The crash landing (closed)

"If I remember correctly 60 people." Mordrax as he walked up behind his lover and he started to grope his lover while he whispered in her ear "so lets just see how far you will go to defend your honor." This was the last time he was going to tease her because she would eventually get mad at him for taking so long to get ready.
"Persistent little devil, aren't you!" She gently took his hands off of her. "Now, go get dressed. After all, you would not want to do anything to besmirch the honor of your future wife, would you?"
"No my dear." Mordrax said giving his love a kiss on the cheek. He gave her a playful pout as he walked over to his dresser grabbing himself some boxers. He tried to make himself look as pityful as he possible could though still showing he was playing so she won't think she hurt his feelings.
She stuck her tongue out at him, giving him a wink as she slipped on her panties and dress. She looked over at him. "I'm dressed and ready, love." She combed her bright red hair. It had grown quite a bit and though she had trimmed it several times since she arrived, her hair now hung down to her bottom.
Mordrax continued to pout as he got ready contemplating trying to cry to add to his pittyful look though after some thought he decided against doing it for the fear his love would make fun of him.. "Love you better watch out or your brush might try to besmirch your honor by touching your your breasts . " He said teasingly as he finished getting himself ready.
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"Nope. I won't let it. Look at it this way, love. I'm all yours after the wedding." She went up and kissed his cheek. "I'll wait for you in the ship. That way I'll just remove temptation so you won't have to worry about it." She headed for the ship to wait for him, a smile on her face. She couldn't wait to see what he had chosen for her.
Mordrax got ready fast as he could and he quietly walked up behind his love. He picked her up carrying her over his shoulder to his ship.
She was surprised as Mordrax came up behind her and picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder and carrying her to the ship. She gave a squeal, not expecting this. To look at Mordrax, one would think that he was weak. But despite his thin body shape, he was surprisingly strong.

Laughing, she waited to be uprighted and set in her seat on the ship.
When Mordrax got to the ship he put his squealing bride to be down in the seat. He sat in his seat and preped the ship for take off. He knew his love was going to get a surprise when they got to the dress shop because she was getting more than just her dress.
Jackie sat grinning as they headed for the bridal shop, Mordrax smoothly handling the ship. Lord knew, the woman had taken enough measurement from her, including areas that normally were not measured. But, she would do her best not to cause waves. She was a stranger in a strange land, and as such, was about to get married and make her way in what was considered polite society. And polite society here was a bit more "open" than back on Earth.
Mordrax held onto his lover's hand as they exited the ship guiding her back to the bridal shop. When they entered the shop they were ushered back into another room a show room of sorts. Mordrax was seated in the only chair in the room and while he waited he ordered a very special basket for them when they went on their honeymoon.
The saleswoman pulled out two boxes.

"We have followed your future partner's wishes. In this box is what he wishes you to wear according to our customs." She placed her hand on the smaller box. "And in this box," she moved her hand over to the larger box, "is what fulfills the customs from your planet."

Jackie nodded before the lady turned and opened the smaller box first. Inside was an outfit that she certainly could understand why Mordrax had chosen it. The skimpy thing looked like something for the wedding night, barely covering her with strips of flashy fabric . The saleswoman stood back and looked with her critical eye. "It fits you nice."

"Of course it does. All it is is a handful of rubber bands and a couple of band aids." She joked. The saleswoman looked at her funny before telling Jackie, "We must get his approval on this outfit before you try on the other portion."

"But on Earth, it is bad luck."

"That is Earth. This is Zeal. This is how we do things on Zeal."

Jackie felt naked as she stepped out of the dressing room to find Mordrax sitting waiting to see her outfit.

"She assures me that there really is a wedding dress. This is a tad skimpy, but apparently you are anticipating the wedding night."
"You look good dear." Mordrax said before getting a grin on his face "you sure you want a dress I think you look fine in this?" Mordrax asked teasingly knowing that his wife to be wouldn't go for a look like this just yet. Little did she know he was anticipating something and that something was after they said their I does. "Well yo better try on your dress to make sure it fits you would hate to prolong our union any longer." Mordrax said readjusting himself so that his hard on wouldn't show.
"Okay. If that's what you want."

The woman, all excited as if it were her own wedding day, ushered Jackie back into the changing room. Before Jackie could remove the outfit, the woman stopped her. "No. That is to be worn under your gown."

"Won't it show through?"

"Oh, no. That would not be right."

The woman opened the box and Jackie smiled. Here finally was her wedding dress. The sales lady slipped it over Jackie's head and to Jackie's amazement, the flashy outfit was completely hidden beneath a beautiful Earth-style wedding dress. The bright color was hidden behind the white gown. Alien technology? Whatever it was, it worked.

She twirled around before the mirror, watching the skirt sway. She loved her gown. It was simple and yet elegant and tasteful. Apparently her future husband had great taste. The woman slipped the shoes on Jackie and ushered her out to show Mordrax.
Mordrax smiled before saying "you look stunning my dear does it fit right." He stands up and grabs her hand lifting it up so she could spin around for him. He couldn't wait to marry this woman and start their future together. Though she was showing signs of being a good submissive girl he still didn't know if she would take to fully submitting to him.
She twirled around, so happy. "You really like how looks? It fits great. It's a strange combination but it works." She leaned in and kissed him. "Thank you so much, love. You have been so good to me." She spun around again and smiled.

"Now, when is the date? I guess I need to go change." She turned to go back to the dressing room.
Mordrax waited until his love was out of the changing room before he asked "when do you want our wedding to be?" He knew she had been waiting for this ever since he had proposed to her.
"I know my dear so you set rhe date." Mordrax said giving his lover's hand a squeeze.
"No! You're the one to set the date. However quick you can gather everything and everyone together. You just tell me when to get dressed." She smiled as he carried the boxes out to their ship. She was leaving the decisions to her future husband.
"Ok my dear." He said putting down the boxes andd giving her a peck on the lips. He knew he had more things to do before he could actually give her a date though it could be sooner than she would think.
"While we're here in town, is there some place where I can get my hair trimmed? I just want to get the split ends off. Just an inch or so." She might as well have her hair looking great.

"And I need to get just a bit of makeup. I want to look great for my wedding."
"Sure my love but when you get your hair cut you better explain that you just want the dead ends cut off or you could get a hair cut like some of the other women here." Mordrax said as he hugged his love.
"Point taken." When they got to the beauty shop, or whatever they called it here, he waited outside as she went inside.

"I need just a couple of inches trimmed off. You know, just to cut off the dead ends." She used her thumb and forefinger to indicate how much and the woman nodded. "I'm getting married soon and want my hair long and healthy looking."

"A bride to be! How nice. Your hair is beautiful. Very unusual. Is the color natural?" Jackie smiled. "Yes, this color runs in my family. My Mother and Grammy, sorry, I mean Grandmother, both had hair this color."

After about 30 minutes, she showed Jackie the results and she was very happy with them. Mordrax paid for it and they left.

"Now, makeup."
Mordrax nodded and took her to the beauty shop that was filled with every sort of beauty product on the planet. "Your hair looks beautiful my dear." he said on his way to the shop.