The company you keep ....


doing laundry
Sep 24, 2001
I was reading through a thread and someone mentioned that one is known by the company they keep ...

so if your friends are not well liked does that mean others will over look your own individual personality and judge you based on the reputation of your friends ?

What is your take on this ?!
Questions - comments ?!
i think of course to a degree anyone who says otherwise i don't believe :p ... however its not the only thing someone would consider and it wouldn't be the overriding factor

by way i love your title :)
Unfortunately .....

that is the case in many circles
Hiya, hot babe :kiss:

I'm busy perving on your luscious legs...I forget the question.;)
sexy-girl said:
i think of course to a degree anyone who says otherwise i don't believe :p ... however its not the only thing someone would consider and it wouldn't be the overriding factor

by way i love your title :)

sexy-girl ,

Some how I don't think one should judge someone else simply because they are friends with a "questionable" individual. We each have our own individual personality , own thoughts , beliefs ... etc...

and thank you ... :rose:
jadedpast said:
what if you don't keep any company? lol

that's true my boyfriend is a loner and I'm basically his only company. Since I am a good person though all of my friends like him (if they ever get to meet him).

As far as your original question I am a realist and realize that people jusde all the time so unfortunately you are represented by the company you keep.
juicylips said:
Hiya, hot babe :kiss:

I'm busy perving on your luscious legs...I forget the question.;)

You can forgot about the question , since you are so cute and sexy. :kiss: :)
Aphrodisiac said:
sexy-girl ,

Some how I don't think one should judge someone else simply because they are friends with a "questionable" individual. We each have our own individual personality , own thoughts , beliefs ... etc...

and thank you ... :rose:

i agree they shouldn't ... but look at 4later ... she is friends with hann's and it was obvious they were friends from the moment she started posting (either that or she is hanns :))

but who can honestly say seeing that they waited to judge 4later on her own posts rather that she was friends and liked hann's

i think in some cases anyway judging someone on the friends they have can be good guide into what they are really like
I don't judge people on what they look like, who they are pals with... or what kind of av they have up.

I decide if I like them by what they have to say. But you can only tell so much about someone thru what they write.
Aphrodisiac said:
I was reading through a thread and someone mentioned that one is known by the company they keep ...
would you like some company? :)
Aphrodisiac said:
Some how I don't think one should judge someone else simply because they are friends with a "questionable" individual. We each have our own individual personality , own thoughts , beliefs ... etc...

That's the answer right there in a nutshell, Aphro.
Re: Re: The company you keep ....

JerseyBoy said:
would you like some company? :)

* jumping on Mr. White Christmas * You know I would love your company. :)
sexy-girl said:
i agree they shouldn't ... but look at 4later ... she is friends with hann's and it was obvious they were friends from the moment she started posting (either that or she is hanns :))

but who can honestly say seeing that they waited to judge 4later on her own posts rather that she was friends and liked hann's

i think in some cases anyway judging someone on the friends they have can be good guide into what they are really like

I judged 4laterer on her posts rather than who she is aligned with. She's intelligent, funny and not nearly of the calibre of Hanns.
LionessInWinter said:
I can.

BTW, I really like what you said about Jim in that other thread. Totally true. Takes balls to keep an even keel.


your a better person then me then :)

i mostly really try to reserve my judgements on people and i make sure my judgements are never final but here and in real life sure of course i make judgements on people when probably i shouldn't
Aphrodisiac said:
I was reading through a thread and someone mentioned that one is known by the company they keep ...

so if your friends are not well liked does that mean others will over look your own individual personality and judge you based on the reputation of your friends ?

What is your take on this ?!
Questions - comments ?!

I think back in high school it was considered a major faux pas to associate with say the geeks if you were a jock or a beauty. Even back then I never conformed. I wanted more than anything to be friends with everyone. So I was. While there were some who were considered complete and utter assholes, my relationships with them were always above board. The ones who were considered to be less than zero, were more often than not the ones who could be counted on to lend support in time of need.

As far as people judging me based on my personality versus judging me by who I associate with...I don't give a flying fuck. I am who I friends are who they are. They are not me.

The problem lies in level of concern you put into what other people think of you (general you). If you need other people to validate your every waking moment...then you need to do what you need to do to look like the bright shining star that you are in their eyes. Because you will only be truly happy knowing that so and so approves of what you say, think, and do.

Truth of the matter is. You are a shining star no matter who is looking at you. Your light shines from far away and no one can diminish that. Whether you are looked upon or still twinkle and glow. Find your own light and it won't matter who is stargazing.
LionessInWinter said:
You've got one fine heart to go with those fine legs.



I tend to get to know that given individual and see how they are, not just go judge them soley on the company they keep ... maybe I am weird like that ...
Aphrodisiac said:
I was reading through a thread and someone mentioned that one is known by the company they keep ...

so if your friends are not well liked does that mean others will over look your own individual personality and judge you based on the reputation of your friends ?

What is your take on this ?!
Questions - comments ?!

This is something I saw first hand when my son was living here with us. When he and his friends went into WalMart one day they were dressed in the usual teenage manner these days, oversized pants, long T-Shirts... and each and everyone of them had just cashed their pay checks for the construction work they had done that week. I think the person with the LEAST amount of cash money on them was me, anyway I was not " with them " so much as trailing behind them and I watched the security men begin to tag along after them. Peeping at them around the corners of the shelves and trading places with each other in the electronics section to stay in the same general area as the boys were. They bought a couple of CD's and some video games and one of the games had a security tag that either by accident or on purpose did not get deactivated. When we went through the door, I was the one carrying th small bag from electronics. The boys were carrying my larger heavier bags to the car for me. The game set off the security gate. I was the one who set it off, but the security men swarmed on the boys, there were about 3 security people and 4 reg store employees. They surrounded the boys and got on the radio to their little security HQ room telling them to call the police, they had just caught 3 shoplifters. I started to step up and tell them I was the one who set off the gate, but one of the employees shoved me away. At that point, I walked away and told the CS desk woman I wanted to speak to a Manager. I did not tell her why. I just told her I wanted to see one right away. The boys were protesting their innocence, and the security people were manhandeling them into the corridor to the security office. When the manager finally came up, he spoke to the lady at the CS desk, then ignoring me, walked to the security people and started talking to them !!!

By this time I was really hot. The police pulled up, the boys were finally in the office and the security people searched their pockets and the policemen patted them down, finding nothing but their wallets and combs and what not.

In the mean time, I was still cooling my heels outside by the service desk. I waited till the boys came out, then the police left, and the manager came out. He told the boys they had to leave the store !!!

I walked up to him, told him I was one of the boys mothers, and unless he did some real good listening, the next person to listen to me was going to be my lawyer.

I explained that I was the one who set off the alarm, and asked why the security people passed me by in such a rush to get the boys. He said the boys " Fit the profile for shoplifting more than I did. "

I was shocked. I could not believe what he said. They have profiles for shoplifters now ????? :eek:

Apparently little short, fat ladies don't shop lift. But teenagers do. I am not saying teenagers don't shop lift, I know they do. I work in a store. I see them do it. But I see grown men and women do it to.

I would not say this is so much as being judged by the company you keep, but it is pretty accurate of judging based on looks.

BTW.... the boys all got an apology from the manager and a $25 gift certificate as hush money not to call a lawyer over how they were treated. I don't think there would have really been a case, since they were only detained and searched, and then let go when it was found to be a mistake. That is like a police officer stopping a suspected drunk driver to me. It was just how it was handled that made me so mad.

Then again, I am not a lawyer and maybe there would have been something to make a case over. :confused:
Aphrodisiac said:
I was reading through a thread and someone mentioned that one is known by the company they keep ...

so if your friends are not well liked does that mean others will over look your own individual personality and judge you based on the reputation of your friends ? What is your take on this ?!
Questions - comments ?!

Just like ones physical appearance, yes, their friends are part of the initial judgement. Hopefully, we have enough sense to be able to alter that initial judgement as time goes on.
