The Conservative War on Children & Women Continues - Oklahoma lawmakers pass a near-total ban on abortion


Satan's Plaything
Oct 14, 2017
The Conservative War on Children & Women Continues - Oklahoma lawmakers pass near-total ban on abortion

The bill would criminalise performing an abortion in almost all cases, except where it could "save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency".
Medical professionals convicted under the laws face fines of up to $100,000 (£76,505) and 10 years in prison.
It comes as the US Supreme Court weighs a case that could overturn abortion rights across the US later this year.
Oklahoma's House of Representatives, in which Republicans hold a supermajority, voted to send the bill to the governor's office by 70 votes to 14.
The state's Governor Kevin Stitt will be presented with the bill for his approval. The Republican has already committed to signing into law any legislation that restricts abortion rights.
:sick: But, there's nothing like an old-fashioned abortion party! With fetal pinatas!
It appears one was discovered in DC, several late term abortion murders, babies sliced and diced to death. Hope that killer rots in hell for eternity.
It appears one was discovered in DC, several late term abortion murders, babies sliced and diced to death. Hope that killer rots in hell for eternity.
So if someone raped your daughter, you would believe the government should force her to carry her rapist's baby to term.

You really must love big, intrusive government intruding on people's private lives. Just like a true progressive socialist liberal, right?

Or, you are the type to read stories like "The Handmaiden's tale" and think to yourself "Gee, I wish America was really like that."
(Guess what...most of us don't want America to be like that.)
Abortion is the real war on children.
If that's how you feel, then surely you support single-payer healthcare for all children and their parents? How about paid daycare? School lunch programs?
I'm pretty sure we all know the answers to all of the above!
The Republican Party is about to honor a long overdue promise to the religious right by overturning Roe vs Wade.
When the fundies go on about abortion, I remember the many biblical occasions of their god mass murdering children, placing zero value on infants less than a month old, and the instructions for abortion in Numbers chapter 5, verses 11-31.

But they won't be swayed with rational argument. "Baby murder" is their current hill to die on, like the jabs are for the opposition.
I started thinking about possible reasons why the fundies go apeshit about this. Maybe it really did start with race, the fear that blacks were outbreeding whites. White babies were suddenly more valuable.
The Dobbs decision could come anytime over the next 8 weeks or so. Let’s hope you’re right. 👍
I am in favor of free abortion at any stage of pregnancy. I do not care about "a woman's right to choose." I value the eugenic benefits of abortion. Many females who have abortions have nothing of value to contribute to the human gene pool. By having children, most of whom are illegitimate, they interfere with the progress of human evolution.

I am not pro life. I am not pro choice either.
I started thinking about possible reasons why the fundies go apeshit about this. Maybe it really did start with race, the fear that blacks were outbreeding whites. White babies were suddenly more valuable.
I read somewhere that most black pregnancies are terminated by abortion.
I read somewhere that most black pregnancies are terminated by abortion.

BET+ News, April 1, 2013

While Black women account for 13 percent of the female population, they accounted for 30 percent of all abortions. In 2008, 75,960 Black teens 15-19 had abortions, compared to 65,972 among white teens and 41,465 among Hispanic teens.
Your link doesn't support your lie.
I am in favor of free abortion at any stage of pregnancy. I do not care about "a woman's right to choose." I value the eugenic benefits of abortion. Many females who have abortions have nothing of value to contribute to the human gene pool. By having children, most of whom are illegitimate, they interfere with the progress of human evolution.

I am not pro life. I am not pro choice either.
You might not be happy when the decision comes out.
Your link doesn't support your lie.
I read somewhere that most black pregnancies are terminated by abortion.
Center for Urban Renewal and Education

Black women have the highest abortion ratio in the country, with 474 abortions per 1,000 live births.

474 abortion per 1,000 is not more than half, but it comes close.

When Aid for Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) was introduced during the New Deal of the 1930's it was specifically restricted to widows, deserted wives, and their legitimate children. I would like to return to those restrictions.