That it can take in nothing more, for him it is as tho there were a thousand bars. And behind the thousand bars no world. As he paces in cramped circles, over and over. His powerful strides are like a ritual dance around a center. Where a great will stands paralyzed. At times the curtains of the eye lift without a sound, and a shape enters. Slips through the tightened silence of the shoulders, reaches the heart and dies."
As the great wyrm flew over the town, the town began to prepare for its invader. It simply needed time to amass the militia, prepare the artillery and mount the defenses. No creature of such a size had been seen in years. Luck was with Luna that fear overwhelmed the towns folk around her and began to scatter the guards. Luna could feel the slight tug of the hangman's noose around her neck. And though she felt a slight push as panic set into the people; she could feel control enough to not fall from her post.

Luna's soft yet strong voice spoke enchanted words into the sky, some looked upon her as if she spoke a spell. They screamed her to be a witch, the dragon's wench, a demon spawn. Her words caused the head of the dragon to look her way immediately. He stopped what he was doing to listen to her, a fairer bard he had not seen in many a year. There was no meak nature of her voice and her eyes held back hidden strength reserved by wise intention.

As he listened to her words though a wave of shadow crested against the sun for a moment. Something zinged and graced off the scales of Malek, leaving a burning residue against him. A volley of arrows pinged to no avail against his flesh. Some of those arrows began to rain down on Luna. The wooden planks holding her up were pierced by flaming arrows. Several more of the arrows came her way. A few of the planks around her began to twist as they yielded to the flame.

Malekrosh then moved as a falling javelin towards Luna. The beast locked onto the eyes of the dark haired maiden, a look that spoke far more then words. With a powerful thud he landed before Luna giving shake to the ground. One last arrow was passing by him and the eyes of Malekrosh pulsed an emerald green, with a sheen passing down his wings. The arrow was going right for Luna until a green ephemeral hand brushed the feathers of the arrow to move its path. The arrow was but arms length from her when the ephemeral hand began resembled the claw of Malek; it brought the arrow to a dead halt defying gravity and it fate to end Luna. The fire tipped along the arrow began to dance and move erratically. Its movement lead the flame to leap from the arrow onto the rope of the noose. Soon the flesh of her neck would be free of the ropes grip.

As she gained her freedom, the massive creature stared at her with a wizened and grim look about him. Then its neck bowed closer to the young woman, his deep blue eyes almost as tall as her torso. Then with an ancient voice, it began to speak. As it spoke she felt an energy cast over her body, like the feel of soft silk start from her toes and she could feel it end upon reaching her ears. What was at first unknown sounds became words.

"Who are you, maiden?! Speak your tongue so that my questions may be sated."
She felt the way he moved around, almost like the ground could not stand to be this close to him. But smiling at him? She was a little worried about all things great and small. Watching him as she felt herself becoming free. She could do anything she wanted to, smiling a little more as everything just seemed that more special. But when he spoke in her language it was curious as to why he could do it. Right now she was far from afraid, and watching him with young curious eyes that she had.

Then before she could think the question rang into her head, she smiled a little bit as everything ended. "My name is Luna Fox, I am being hung for saving dragons like yourself from the hands of humans" She said simply. Showing everyone she would be open to what he said because she would never get enough of him. Her heart was pounding and right now she moved her head back murmuring. Not caring what would happen, not giving to shits about much and was happy looking up into his eyes.

"Why do you ask?" She said bowing her head to him in respect, something humans did not do for dragons.
There was a fae nature about her, the way she looked upon him. She stared at him as if she were a friend she had not seen for many a year. Her token of respect was noted to bow at a superior entity was a natural custom. There was something he had not anticipated though, she asked a question back rather calmly. Most mortals dared not speak unless spoken to. Yet this one felt no hindrance in her nature, no barrier or constraint. Her soul seemed to burn by a different fire, stoked by a drive of a different nature.

"You seem to lack something...the weeds of your people seem to have shriveled. Yet I see before me one rose among them that stands firm yet soft upon my eyes. Your petals do not wither or curl into nothing. You do not tremble, nor shake....where is your fear? Was it stolen from you? Did you trade it for those eyes of yours, such wild irises?" He spoke in such a strange way, one that only time and the mysterious of the world would influence. Malek had met humans who worshiped dragons in the past, many a tyrant had a thrall of mortals to exploit in his time. It had simply been some time since he had seen a cabal of humans who held the dragon high.

As the dragon spoke, she could feel a strange energy wisp around her. Lightly it graced and danced around her skin. It glowed of a deep red, as his eyes pulsed of a similar color. The construct of his will trailed against the base of her past the curve of her ear. His head twisted ever so slightly as his tried to recall the seemed ever familiar to him.
Luna looked up at the dragon curious as to what it was talking about, she could not help but be rather curious about him. She knew one thing he was very old perhaps even the first dragon. But he was beautiful as well and knew he had plenty of life left within him. She tilted her head to the side a little bit as she heard what he said to her about her fear. It was so strange how he spoke but she enjoyed it. And since she had nothing to fear from him it would be easier to just relax and wait this out.

