The Church And I (Closed)


Ghost Of Who I Was
Aug 7, 2006
Eden Wolf was the kind of girl who had it all, she had the money and supportive parents and she graduated first in her class a few months ago. Though she still did not know what she was going to do with herself, now that she was eighteen and out on her own. Her parents offered to pay expenses for things, her father bought her a new car when she was sixteen. But she gave so much to the community she did not have the heart to move.

But there was also a priest that meant the world to her as well Father Jeffrey. He had a lot of history with her family and even herself. Her father went to school with Jeffrey and they had been tight ever since, and it actually helped Eden with her faith as well. But Father Jeffrey seemed like a sad kind of person, every time she looked into those eyes of his. She saw something there, she knew nothing of men which was why she never dated. But knew there was a story there.

She doesn't believe everything the church dos is right so she isn't the typical catholic or anything. But she believed in Earning everything she got, and thought about working at the church though she did not know what she could do there. But now Riley was the only one she ever saw any more. Because a month ago her parents had been killed. They were skiing down a mountain and someone who had no idea what they were doing hit both of her parents causing them to fall.

They fell down a violent side of the mountain and were dead on arrival, she dealt with it silently and was so angry never knowing where to direct the anger to. Today was a grey cold day and she was sitting down in the pew looking up at the statue of god, questioning deep down what she could do. She hadn't confessed all the time just when she felt she did something wrong, which wasn't much. Her grey eyes looking around feeling the warmth. She smiled seeing Father Jeffrey.
Father Jeffrey had long ago come to terms with the fact that few people, if any, loved him. It was just another layer of scaring, this one less visible than the others, but no less real. His parents had abandoned him at birth and he had been raised in a catholic orphanage. One day while playing in the woods nearby he had been attacked and mauled nearly to death by a pack of wild dogs. The doctors at the church hospital had said his survival was nothing short of a miracle and that God had given him the scars to remind him of that. But the kids at school seemed to have different opinions. So having been a longer nearly ask his life, the solitary life of a clergyman came naturaly. Besides that the "cloth" literally provided a cover for his body, shielding the world from the miracle he had been cursed with.

So he had thrown himself into his work preaching about a fathers love, all the while wondering what love felt like. Then, just last month, another tragedy had struck. His closest friend, the only prison who had ever stood up for him in front of all the school yard bullies, had been killed with his wife in a tragically avoidable accident. His heart sched for his loss, but even more do for the pain he saw their only daughter going through. Even though she was half his age, he felt that their mutual suffering had drawn them close.

He sat next to her on the pew, leting their shared pain percolate in silence for a moment. But he couldn't see her like this. He had to do something for her. Reaching out to stroke her hair soothingly he said "Eden my angel, it pains me to see you so sad. I can't begin to fathom the pain you are going through, but I want you to know that I will do whatever is necessary to help you through this."
Eden grew lost in how things were going for her, she had no one. No other family, only thing she had was her faith. But she also had Father Jeffrey, that much she knew for sure. She could feel and always see the pain he held behind his eyes. And right now everything just seemed to go still, but she heard what he said to her and watched as he touched her. Her stormy eyes looked at him and gave him a soft and thankful filled smile. It was hard to smile but she could do it if she had the will to do it.

"I have buried myself in my music, I find it hard every day to wake up and to get a reason to get up and live another day. Because every day its just the same thing, to will myself to keep going. I just feel so empty not even music gives me pleasure any more. I wrote a song while I am dealing with my parents death. My faith is being tested, I am at a cross roads and I don't know what to do and where to go. I'm eighteen years old now and it feels like god has turned his back on me" She said looking down.

