The crash landing (closed)

She spent some time making her purchase and while there asked for a particular store that the sale lady might know of. The lady helped her, drawing directions to the store.

Back outside, she asked for some credits from Mordrax and told him to wait here for her while she went to get a surprise - it was her wedding gift to him.
Mordrax handed her his card wondering what else she was going to get but he didn't bother asking because it may be needed for an Earthly custom that he didn't know anything about
Jackie slipped down the street and around the corner to a jewelry store. She wanted to get him a wedding ring. It wasn't anything real fancy or that would cost him a lot of money. But she wanted him to have a ring to wear so that anyone would know that he was married when he was not with her. She would have to explain it to him. It was basically a plain silver band and they said that he could bring it in and get it resized to fit.
Mordrax continued to wait for his love wondering where exactly she had snuck off to. When he seen his lover return he asked her "well do you need to go anywhere else my love?"
"Mission accomplished, sir!" She stood at attention and gave a smart salute. "My undercover assignment was a success and you shall have to wait until our wedding to find out the results. Meanwhile, I have finished all I need. Now where to?"
"Good soldier." Mordrax said before he have his lover's bottom a smack. "I don't know where else to go we could either go home now or go out to eat." He said as he .grabbed his lover's hand
She gave his hand a squeeze. "Love, I leave it up into you. If you wish to go eat, that's fine with me. I could easily eat something. If you prefer to head home, that is fine with me too."
Mordrax headed to his ship so that they could go back to their home. He made sure to put everything in some container so that the bags wouldn't spill snd they lose something.
She climbed in and strapped herself in her seat, watching as he put everything away. A smile played on her lips. "You are so organized, love. If we are headed home, you want to give me a cooking lesson?"
"Ok my dear what do you want to learn to cook my dear?" Mordrax asked as he piloted the ship back home. She hadn't really been on the planet long enough to really get a full taste of everything that was eaten on this planet.
"Something easy. No sense in going crazy right off the bat. Pick something that would be hard for me to screw up." If this was now her new home, where she planned on spending the rest of her life, she needed to become more a part of society. Start by learning to do some simple cooking. Maybe be able to have dinner ready when her gets home from work.
Mordrax thought for a minute before he said "I think I have just the meal in mind my love." He gave her a grin before asking "will your teacher get a reward for showing you how to fix something?"
"Of course I'll reward you. Mordrax, I hope you know how much I love you. You rescued me from my crashed craft, took care of me and showed me love. I consider myself the luckiest woman in the universe." She kissed his hand and laid her cheek on the back of his hand.
Mordrax turned over his hand and caressed his lover's cheek. He knew how much she loved him and he loved her as well so he didn't say anything he just smiled."
She watched what he did as he lifted off the ship, determined that she was going to be an active participant here. And she didn't know if he was having them eat at home so she would not have to confront anyone having sex in public. But she had had a strong talk with herself and had come to the conclusion that if such things were allowed here, then great. She wasn't some child!

She knew that most men from Earth would love to be able to whip it out and fuck whenever and wherever they wanted. Maybe she should take a chapter from their book.
Mordrax could see his love was deep in thought and he wondered what she was thinking about. He didn't want to bother her so he let her think to herself for a bit so she could figure it out for herself before he said anything. "What are you over there thinking about my love?" He finally asks his lover wondering if he could help sort out what she was thinking about.
What are you over there thinking about my love?

"Nothing. Just wondering if I will ever get the hang of everything. You said that you are part human. Tell me about your family."
Mordrax just smiled at his love leaving her to her thoughts and he focused on getting them home safely.
That caught her attention. Now, why would he not tell her about his human ancestors? She wondered how far back they went. Grandparents? Great-grandparents? Mordrax was full of secrets, and this one made her curious. She didn't want to upset him by pressing him but...
Mordrax didn't really want to talk about his heritage because they were linked to most of the abduction stories on earth and he didn't know how his lover would have taken this bit of information. Until his mother most of his ancestry didn't even know that they had mothers. This was due to the fact that his planet ordered the mix breading with other spieces off of other planets but instead of keeping the women they would speed up the birthing process dropping the women back onto the planet they came from. The next phase of the experiments was to see if other life forms could survive but before they could officially start doing this some of the test subjects started sneaking their way onto the planet by hiding on the ships. His mother was one of the first humans that crashed on this planet like his love.
"You will give me enough notice of the wedding date so that I can have my hair looking nice, won't you? A woman does have her pride after all."

She tried to keep the conversation light as apparently her previous question had bothered him.

"So, what are you going to teach me to cook? I so wish that I could get some ingredients from my planet. I would love to cook one of my meals for you. There are some things that I do miss." She sighed as she watched the landscape pass by.
"Yes I will give you some warning though I don't know why I love your hair the way it is. I don't know what I am going to teach you to cook just yet we will have to go home before I can make that decision." Mordrax said gaving his love a smile before he placed his hand on her knee. "I know you do my love and even though I want you as my wife I would do what I could to send you back if that would make you happy." He said giving her knee and thigh a playful squeeze.
"Oh love, I would not want to leave you. I just sometimes miss Earth things. But if I went back to Earth, I would be broken hearted, for I would miss you. And once you and I are married, then I will feel that I am a member of this planet, this society. I know that I still have a lot to learn, but I hope that you will teach me and show me what I must do to to not make you ashamed of me." She rested her hand on his hand as it clasped her thigh.
"I will never be ashamed of you my love." Mordrax said to his love and he was glad that she wasn't going to regret her decision. Though it would take awhile he also knew that she would integrate into her new society just fine.
She smiled and sat back, watching out the window as they headed home. She was excited. She had her wedding outfit though part of it was a bit strange.

She realized that they had a lot that they had not discussed. Like children. There had been just a perfunctory discussion, but she supposed they should do a bit more.

"Have you thought as to how many children you'd like to have? And how long did you want to wait before we start trying to have one?"