The devil drinks PEPSI


Jul 4, 2002

I was forwarded this message, I think we've found some dissention in the propagandist's ranks.

Each person has their own set of beliefs.... I forward this to
you as information only, not to offend anyone or force my opinion on you. your choice ....
Pepsi has a new patriotic can coming out with pictures of the
Empire State Bldg. and the Pledge of Allegiance on them. But Pepsi forgot two little words on the pledge, "Under God." Pepsi said they did not want to offend anyone. If this is true then we do not want to offend anyone at the Pepsi corporate office. If we do not buy any Pepsi product then they will not receive any of our monies. Our money after all does have the words "Under God" on it. Please pass this word to everyone you know. Tell your Sunday School class tomorrow and tell your Pastors so that they can tell the whole congregation. We want the words "under God" to be read by every person who buys a can.
I don't know about that, I just thought Pepsi was the devil.

My Momma didn't raise no fool. She learned me about Coke bein' "IT".
If this is true, I will go on a diet of nothing but Pepsi. Pepsi for dinner, Pepsi Twist for lunch, Diet Pepsi for breakfast. Cherry Pepsi for dessert. I will be forced to drink the whole coast's supply.
Oh god....

Not this whole "Under God" shit again.....

Just to piss off all of these boycotters I plan to only buy PEPSI. Oh I might even flatten a can out and hang the damned thing on my wall!

Oh no! I'm going to hell!
My school signed a contract with Pepsi. Thats all we get is Pepsi products.

Up to a $1.25 for a bottle of pop. Talk about a rip off...
P....err....Pe....err...Pep...errr...Peps....err... Pepsi??????

That word is not allowed to be spoken (nor typed) in my house!

shhh don't tell anyone that I opened this thread..



Lasher said:
This is a pathetic little thread.

No shit. Learned something though, email fliers aren't always reliable. Doubly so when they are sent from people that frequent certain places of worship,
here is a partial profile of their sect, interesting but not for me:

Size of Group: The Assembly of God Church began with 40 members. The approximate size now, of the BrownsvilleRevival, is about 3,500 regular attendees. However, approximately 3,000-4,000 visitors attend the revival each night. According to Evangelist Steve Hill, who has preached over 650 messages, the Brownsville Revival has had over 1,720,000 visitors to the services and over 108,000 have responded to the altar calls. The Revival has attracted visitors from over 17 foreign nations and boasts about 100 foreign visitors a night.

The members also believe that God is getting the church ready for the "Rapture" of the church, a time when Jesus will return and take those who are ready to Heaven.
It is apparent that those attending Brownsville Revival want to be saved and absolved of their sins. They believe that they must be cleansed of sin and freed from temptation so that they may be saved in this life and the next.

The typical sermon begins with an hour of singing. This time involves clapping, waving, and repeating words such as "Make a joyful noise to the Lord." After which Steve Hill makes his sermon and then calls any sinners to the altar.

At this time the physical manifestations of the Lord take place. The members believe that these occur when the Spirit of the Holy Ghost is in you and your actions are involuntary. The manifestations show themselves in the form of uncontrollable shaking, trembling, sobbing, speaking in tongues, visions of angels, a blue fog in the church, the feeling of strong currents pullingone towards the front of the church and falling from the Spirit. There is often said to be a "river of the Lord" flowing through the church. However, in the Brownsville Revival, animal sounds, symbolizing the escape of demons, are rarely heard. Healing, also often present at Revivals such as this, are rarely seen. Those who fall into a semi-comatose state are covered andthose having reactions viewed as being a disturbance to others, such as laughter, are removed by the ushers as it is important that all are able to hear the Word.