When she closed her eyes it was easy to tell she was ashamed to say that she felt god left her, that was easy to say. She had been told music could heal, perhaps only way to do it was to use the song in the surface that was in another day. But right now she just didn't know what to do any more. She looked up at the cross in the room, tears fell down her face as she cried it was silent there was no way to tell she was crying, accept in her eyes. "I don't know if I can do this any more"
Father Jeffrey frowned as he heard he question her faith. He wanted to tell her she still had a spiritual father who loved her, but his words died before they left his mouth. It wasn't that his faith was wavering but rather that he felt like a hypocrite trying to teach her about love when he himself knew nothing on the matter. Unable to come up with an appropriate response, he simply let his arm fall around her shoulders.

He knew that such an embrace could get him into a lot of trouble, but the church was empty besides the two of them and he couldn't allow her to suffer like this alone. As he held her new sensations stirred inside him. He had not looked at women as anything but daughters in his flock for do long that he was caught off his guard. His heart had been empty for so long that he found himself welcoming the sensations rather than resisting them.

But he knew that all good things must come to an end, so after an all to short moment he pulled away.

"It is god that you still have your music. I would enjoy listening to it sometime. But you should not give up on your faith. It is one of the few confections you still have with your parents. They would have wanted you to stay strong. Tell me, when was the last time you confessed?"
Eden felt his arm around her and thought it was rather sweet, though she knew it wasn't suppose to happen. But she didn't see the harm in it, not like she was going to come on to him or the other way around. She knew to behave and she would never tempt him, unless she did and she honestly didn't kn ow it anything is possible. But right now all she could do was just let everything happen the way it did. She felt safe in his arms and it made her feel special, but she felt him let her go and she just nodded to what he said.

"Ever since my parents died I haven't confessed since then" Eden said in a matter of fact kind of sound to her voice. She smiled a bit and just let her eyes do what they would do. There was nothing that could be done about it, she didn't see the point in much any more. She had no friends or family, well she knew she had him but he was a priest and couldn't do much because of the code or what ever you wanted to call it. It hurt and sucked but there wasn't much to be done about it.
"Come with me." He said, taking her hand and pulling her up onto her feet. "One month without confession really isn't that long, but maybe you just nerd some time to think about other things and get your mind off of your sorrows."

Her hand felt so natural in his that he simply continued holding it as he guided her towards the confession chamber. Those same sensations began to spread through his body from the slightest contact with her. They made him want to pull her into his arms, even tighter than before. But he was afraid of the contact at the same time. Would she even stand being in the same room with him if she knew how hideously scared he was? Was he just fooling himself into thinking each touch was more than a simple touch? He had seen this girl grow up and so he imagined it was natural for him to care about her, but he had no idea about where that line was drawn. Was it natural for his heart rate to be this high just from holding her hand?

He forced himself to breath deeply, trying to clear his head. This wasn't about him our his jacked up emotions any way. This was suposed to be about helping her to move on in life because one so young and so beautiful did not deserve to be do sad.

He helped her into the confession booth but then sat down next to her rather than disappear behind the screen. "I would like this confession to be a little different" he explained "anyway, there is no point in pretending anonymity tonight when no one else is here." It was cramped for both of then in the booth and he found himself putting his arms around her. "I dont care so much about what mistakes you might have made in the last month. Instead I want to focus entirely on what an amazing person you are."
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Eden watched him as she felt his hand on hers and got her on her feet, she smiled at the sight of it and it was something she would never forget. Right now she didn't know what to think, she had no idea what was on his mind. But it felt right to be touched by him, since he had never once hurt her. It was nice to be able to talk with no one else around. It was annoying to have other people around to hear what was on her mind. It was to the point where everything just felt so natural and it was nice to feel that way.

But then when he brought her to where he did, she noticed he stood beside her and sat down. It was a bit different but she wasn't afraid of it. Eden smiled a bit as she felt the warmth beside him, she tilted her head to the side a little. Curious as to what was on his mind, and she heard what he said. It was a bit weird but she didn't mind it. Looking into his eyes she saw that emotion again behind his eyes. It made her curious as to what was going on there, or perhaps nothing was there and she saw what she wanted to.