"Not sure what you mean, I have fear but I don't show it. Since I think some emotions are weak and do nothing good. So I just shut down most of my emotions, it is hard but I manage just fine" She said with a look on his face, it felt nice and amazing to just allow everything to come full circle with her. Things happened but there was nothing to do right now? She just could not help but really feel things. And this was about to get even more complicated she knew that now.

"Why do you as Dragon?" She said simply crossing her arms over her chest and smiled big time he truly was different. She began to wonder how the youngling she saved was doing. She hoped he or she got in safety okay. But no place to really stop and ask her, she was just happy what he was willing to do, now? She just did not seem to give a shit. Loving him was different and perfect. Moving her head back as she closed her eyes "So what do you plan on doing to me?"
"All creatures feel fear... it all depends upon what summons that fear and how you crush it." The human spoke wisely, for one so young and fair she spoke the ages as her guide. Yet within the way she responded to him was almost unnerving the slight pride in him wounded. Malek knew humility and he was not beyond an equal possibly smaller then him....for now. Speaking of smaller then him, Malek turned his head to gain view of the men pulling out gunpowder cannons. The defense force had been mounted, they were ready for their counter offensive.

Malek made his choice as he looked upon Luna, a debt needed to be paid for this moment. The pieces began to fall back together in his mind; this mortal was owed one life. He did not wait for her permission, his left claw reached out for her with sudden rush. Quickly his fingers that could crush bark into powder, carefully wrapped around her body. The scales of his claw contoured to her ample frame. To answer her question the dragon spoke as he unfurled his massive wings. "Whatever I wish and when I wish it."

Before the cannons could fire upon them, Malek took in a deep breath. With Luna brought in close and away from him mouth; she could still feel a furnace of heat building past his razor teeth. With a quick roar he let out a wall of flame at the cannon and the men who operated them. The gunpowder soon found its flame from the dragons fire, and it lit up a section of wall. Chucks of stone and debris flew past and around Malekrosh. The dragon raised it wing to protect Luna from the collateral damage.

"You have more answers to my question...I will have them. You will call me Malek." He spoke with a matter of factness about him; this voice of his spoke as if an emissary of God himself. A force of will behind every word he spoke. "And you should hold on to me." After he gave fair warning, he burst into the sky with great speed; Luna could see the rush of cannon balls zing by them. Arrows carving through the air, but within his hand Luna was safe from the hatred of man.

A cannon ball hit against the side of Malek and his body curved to continue his flight. His course rapidly changed and he saw his target. An artillery line had built up along the southern wall of the town. A furrow grew on the dragons brow, and once again he took in a sharp breath. This time though there was no the immediate heat. However Luna could feel goosebumps crawl along her skin and she felt sparks of energy coming from Malek. Live wire voltage began to build in the mouth of Malek and a sudden massive bolt of lightning went through the metal cannons. The voltage set off fires in the would and fried poor souls who wore metal on there person.

The spark once again set another explosion along the gunpowder weapons. Thunderous boom wailed along the fortifications ripping the massive longs asunder from the force of the explosion. With that last offensive the dragon began to fly slowly rising into the sky line. They barely cleared the tree line of a great forest and began heading towards a nearby lake.
In moments such as this she heard what he said to her, she did not fear him at all because she knew he was a good person. He may have been a little closed minded but when your people were hurt and killed she understood that. Sighing right now she did not even know what to say to him. But she noticed her people getting ready to attack and not just with tiny little swords that would just piss a dragon off. She grew really worried about if they could take him down, perhaps this was why the Adam and eve story happened.

With comes knowledge comes ignorance that couldn't be blamed on anyone but themselves. But when he grabbed onto her how it was easy for him to just squeeze her enough to crush her, but something about him made her trust in his words. She had no idea what answers she truly had but would do anything for him really. She just nodded to him and he did not need to tell her to hang on. She was hanging on for dear life, she hated heights. But trusted the mighty beast.

But then he got hit by the cannon and now she grew worried. She had been a healer to her people and so wasn't her mother and grand mother. She did not know if she could do anything for a dragon. But she placed her hand over the fresh wound he wasn't bleeding but it had to be hurtful. Her soft small gentle hand went onto his skin and a small white light surrounded her hand and into the dragon helping clear up the wound. she smiled seeing she had done it.

"A life for a life Malek"

In that moment she felt safer with him and knew all to well that his name meant great one. But what no one knew was with all the lives she had saved of his people at one point. She knew the language he spoke though it was hard since she didn't have the long jaw to pronounce certain things but she did it okay for a human. She noticed where the target is she sighed a little bit. "Why save me Malek i mean I know i have helped at least 5 of your children but are they still alive?"

She sighed a little bit 'my people have been trying to turn your children into beasts of war, claws with no will or songs of there own. To destroy the enemy without killing our own on the fight.
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