The Chain Trick

:( still not gotten to try it yet, but bottoming from the top has to stop...... so I'm not going to hint on it anymore........

maybe one day.
I should probly invest in some new chain before i even think about trying this, i dont imagine that rusty chain would feel very good for her...
Bought 4 ft of 3/16" poly coated proof coil chain last night. Showed it to her, Shes scared. hehe. If you bunch it all up its not much bigger than my fist. This will be fun but will require some work and patience to get her ready. I think my decline weight bench will be perfect.

Did I read right? Its OK to use extra virgin olive oil as a lube for this? Id hate to use up all our really good and expensive stuff on the chain.
SirFace said:
Bought 4 ft of 3/16" poly coated proof coil chain last night. Showed it to her, Shes scared. hehe. If you bunch it all up its not much bigger than my fist. This will be fun but will require some work and patience to get her ready. I think my decline weight bench will be perfect.

Did I read right? Its OK to use extra virgin olive oil as a lube for this? Id hate to use up all our really good and expensive stuff on the chain.

Have you seen the cost of olive oil? lol
bustyblondebombshell said:
:( still not gotten to try it yet, but bottoming from the top has to stop...... so I'm not going to hint on it anymore........

maybe one day.

Just email him a link to this thread? I just very casually asked whether SirFace had seen the 'chaining' thread yet, next thing I know he's out to the hardware store buying rubber coated chain. But, FOUR FEET!?!?!?! omg....
crazybbwgirl said:
Just email him a link to this thread? I just very casually asked whether SirFace had seen the 'chaining' thread yet, next thing I know he's out to the hardware store buying rubber coated chain. But, FOUR FEET!?!?!?! omg....

But not ALL of it goes inside. There's got to be some left out to be able to pull it back out at the moment of orgasm. :)
crazybbwgirl said:
I am very anxious to try it - but that pile of chain just looks sooooo big!

Once you get some in, you'll feel how great it is and want more and more. At least, I did. :)
SweetCherry said:
Once you get some in, you'll feel how great it is and want more and more. At least, I did. :)

Yes, but you my dear are a wanton slut.... ;)
SirFace said:
Bought 4 ft of 3/16" poly coated proof coil chain last night. Showed it to her, Shes scared. hehe. If you bunch it all up its not much bigger than my fist. This will be fun but will require some work and patience to get her ready. I think my decline weight bench will be perfect.

Did I read right? Its OK to use extra virgin olive oil as a lube for this? Id hate to use up all our really good and expensive stuff on the chain.
Extra Virgin? Good God, man, any grade of olive oil in the kitchen is quite sufficient.
Plastic versus Metal

I've read through the entire thread, and am left with two questions:

So far I've been able to find zinc- and nickel-plated chain in a variety of sizes, but no stainless. Both have occasional sharpish spots that could cause discomfort, if not damage, and, given that both are plated, I'd not be comfortable filing these down. There's too much chance of causing flaking and corrosion at those points. How much of the sensation, therefore, is due to the weight of the metal? Alternately expressed, how much sensation, if any, would be lost using plastic, if I am forced to use that?

Also, I am assuming that chain size is being expressed here as the thickness of the stock used to make the links. I'll be seeking something close to that suggested at the beginning, but what is a good min/max range? Within reason, are larger links better than small? Obviously, a mile of bead chain or three oceanliner anchor chain links are out...

Thanks all, and there should be a report back on this in a week or so.
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IHaveControl said:
I've read through the entire thread, and am left with two questions:

So far I've been able to find zinc- and nickel-plated chain in a variety of sizes, but no stainless. Both have occasional sharpish spots that could cause discomfort, if not damage, and, given that both are plated, I'd not be comfortable filing these down. There's too much chance of causing flaking and corrosion at those points. How much of the sensation, therefore, is due to the weight of the metal? Alternately expressed, how much sensation, if any, would be lost using plastic, if I am forced to use that?