He was everything to her he was a good man and friend, Eden had a feeling he broke a lot of girls hearts when he joined the church. But she had no idea just how wrong she was, no idea that beyond what she could see there was something hidden. She felt comfortable with him being there beside her. When he said what he did it took her back, it felt nice to be cared about so much since she had no one else now, she blushed a little when he said she was amazing. She never saw herself as amazing.

When she felt his arms around her, it made her feel incredible and warm. It was something she had never felt until now by him. She didn't care what was right and wrong any more, right now she didn't give a damn. She wanted to be touched and lovede by him, this man before her meant the world to her. And she doubted that he even knew how much she cared for the man, she smiled as she felt his warmth against her own. How she loved everything about him. "Your sweet but I don't see how I am amazing"
Holding her in his arms was intoxicating for him. He wanted more, but didn't know how to proceed having never beeneven this close to a woman before. Long years of chastity had come easy for him simply because he had never been tempted by a woman before. But now this young woman was tempting him without doing anything. She had made no advancement toward him, yet by simply existing she teased him. Her every breath drawing him closer to her and her heart beating making his blood rush.

"You truly are an amazing woman though." He said as he pulled her deeper into his embrace. "First of all you are more beautiful than any woman I have ever known. But looks are not all that makes you amazing. You are talented too. While your beauty would tempt an angel, your voice could calm a demon."

Years of strict practices and teachings were screaming at him that he could still stop this, that it wasn't to late. He could reverse the impulses that were drawing then together. All he had to do was get up and walk away. But he didn't want to walk away. Even though he knew it was wrong he wanted to explore further down this rabbit hole. And so, as he finished speaking their lips met for the first time. He had never kissed anyone before, so he simply held his lips against hers. His heart raced, half from terror that he was doing something wrong, and half from the raw excitement building in his body.

His arms encircled her and her body heat spread across his body, making his suit which until now had been a comfort and a protection for him feel hot and restrictive. His pants were suddenly tight and he yearned to adjust them, but the way they were sitting so close together in the cramped booth meant he would be touching her as much as himself, so he simply let the bulge grow. He knew he should feel embarrassed, but somehow she made him so comfortable that he didn't care. And so for what seemed like an eternity they just sat there, their lips pressed together.
Eden grew lost in the way it felt to be held by him, her eyes looked up at him and she smiled softly. And everything in her life seemed to crash into her head and right now it was to the point where everything just seemed to stop. Right now things were just simple and right now it was what she wanted really. Eden was lost within everything and right now it was to the point where everything just seemed to stop for her. The way he looked at her, the way he touched her. If she had experience she would know what it was.

But then he did something she didn't realize, when he bent against her and she felt his lips on her own, shock ripped through her in that moment. But right now everything seemed so simple, so beautiful to her. She closed her eyes as she returned the kiss, by the way he kissed her she had a feeling he to hadn't any experience either. And right now that did not seem to matter, right now things were getting out of hand in her head. She knew that she should push him away, to stop him so he didn't destroy his relationship with god.

Feeling his arms around her pulling her tightly to him, it felt incredible and right now things just seemed to go hand in hand. When the kiss broke because she needed some air, she was thinking about the song that she had written and realized it fit. Her stormy eyes looking into his brown eyes, she placed her hand on his cheek and smiled at him. She felt as if perhaps she teased him and didn't know it. But as she kept stroking his cheek she smiled a little bit and a soft melody escaped her lips.

"I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left.
I know you have a little life in you yet.
I know you have a lot of strength left. "

Just a little from the song as tears fell down her face, she hated to feel like this. It felt wrong to be crying, but she wasn't the kind of girl that liked to cry. But she knew she loved him very much, and it was something that had grown over the years of knowing him. She wanted to say those three little words. But didn't know if he loved her or if it was just lust for him, it was confusing to her as she held him close. Eden smiled at him and felt at peace and didn't know what to do but she kissed him back softly.
Her melodic voice stroked his ear drums as her fingers caressed his face. "Oh Eden" he sighed, not sure if her voice or her fingers were more erotic. He wanted to feel her touch him more, to hear her sing more. So as tears welled up in her eyes his instincts kicked in. Pulling her into his lap he held her as tight as he possibly could.

"Your song its right." He started. "You have so much life ahead of you. You are young and strong and graceful."

He shifted beneath her. The bulge in his pants was suddenly much more obvious as it throbbed between them. But strangely he wasn't embarrassed. Nor did he care how wrong it was of him to be this close to her, so long as she was ok with it.

But was she really ok? He wondered. She seemed to be for the time being. Her tears had dried against the soft fabric of his shirt. But would she still be ok if she knew what he kept hidden? Looking into her eyes he saw the pain that still swirled just beneath the surface, and he forgot his own fear.

"I want to take away this pain." He whispered softly just before their lips met again. One hand stroked her hair while the other, wrapped around her waist, caressed her thigh.
Eden tried so hard to be strong but being single was something she didn't know what to do about it, she tried to make friends. But no one seemed to connect to her, only ones who connect are those who are older then her. This kind of thing made her curious about life, she had no idea what to think about or do any more. But right now it didn't seem to matter, she had pain in her eyes but so didn't the man holding her. Perhaps they could be each others comfort, Eden could not help but just smile and let go.

But feeling him pick her up, she felt something against her and blushed a bit. Realizing what it was that was poking through, she knew looking back would bring only more pain. So she tried not to look back any more, but when he leaned in and kissed her again. She closed her eyes returning the kiss. The way he kissed her it had a lot of emotion in it, it felt so right and comforting as well. Eden rested her hand on his cheek as they kissed, she did not care about anything any more.

All she knew was she had feelings for this man before her, and she did not want to ever let him go. But knew he had a duty and it was not to her, life could be simple if you let it be, but it was something she found trouble doing. But she did not care and moaned softly feeling his warm hand on her thigh. It was an incredible feeling to feel his warm touch, her heart was starting to beat loudly in her ears. But Eden did not stop him, she didn't want him to stop she wanted him to be happy and happy herself.
As their kiss grew more passionate his hands roamed wider, caressing her neck, her shoulder, her knee and her calf. When they finally broke their kiss, both panting for air, his lips were drawn to her skin like magnets. Across her cheek they moved, resting on her ear. The both was becoming hot from their passion and his collar begged to be loosened.

He was glad she was so open to him but he felt guilty. His church responsiblities weighed heavily on him, but that was not what bothered him. Those were easily drowned in his desire to help Eden through this hard time. What bothered him was that he was not being fair to her. She didn't know what she was getting herself into. Piling back just a little he liked into her green eyes. He wanted to feel more of her smooth pale skin, but that just reminded him of how hideous his own body was.

"I ... we ..." He started hesitantly. "I'm sorry for doing this to you." He said softly. "But I cannot go any further. I don't deserve someone as beautiful as you." He finished lamely. Pain welled up in her eyes again and he rushed on.

"It its not fair for you. You don't know how hideous I really am. When I was in school the other children called me a beast or a monster. I don't blame them. They were just speaking the truth, no matter how harsh it was." He hung his head as old memories welled up. "You would probably say the same thing if you saw what I really looked like."

Her expression told him she was about to object, but he didn't want to hear it. No mater how well intentioned she was her words would be empty because she just didn't know.

"I can tell you dont believe me, but I will prove it to you." He said. Setting her down gently on the bench he stood in front of her, untucked his shirt and, after loosening the top button, piled it over his head. He was muscular, something few people knew about was the church actually encouraged healthy practices like weight lifting and other forms of exercise. But his body was cris crossed by a jagged patern of deep scars. The highest one started on his neck down just below the collar line and twisted down to join a network of others that spread like a spider web across his chest, down his right arm, around his right side and half if his back, before disappearing beneath his pants.

"Frankenstein some of them used to call me." He finished. "Wouldn't you agree?"
Eden could felt something was up in the kiss he gave her, like something was on his mind. And right now things were just rather simple, least to her but she saw the world in a different light. And she just did not care what others thought, and when he pulled away she saw something more in his face. It was the kind of thing that scared her, but she knew this man before her would never harm her. He was as gentle as a little lamb and it made her love him more.

But then when he said that it wasn't fair to her it almost broke her heart, and looking down for a moment. She felt the bitter chill of torment come from her, she did not understand. Eden understood he had a job and she respected that, but it would appear he was choosing his faith over her. Which was fine, she wanted him happy. And if he would not be happy with her there was no point to even continue, and it hurt her a lot it truly did.

Then he called himself a monster and that hurt her just as much as what he said before, it was very easy to tell she would never consider him a monster. She may have been over ten years younger then him, she could look into the eyes of people and truly be honest with people. She saw the beauty in everything, she was beyond frustrated and heard he would prove it to her. Once she sat down on the bench in there and watched him.

She couldn't see what made him a monster, but when she saw his scarred body. She had tears in her eyes, and hearing what kids called him. She stood face to face with him, as she ran her fingers over a few of the scars that she could get to without a problem. It would be easy to tell that she did not agree with what others said about him, and it hurt her that he believed it as well. Her eyes looked into his as she shook her head.

"Beauty is not skin deep as many want to believe, true beauty is beyond our bodies it is our heart and soul that is what makes us beautiful. The scars a painful reminder how cruel people can truly be, it isn't your looks Father that I love. It is the heart and soul of you, baring your soul to me as I bare it to you. As we both have moments of weakness, moments of true pain. But also moments of being in pure bliss, if I had been there I would have kicked the crap out of those kids.

Unfortunately humanity has a wicked side to them, a side where one person can hurt another. Not just physically but emotionally, I do not see the monster that the kids and you have seen. I see the marks of a survivor the marks that have been etched into your skin was also etched in your mind. I love you for the man you are, screw what others think" She said softly and she bent forward a bit and her lips pressed against a scar kissing it.
Her tears surprised him. Had she been angry he would have understood, but this sadness made no sense. He knew she was telling the truth, not only because this little angel had proven on multiple occasions that she was incapable of lying but because there was a sincerity in her eyes that replaced the storm that had been raging across her soul. But this made no sense.

Then she was standing in front of him, not running away. Then she touched him. Not just his face, but right in the thickest part of his scars. Her fingertips sent currents of energy crackling like electricity through his body igniting a fire that burned even hotter than before. And her sweet angelic voice was speaking to him, speaking words so soothing that decades worth of emotional scaring seemed to flake off like a snakes skin. Then the last thing he had ever expected to happen did. Her lips were pressed against his skin, caressing the scar tissue and intensifying the passionate fire ignited by her fingers.

Suddenly, and finally, he understood. This is what love was. It was not something reserved only for perfect people any more than it was ignoring or hiding flaws. True love was having a perfect understanding of those flaws and accepting them for what they were, and then moving on with life.

Father Jeffrey pulled his angel close to him, holding her tight against the bare skin of his chest. Only then did he realize how wet his face was. Tears dripped and fell into her hair as one single sob shook his body. Kissing the top of her head were the tears had fallen he quickly regained his composure.

"Thank you" he said. "For showing me your strength and that I do have something to live for. I hope that someday I can return the favor." He touched her chin, tilting her face up until they were again looking eye to eye. They were so close together that as he spoke their lips caressed each others.

"I love you."
She could tell he was shocked, perhaps he had never known what true love was. Course being a priest and by him kissing her she sensed he had never had a relationship with a woman. So they were on equal level with each other, since neither had she had any experience with relationships. But it never seemed to matter to her, and it was rather nice. Today was looking up that much she knew, her smile never fading.

Not even for a moment, and when she felt him touch her again. But then she heard him say the three words she had wanted to hear. That he loved her, and that meant everything to her. But she felt that he had cried, since her head felt a bit wet. But it showed just how human he was, humanity could kick your ass. But it could also be a rather beautiful time. She did not like it when people were nasty to themselves, it was something she did not agree with.

But hopefully now he would know better, she did not want him to give up and did not want him to feel lonely anymore because that was the sort of thing she would not agree with. But then she felt his lips on hers again, closing her eyes as she relaxed her hands on his chest. God help her she loved him, and the way she returned the kiss should show it. Her heart spoke volumes since her heart seemed to react to him and him alone.

Wrapping her arms around him, enjoying the feel of him against her as she returned the hot kiss. memories of the past seemed to hit her a bit as well, all the times they spent together when she was growing up. And it was so beautiful to know exactly what he thought of her, but she would always love him. Nothing would stop that, it was easy to tell on that. Right now though it was just satisfying and she had no idea if they would do anything but she took his lead.

"I love you to"
There was no doubt about it, this was love. Only now did he realize that he had been waiting more than three decades for this. This one instant that was so good he could live another thirty years alone and still die a happy man. But that wasn't what he wanted, and most importantly that wasnt what she wanted.

His hands slid under her shirt as his lips moved down to her neck. He found his body reacting instinctively. There was the occasional awkwardness but their combined inexperience simply added to the passion and the passion of their embrace easily overcame any awkwardness.

He moved slowly, each touch planned out and deliberate. He knew this was a first for her and he wanted it to be special. It could only be special for him because it was her. So he was gentle and patient, combining his years of training in discipline and self control with the instincts that had suddenly flared up inside him.
Eden felt so lost in the way he was touching her she did not know of his past but by the scars it had to be an unfriendly one. It appeared to broken hearts found each other, kindred spirits her mother would call it. It felt good to be loved and to love in return, but she knew the difference of love and lust and this was love she knew that easily. And being here with him it felt amazing, even though this was something that should not be going on, she just did not give a shit. She trusted this man before her.

And he trusted her a trust she had no idea how she earned but she would never hurt him, it was a wonderful feeling inside to feel this. Right now it was just to the point where she did not care what was to happen. She loved the man before her and would never hurt him she would die first, and right now she was sure of it. Being satisfied was something she was right now, it felt incredible and she enjoyed everything about him. Grinning like an idiot as she just took in every little thing.

She felt his soft warm lips on her neck it felt incredible, she felt herself moan and it was really perfect. Her heart beating so quickly it was almost hard to stand herself, but she relaxed and enjoyed the way he made her feel. Her heart beating quicker and it was to the point where everything seemed nice. "I love you" she said softly something she never took lightly when she said she loved you she loved you. And nothing would stop that, she was just that kind of girl that loved.
His hands moved up her body, pulling her shirt with them and exposing her smooth milky skin. His lips caressed her neck and his tongue darted out to taste her skin. A moan escaped his lips as he felt her skin against his.

"I love you." He couldn't say it enough.

His hands paused long enough to cup her breasts through her bra before continuing up, pulling her shirt over her head and off. His mouth continued down to her shoulder where his teeth tugged on her bra strap, dragging it off her shoulder as his hands traveled down her back, across her butt cheeks and scooping her up into his strong arms by her thighs.
Eden was pleased by how he made her feel and right now even more so, moving her head back a bit as she felt his tongue against her, his strong hands running over her skin. She groaned a little bit and it felt so damn perfect. Her heart was beating quickly as everything seemed so damn perfect, grinning like an idiot but she just did not seem to give a shit really moving her fingers against him it was nice and right now it did not seem to matter, her heart beating almost out of her chest as it was.

Grinning a little as she could not help but move into him but then she felt her straps slid down her arms and as he kissed her skin and held her by the thighs she was rather happy with everything. Her heart was beating quickly and it was different for her, everything just seemed perfect and it was to the point where she just did not care if anyone heard or saw them. The way he held her meant everything. She began to wonder if he had been with another woman, since she knew most priests had relations before being a priest.
"You are so beautiful." He panted as he leaned her back against the wall of the booth, pinning her body between the hard wood and his hard body.

He wanted to pinch himself. He was so happy with her it seemed unreal. But his hands were busy exploring her thighs, and no pinch would enliven him more than the goosebumps that spread across her body, pressing out against his lips.

His mouth moved back across her shoulder, slowly testing and trying every inch of her skin, studying her reactions. He tried her collar bone. She seemed to like that so he moved along its length before plunging down t to her cleavage.
Eden had been taken back by what he was doing to her, but she was pleased he was doing it. Feeling him moving her against the wall of the booth and moaned softly feeling what he was doing to her, when he kissed her collar bone she was just beyond happy about it. Her heart beating quickly as she moved her head back even further and it was really remarkable her heart beating as fast as it was. She reached up behind her to remove her bra letting it fall to the floor, or where ever it landed.

And thinking she moaned happily moving her head further back and it caused her body to just want to go out of control. Grinning a little bit as she ran her fingers against his hair and feeling what he was doing to her cleavage, she moaned his name softly smiling as he seemed to know what he was doing. Which mesmerized her though she had a feeling it would be all natural to her, so that is what kept her going kept her wanting it was incredible. Grinning a little as she sighed softly enjoying him.
He varied his face in her cleavage, wanting to give her the most pleasure but unsure how to do it.

"I hope I'm doing this right." He whispered as his mouth continued to roam her body. "I've never done this before."

His fingers worked on her skirt, undoing it and letting it fall to the floor, leaving her in just her underwear. Drawing on the only knowledge he had - listening to others confess - he moved his mouth to her nipple. Unsure what to do though, he paused for a moment, his warm breath caressing the sensitive skin. Then, almost of its own accord, his tongue flicked out and stroked her nipple.
She heard what he whispered and realized this was new for him as well, smiling a bit as she stroked his cheek and looked at him. "Your doing fine" Eden said softly. She could tell he never did this the more he touches her, but they would be able to learn together which was rather nice. Sighing softly as she ran her fingers in his hair. Moving her head against the wall as she just let him do what he wanted. But she felt her skirt fall leaving her in her black silk panties, she blushed a bit and decided to help.

Her hands went against his torso and went to his pants, she did it slowly as not to scare him and undid his belt and then his pants and unzipped them, letting them fall to the ground. Placing a hand on his cheek making him look into her eyes. "We will learn together" She said with a soft smile on her face. And moved into his touch she did not do anything else since she did not want to be to fast for their first time together. She would allow him to lead her in this beautiful virgin dance.
As his pants fell away leaving him in just his boxers he was astonished again at how much he trusted her. Just minutes earlier he would have never allowed anyone to see this much of his body, but now they were nearly naked and he was fine. The thrill of confidence gave him a surge of energy. His shaft swelled even more, stretching the fabric of his boxers to the limit. He couldnt stand wearing even those any more so he pulled them down and kicked them off, revealing not only his rigid cock but also the last of his scars. One fat scar twisted its way down his right thigh while a thinner one stretched along the length if his shaft.

"Ohh" he sighed as the last of his clothing hit the floor. It was so liberating and exciting to stand before this beautiful young girl. He didn't know what excited him more though, being seen by her, our seeing her. And he wanted her to experience that liberation too so he tugged at her panties, pushing then away then standing back to marvel at her beauty.

His mind raced, "what next?" he thought. Then another inspiration struck as he remembered so many confessions. Pushing her back until she was again sitting on the bench he stood before her, his erect shaft mere inches away from her face. Would she know what to do? He wondered. Out wasn't like she could do anything wrong though, he rationalized. But just to make sure he ran his fingers through her hair, caressing her gently and lovingly as he moved his dick slowly closer to her.