The Councillor ((RoleplayMaster))


Naughty and Nice
Jun 28, 2011
The Counselor ((RoleplayMaster))

Caitlyn Summer sat in her fourth period class, in the back of the room, watching the teacher at the board walk back and fourth, reading from a large history book. Her legs swayed side to side, the bottom of her black wedges scrapping the floor. She could see the teachers lips moving, reading, but her mind was a thousand miles away. On her boyfriend. Cait and Zack have been going out for almost three years now, and she was devoted to him and him alone. At least, kind of devoted to him.

He's a sweet man. Always taking her out, buying her gifts, trying to spend as much time with her as he can. She loved him for that too, it's just that... the firat time they ever had sex it was... how to put this without being cruel? Less then satisfying. He can way before she did, but she didn't let him know how she felt, thinking he would get better as they dated. He didn't. Zack always can before her and barely every let her get off. That wasn't all. Zack was more of a vanilla man. Never wanting to try anything but boring... sex. He also didn't have the biggest dick in the world. She tried so hard not to get upset, but...

"Ms. Summer, can you read the ne-"

She interrupted him before he could finish his sentance. "May l please be excused, Mr. Hiason? l'd like to go to the restroom." He stared at her for a moment before nodding. Caitlyn stood up, grabbing her things as sge did and hurried out of the classroom. Though instead of going to the restroom, she headed to the councilors office. Maybe he could tell me l'm just over reacting. She thought to herself as she stopped by her locker to put her books away.

After she closed her locker, she brushed her long, curly blonde hair back out of her face and pulled on her light green tank top. before heading to his office. Once she got there, she ran her hands over her tiny dark blue demin shorts before she reached her hand up and knocked on the door before grabbing the knob and opening it up. "Sir, l need some advice." She said as she walked inside.
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She smiled at him as he told her to come in and shut the door. She stepped inside more and pushed the door closed behind her. She then walked to the seat across from him and sat down. "l'm sorry if l'm interrupting you Mr. Gold. l've just been thinking of this for a while and l wanted your opinion on what l should do... or not do." Caitlyn told him as she ran her hands over her thighs a bit. "It's about Zack." She said softly before looking at him. "Just tell me if l'm crossing a certain counselor/student lined."

She took a deep breath and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Okay, so we've been dating for almost 3 years now and he's... amazing! The nicest guy l've ever met, at some times. You see when we get... intimate, l've heard it's suppose to be this amazing feeling thing. At least, that's what my friends say, but that's not what l feel." She leaned back and moved her hand up to her necklace, playing with the silvar heart that feel between the large amout of cleavage she showed. "I mean, he really enjoys himself, but me... l've never really feltnthe same way he does." Cait shook her head. "l love Zack. l really do, but l don't think l can do this much longer. l don't like acting like l'm all happy and cheerful around him, but it's getting pretty hard now. And l'm at a point where l'm making excuses why l can't have sex with him."

She took a deep breath. "l... l just need to know. Am l doing the right thing and act like l'm enjoying the sex?"
Caitlyn felt her cheeks heat up as he asked her such private questions, not that she blamed him. She was asking him for advice, but... She had, had a crush on Mr. Gold for a while now, usually having fantansies of him while she was at home alone. If this was anyone else, she would have never answered him. "Yeah. I have, a few times actually." She admitted as he asked if she ever masterbated. "No like crazy, just like..." she thought for a moment, thinking back. "Maybe once or twice a week. I only do it when I can't stand that feeling though. I only do it to get some relief!" cait added quickly, not wanting to sound like a complete pervert.

"Oh," she looked down at the necklace she was stroking. "Yeah, he got it for my birthday." She said before she moved her hand away to show him. "Isn't it cute? He's always buying me nice gifts like these."

She sank down in her seat as he started to explain how it wasn't as simple as she was thinking it would be. "No. I don't think I can." She told him truthfully. "I love Zack, but I can't keep pretending like I'm enjoying myself after we have sex , but I don't want to just break up with him over something so stupid. If I did that, I'd be no better then the sluts in school that move onto one boy to the next just so they have something to screw."

"Umm, okay," She grabbed a stray strand of hair and started to twirl it around her finger as she thought. "Ummm, yeah, kissing was done already. He's gone to second, third, and fourth base with me." She said, not wanting to say that any other way. Sex talk was hard enough, it was ten times harder with a cute guy. "As for what's we've done... missionary and I've given him a blow job. That's it. We're never done anything over that."

She sighed and let her hair go and looking at him. "I've tried to tell him that sex could be better if we tried different poses or even 69, but he doesn't want to try anything with me." She told him, shaking her head. "Usually it's the guy that's trying to talk the girl into trying different things, but he just wants to continue how we're doing it. Is there something wrong with me? A reason he wouldn't want to do any of that?"

"I mean, if I were to offer myself to you, metaphorically speaking here, you'd take me, right?" She asked Ben. "You wouldn't turn me down?"
"No, the last thing l need is my parents finding a toy. They don't ever know l had sex." She shook her head. "I just... use my fingers." her face went a deeper red and she turned her eyes to her lap before she continued. "Usually two. Unless l'm really really turn on, then l use three." She looked at him. "Zack isn't very big." she whispered like it was a dirty secret. When he joked about brinb Zack in, her baby blue eyes went wide. "No! Please Mr. Gold, this has to stay between you and me! I'd never want Zack to know l talked about this with anyone. He'd probably lose it."

"Sadly, yes that's it." Cait squirmed in her seat. It was my idea. l've always wanted to try it, so when we were hanging out at his house, l asked him if he would like one. These was about... a year and a half ago probably. Anyway, he agreed." She explained to him. "Finish him? You mean more where, right?" She asked before continuing. "Usually in my my mouth, because... well like l told you, l never get close to cumming. He does know how to hold himself back."

"Well, umm," she ran her fingers through her hair. "l was a gymnast for six years, so l'm more flexible then a lot of girl who go here." Cait rolled her etes a bit. "Ben, of course l don't just sit there when l offer myself. We're either kissing like crazy, or flirting my ass off. If l did that to any other guy that goes here, l could have them in the palm of my hand!" She said quickly. "Hell, all l have to do is bat my eyes and sway my hips at our gym couch to get out of that stupid mile run he makes us do."

When he asked if she got offered, she nodded a bit. "Yeah, of course. l get asked out by a lot of people. Even his friends have tried to screw me, but l've never let them. They started saying how they wouldn't tell him, or that l'm to young to just be with one guy for so long."

She crossed her legs. "That was the right thing to do, correct? I should have said no?"
Sge answered him. "Well it wasn't as fun as l thought it would be. l mean, Zack didn't seem as into it as l was really hoping he'd be. lt was like he was more into just cumming so he could get it over with." She sighed and paused, thinking about what she was about to say. Then, "Okay you know when you watch a porn video of a girl giving a guy a blow job and the guy is so into it. Sometime he even takes over and fucks her face? l want that. I've had so many fantasies, yes it does sound slutty, l know, but that what l want." When he asked if she wanted to do it again, she nodded. "Yeah, of course l do, but Zack doesn't seem to enjoy it. He's more of the plain bed type, and that's it."

When he went back to masterbating, she thought about his question, trying to figure out what he ment by 'one hole'. lt took her a few minutes but then she got it. "Oh. Oh! Oh no! Umm no, l've never done that." She said to him, her face going a deep red. "l've never put my fingers anywhere else, just my pussy." she said quickly. "I thought... l'd wait for that. l mean, you know l was thinking of saving that for someone who really wanted it."

"Yeah, it was a fun six years." she told him. "Oh, well l can do splits, front to back and side to side. I could do them on the ground or in the air. I can bent over backwards enough that if l wanted to, l could put my head by my... umm," she pointed to her crotch, looking away from him.

When he asked her to come over, she stood up slowly and walked around the desk, stopping in front of him. When he asked her to show him her favorite, she bit her lip. "Actually, l don't think l can. You see, when l was in gym, l wore gym shorts, not demin." she shook her head. "l don't think l can really show you anything with these type of clothing on. l'm sorry Mr. Gold." She apologized as she swayed side to side.
She looked at her shorts as he pointed to them. "Ummm," she was getting nervous now. She came in here to talk about her relationship with Zack, not show him poses, but she couldn't bring herself to say no. He wasn't making her do this. He was just asking her and she was doing it. She looked back up at him as he asked about her panties. "Yes. l'm sure it would be a lot easier to show you then." she agreed with a small nod.

Cait turned her head towards the door as he told her to lock it. At this time, her heart was pounding hard in her chest, but she still did what he asked her to do. Cait moved to the door and locked it before turning back to him, seeing him motion to her. She walked back over to and bit her lip. Cait kicked off her shoes before she reached down and unbottomed her shorts, slowly pulling them down her legs, showing off her lacy, black panties.

Caitlyn backed up away from him as he asked about he watching porn. "Well, l don't know what a lot is, but about two or three a week. As she said this, she spread her legs and leaned down to touch the floor, stretching out her body before she did any real poses. As he went on with the questions, she stood up and answered. "Umm, l like... well dominant one. Where the guy is usually in charge." As she said this, she leaned backwards, touching the ground behind her. She thought she felt this way because she was usually the one that asked Zack. That she was the one thinking of ideas. So the idea of a guy taking charge turned her on. She kicked her legs off the ground and swung then up in the air, then behind her before she stood up straight.

"Alone." She told him. "I watch them alone and masterbate, sometime. Not always though." She told him, brushing her hair out of her face. She grabbed her leg from behind her and pulled it up, pulling up to the back of her head while she balance on one foot. After a moment, she she switched and did it to the other.

Ben asked about the blow jobs and shrugged. "l don't know. Maybe." she looked at the floor. "Kind of." she looked up at him. 'This is just between you and me, right?" She asked quickly. "Zack wont find out?" She added before she did any real pose.
"He does about me watching it. He doesn't care much. He said he watches it to and left it at that. He never brought up watching it together." she told Mr. Gold. She ran her hands over her lower half, pulling at the straps of thong a bit as she did. When he said everything would remain between them, she smiled. "Okay, great! Thank you." she told him, smiling as she did.

"Oh. Oh yes!" She said, remembering the pose. Caitlyn walked closer to him and grabbed her left leg, pointng her right foot a bit. She let go of her leg after a moment, after making sure she was balanced before she moved it up into the air, over her head. She had to tilt her body a bit, but after she did, her legs were perfectly straight, lining up with the wall. "l took forever for me to get this flexible. A lot of girls in the class could even do this." she told him before she lowed her leg and stood striaght again. "If l can do that, then it should be pretty easy for me to get into a lot of poses." She told him, quite proudly too.

When he talked about face fucking again, she listened carefully. "N-no. l've never sucked anyone but Zack, so l've never begged for it." When he told her to practice, she bit her lio, nervously. "Okay... if you think it's a good idea."

Cait walked up to him, placing her hands on his thighs as she bent over a bit. "Mr. Gold," she said, in a soft, yet flirty tone. "Can you please fuck my face? Please? I want to feel your big, thick, dick thrust in and out, deep inside my mouth. I want to want to feel your cock hit the back of my throat while l gag," She leaned forward so her mouth was close to his ear. "Please Mr. Gold. Please fuck my slutty, little mouth." She gentle kissed the tip of his ear before standing up straight, smiling.

"So, how was that? Do l need more practice?"
Cait shook her head slowly. "Umm actually, no." She said, a bit unsure if she should tell him this. "The videos l watch are normally of... older men and younger women." she told him. Guys about your age, too. She looked at him, rubbing her arms gentle as she said this. "Neighboros, fathers friends, stranger.... teacher." she mumbled the last word and looked away from him quickly. "The older men seem to be the more demanding in the videos, so they turn me on more."

After her leg was down, she nodded and answered him. "Truthfully, yeah. l love the idea of getting into any position they want me in. To be used like they want me." she could feel her nipples harden under her top. "l use to pose like that for him, yeah. Hoping it would give him a few ideas on how to could fuck me, but no. He was impressed, but not enough to screw me in a different position." She looked him over a bit. "He doesn't react like you do, which is actually really nice."

Caitlyn smiled brighter as he said she begged perfectly. "Thank you!" she said, "l've always wanted to beg for something like that to someone." she told him, honestly. Then he told her how she hadto be careful who she said that too. "I don't plan on saying that to a lot of people. Not while l'm dating Zack." After a moment, she grinned. Pretty? She thought as he called her mouth pretty. Then he mentioned how she was dressed.

She looked down at herself, turnimg a deep red, having forgot the way she was dressed. She backed up and bent down, grabbing her shorts. "l'm sorry. l-l meant to put these back on. Now, request for what? If l asked for his dick, what else would he really want?" She asked him as she started to pull her clothes back on.
She thought about what he asked her, to tell him more about the videos of strangers and sighed. "Okay, umm there are a number of different ways they found girls. They meet them at a bar or a party. They can be like workers, police or cable men. Anyways, usually what'll happen is the guy will get her alone and then order her to do something, like get on your knees, or take something off. It usually ended with the girl having cum all over her face, make up running all over her face." She told him as she brushed her hair back. She would have gone into more detail, but not with him. Not in front of someone as cute as him. At least, not yet.

Cait froze when Mr. Gold told her to hold on with her shorts. She stood up straight, holding her shorts in front of her. Her brow raised as he told her he wanted to see another pose before she put then back on. When he told her the pose he wanted, she looked at the wall. "Ummm... yes sir." l don't get how this is helping me though. She turned around and face the wall, she got down on the ground and started to get into position before freezing and looking back at him. "l can't." she said. "l mean l can, but not with this top and bra on. lt's hard enough doing it with my tits in the with all this on. l'm sorry."

When he asked about begging, she nodded. "Yeah, but only one other thing. I know how to beg to get fucked. I showed Zack in time and he said you don't need to beg. I just did it for fun." She said as she leaned back and looked at him. She turned around to face him as he asked her to show him, getting on her knees, which she spred, showing off her covered pussy."Mr. Gold, can you please fuck my tight, little pussy?" she asked as she moved her hand to the front, running her hand over the cloth, between her legs. She ran her hand back and fourth stroking herself. "Please, l need to feel your huge cock slam into my slutty pussy. Please, l'm already so wet just think about your dick spreading me open." She gave him puppy eyes. "Pleaaase?"

She then moved her hand away and closed her legs. "If l said that, would you fuck me?"
She looked away from his eyes uickly as they locked on her's. "Well... when you put it that way, I sound kind of sick, bit..." She paused for a moment before peeking at him, through a few strands of hair. "Yes. That get's me off. I've watched other porn videos, thinking that maybe something would come on that I would enjoy more, but there's not. There's nothing that gets me more turned on them hearing a man order a girl around and fucking all her holes." She told him truthfully.

When he told her he was sorry as well about her having to take off her clothes, she put on a frown, thinking she might have upset him, then he said he would exception. Wait.... is he telling me I can take my clothes off? She thought to herself as she brought her hand to her mouth and nipped at one of her nails. Not biting it, just a nervous nip she did sometimes. When he told her to take her clothes off, then told her she was only to do it this once, she nodded. "O-okay Mr. Gold. I understand." She said to him before she moved her hands to her tank top. Slowly, she pulled it up her body, showing off her flat, smooth tummy, before moving it up and over her red bra. When she got it over her head, she put the shirt down beside her and reached her arms behind her, unhooking her bra. Her eyes moved down to the floor as she pulled it off her arm, showing off her firm, perky tits. Her light pink nipples were clearly hard from all the sex talk they were having, but she brushed her hair over her shoulders, making it drape over them, hiding them a bit.

Once she was fully undressed, she turned away from him again and laid down on her back. She took a moment to tug at her thong, making sure it was still on right and she wasn't going to show him her pussy on accident. After taking a deep breath, she pushed her hips off her ground, then her legs. She moved her legs off the ground next. Cait moved her legs so they were in her face and her lower half was no longer touching the ground, them pushing herself a bit more. Her legs went to either side of her head, resting there and her pussy was close to her face. As she took a breath, she could smell her own arouse and quickly looked back at Mr. Gold. "See?" She asked before she moved her legs back down and sat up. "I told you I could do it." She added before she turned herself around so she was facing him.

A bright smile crossed her face as Ben told her she was a expert at begging. "Thank you!" She said happily. "I was a bit afraid I would be any good." She told him before he asked her if she was really wet or if she was just acting.

She gave a nervous laugh and ran her fingers through her hair as she reached down and grabbed her shirt. "Actually... truthfully, I was wet before I starting begging." She told him before cocking her head. "Can I ask you something?" She asked quickly. "How is this helping me with my problem with Zack? I mean watching the porn and being attrated to dominant men can't be the problem.... right?"
"So-sometimes. l just think it would be so hot to be used like that. There no harm in just imagining it. It's not like l'm cheating on Zack by doing it." She told him, brushing her hair back as she did. "I... l mean three." She told him softly. "I've started to have a few fantasies involving my ass being fucked." She told him, nipping her lip as bit as she talked to him.

When Mr. Gold asked about her tummy, she smiled, sering he was quite impressed by how tone she was. "About two, three times a week. I like to keep myself fit for Zack." She told him, running her hand over herself a bit as she did. When he asked about her bra size, she was a bit hesitate, but answered none the less. "38D." She said, a bit taken back. He wasn't the first to ask her bra size, but he was definitely the first teacher to openly ask. It was a surprise.

Once Cait got out of her pose, she stretched a bit, loosening up a bit more. "Thank you. It's was actually fun doing it. l hadn't done that pose in a while. " She told him, before he motioned for her to put her shirt down. Slowly, she did it, looking back at the door as he mentioned it was locked. Cait looked at him and shrugged a bit. "If you think it's okay." She set the shirt back down as he started explaining her questions. "Well, l guess it's a problem, but l can't think of a answer to it! I can't exactly go uo and say 'Zack, your not man enough to screw me, so l want to break up. That would make me sound like a bitch."

Then he asked how she was wet. Her face went red and she shook her head quickly. "No! l-l it was just all the sex talk and the videos!" Caitlyn gulped as he motioned her closure, which she slowly did. "l only get wet around certain men, anyway. Not all of them." She told him, trying to make herself sound less like a slut. "I know how to control myself anyway."
Caitlyn shivered in pleasure as Ben started to run his fingers over her tight tummy. Her breath started to come faster as he moved his hand a bit lower as he asked her about how she couldn't control herself around him. "l- Mr. Gold l'm sorry." She said, as she pressed her legs together. His touch wasn't helping her. If anything, it was making things worse. She could feel her panties getting wetter as her pussy leaked. "lt's just the way your talking and how you seem to really like how l beg. I'm really trying not to get turned on." As his fingers ran over her thing strap, she had to hold back moan. She didn't know how she felt about him being able to read right through her, but the way he talked and touched her turned her on like nothing else before.

When he asked her to tell her one of her fantasies, she shifted a bit, but noddes. "Alright." she closed her eyes, thinking of one of them. "l... l..." she looked down a bit, not wanting to look at him as she said this. "There's one l had a few days ago. l was waiting at a restaurant for Zack. He was late. Anyway, as l was waiting, l caught this guy looking at me... staring really. l watched him for a moment, as he grinned before he stood and started walking to the door. As he passed me, he gave me a wink before motioning for me to following. Since Zack wasn't there yet... l did. I walked out and saw him standing by the side of the building before he turned and walked down the alley beside it." Cait ran her fingers through her hair and took a few deep breaths. "He's waiting for me when l get in the alley, pulling off his jacket. H-he motioned me over and told me to take off my clothes, but slowly. So he could get a better look at me. I pulled off my blue satin dress, letting it fall to the ground, so l was only wearing a red bra and a pair of tiny boy shorts. l went to take off my clotjes, but he grabbed my hand, stopping me. lnstead he pushed me up against a wall so my front was pressed against it. His other hand went down to my ass, which he started to squeeze and feel up before he grabbed the waist band of my panties, pulling them down my legs. At the same time, he would whisper how he liked how my ass looked, how it felt,"

Cait put her hands behind her back as she got turned on more. "He would bend me over, and l would hear the zipper of his pants get pulled down before he...? She stopped and looked at him, her face a bright red. "Well... you know the rest." Then he asked about her ass, squeezing it as he did. "Ahh, l think so. lf l go to a party, a lot of guys will touch it." she quickly added, "Not with my permission of course. They just do it on they're own."

She shook her head a bit. "Not really. l mean... l've used one finger once, but that's it." She swayed slightly as he asked about her begging, making her smile, a bit. "Well, yes!" she didn't wait for him to asked, she just started to beg, moving her hands around to her ass as she did. "Mr. Gold, could you fuck my ass? Please? I need to feel your hard member slam into my tight, unused ass. I need to feel you stretch me open. l want you to be the first to take my ass, Mr. Gold. l want you to take to take my whole body. Everything. l want to be your naughty, little slut, please. Please,will you take me?" She asked. She added the last part about him taking all of her, hoping he would see she could beg for almost anything. Right now though, she kind of had the feeling she was actually begging for him to take her.

When he asked about her ass, she looked at him confused, but turned around. "l've never looked before. So l'm not aure what color it is. "But..." she held back a why, wanting to see what he would do. "You can check if you'd like to, Mr. Gold."
Caitlyn listened to him question her and bit her bottom lip nervously. "Well... yes sir." She told him. "You really seem to get happy as I beg and I've wanted to beg a man for something for a while. Just to see what it was like and what he would do." Her head fell a bit. "It was a lot better then I thought it would be to be honest with you. I didn't expect you to ask me two other times to begs after I did the first time." On top of that, your really hot and yoou might not know this, but you telling me what to do is really turning me on. She thought to herself.

She sighed softly as he made told her to continue with her story. That she wasn't done yet. "A-alright. If you want to hear it." She said as she looked up at him. "He stopped talking and let his hand go up and around me, grabbing my covered breast before I felt something press against my pussy. He thrust forward, burrying half his member inside me before pushing again, burring the rest. I cried out in pleasure and his hand left my, wrapping it around my mouth, keeping me from being to loud. He'd slam into me, over and over, making my scream against his hand. His other pulled my bra down, freeing my breasts. He'd grab it and tug at my nipple, making me cry out that much more." She started ti olay with her finger's, tugging at them. "I'd get really close to cumming and he'd stop. He'd let my breast go and moved his hand down to my hip as he pulled his dick out of me. He'd telling me to be quiet as I could as I felt something press against my ass. He spressed harder against me, until the head of his dick popped in. I-I...." She stopped and looked at him. "I think maybe I should stop now." Telling him the story wasn't bothing her much anymore. It was more, that she was getting way to wet. She didn't want her juices to start leaking down her legs.

She shrugged her shoulders. "Sometimes he knows. He'll be standing right beside me when they hit my butt, but he doesn't care. He never does anything about it though. I think he's actually happy when they do it. I think it's so kind of proud guy thing. He has me and he knows I wont cheat." She shook her head. "I tell them to cut it out because it more of a joke to them. It's stupid though because it's more like a tease to me. It's like if I were to prush against there cocks." When he asked what the parties were usually about, she shook her head. "Usually there just drinking parties. I don't stay long though, I'm not the type that wants to live out her fantasies by being wasted. I don't go anyway. Zack just has a few friends he likes to hang out with that go to them."

Did you do that while you were masterbating, or did you do it alone?" "I doubt zack did it during sex...this was when you were alone, is that right?" "I did it like once or twice when I masterbating. Any other time, I do it alone." She said to him. When he said the part about Zack, she smiled a bit. He's getting it. "Yeah, he never did it to me."

Caitlyn, face lit up as he pulled her thong down and tells her to bend over. She knows if she does, he'll be able to see everything, but she doesn't complain. She put her hands on her legs and bent over at the waist. He grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her, putting them on her ass. "Hold here and pull apart for it up as wide as you can to give the best view." She nodded her head a bit and spread her cheeks for him. "Look in the mirror. I want you to see for youreself dear....describe to me what you see."

She looked back at him, and sighed. "Al-alright, Mr. Gold." She bent herse;f down somemore so she would be able to see the image in the mirror he held in his hand. At first, she say her tiny pink pussy, seeing it glisten from how wet she was. God now he can see how wet I am. She thought before looking at her ass. "Okay, umm I see my pussy and umm," she looked at her asshole and coughed a bit, nervously. "I see my ass. Which is umm a light pink color." she told him. "It's small and," She sat up a bit and looked back at him. "I have a question. If it's that tiny, could a man even fuck my ass?"