Also, I am assuming that chain size is being expressed here as the thickness of the stock used to make the links. I'll be seeking something close to that suggested at the beginning, but what is a good min/max range? Within reason, are larger links better than small? Obviously, a mile of bead chain or three oceanliner anchor chain links are out...

Thanks all, and there should be a report back on this in a week or so.

A Marine supply store might have stainless Steel, something like West Marine.
IHaveControl said:
I've read through the entire thread, and am left with two questions:

So far I've been able to find zinc- and nickel-plated chain in a variety of sizes, but no stainless. Both have occasional sharpish spots that could cause discomfort, if not damage, and, given that both are plated, I'd not be comfortable filing these down. There's too much chance of causing flaking and corrosion at those points. How much of the sensation, therefore, is due to the weight of the metal? Alternately expressed, how much sensation, if any, would be lost using plastic, if I am forced to use that?

Also, I am assuming that chain size is being expressed here as the thickness of the stock used to make the links. I'll be seeking something close to that suggested at the beginning, but what is a good min/max range? Within reason, are larger links better than small? Obviously, a mile of bead chain or three oceanliner anchor chain links are out...

Thanks all, and there should be a report back on this in a week or so.

When I tried it I liked the heat and the weight the of the metal on my stomach at the end of it.
It was all part of the overall amazement.

Plus the weight when it was inside was fascinating, I have sure plastic would not have the same intense effect
shy slave said:
When I tried it I liked the heat and the weight the of the metal on my stomach at the end of it.
It was all part of the overall amazement.

Plus the weight when it was inside was fascinating, I have sure plastic would not have the same intense effect

I like that sensation of cold when it first goes in. The cold that gradually warms. The weight, too, is amazing.

That's about what I thought - weight and temperature. Can you feel it move around inside? If so, I can't see that happening with a lighter substance.

There doesn't seem to be any ready source of stainless chain around here. I've visited a couple of hardware places, and the few marine supply places contacted so far don't carry it - mostly light vessels in fresh water using rope for anchors I guess. I could order it I suppose (presuming that one can do that for just a couple of feet) but I want it early next week and don't think that I'd get it in time.

I'll keep looking, but I've dropped the plastic idea.

Thanks again.
We used plastic covered links, it still pinched and we prewarmed them in water.
I found a place that will order short lengths of stainless chain, but I'm still waiting for a price before I go ahead with that. If it's about what I'm thinking - based upon comparisons between other things available in regular steel and stainless - that'll be fine but I'm not about to blow something outrageous.

As an alternate, I bought four feet of galvanized chain that seems to be smooth enough, and if I go for the stainless I've only blown four bucks and change.

I was just re-reading the first posting on this thread and it specifically warns against galvanized chain though.

Why? How much of a concern is this? Others here have used it. Any disintegrating flesh or mutant children yet?
Two Places

Cabelas and Overtons both sell a plastic coated anchor chain. The plastic coated seems to cause less discomfort.
- Bump -

This is an AMAZING idea.

On my way to Bunnings now.
**please oh please stock stainless steel chain**

Have read this thread from Go to Whoa and am so very VERY keen to try this out. My partner arrives home in 3 weeks and I'm using that time to find new ways to make her squirm, squirt and squeal.

Excuse my ignorance but I've looked and looked and other than scattered idea's and thoughts in random threads, I've not been able to find any thread with a list of 'favourite & effective' things to do.
Does anyone know of a thread like this ? or two ? or more ?????

Failing that, I'll start one :)

shmeghead said:
- Bump -

This is an AMAZING idea.

On my way to Bunnings now.
**please oh please stock stainless steel chain**

Have read this thread from Go to Whoa and am so very VERY keen to try this out. My partner arrives home in 3 weeks and I'm using that time to find new ways to make her squirm, squirt and squeal.

Excuse my ignorance but I've looked and looked and other than scattered idea's and thoughts in random threads, I've not been able to find any thread with a list of 'favourite & effective' things to do.
Does anyone know of a thread like this ? or two ? or more ?????

Failing that, I'll start one :)



Of the really HOT ass and back in his am pic thread?

Fury :rose: