The Caregiver (closed for maria1966)

'I'm just commemorating my favorite person' he says in a suave voice.

The young man looks at the camera and recalls all the memories that have been preserved with it.

"It's been years since I've taken a picture with this camera. I thought that since this is a new chapter of my life, the first thing that should be captured is the person who's given me my first good memories in years."
"Well Alright I understand after we eat breakfast and get the unpacking done we will go into town and get the pictures developed so you can put them in your scrap book. And if you want to put more pictures of me in their at a later date just let me know."

"Also breakfast is almost ready I am making eggs bacon sausage toast oat meal and orange juice I want you to have a good hardy breakfast so you will have the energy to get all the work done."
Malcome set the camera down on the kitchen counter as Annie served him his hardy breakfast.

'Wow. This is quite the feast. Thank you' he says with a kind smile.

After Malcome finished his breakfast and Annie but his dishes in the washer, the two of them went downstairs to Malcomes room and unpacked his boxes. They set his television on his old drawer. Annie unpacked all his clothes, folded them neatly and put them in the drawer. She looked over at Malcome as he arranged his assorted action figures on the entertainment stand: He-Man, Thunder Cats, Super Man, Ninja Turtles, and The Incredible Hulk.

Annie giggled at the precision in which Malcome was arranging his toys. He looked over his shoulder at her and smiled.

'Hey! This is sophisticated stuff here, missy' he said in a pretend annoyed voice.
"I think its neat that you collect action figures. everyone must have a hobby or hobbies. I will call the cable company and have cable installed in here so you can watch t.v. so have you given any thought about the decorations for your room? after all its your room and you can decorate it anyway that you want do."
"Have you given any thought about the decorations for your room? After all it's your room and you can decorate it anyway that you want do."

Without coming out and saying it, Annie pretty much affirmed to Malcome that he can live here long-term. The two were standing next to each other. There shoulders were lightly touching. Malcome's fingers found Annie's without having to reach. Annie responded by spreading her slender fingers apart as Malcome slipped his fingers between hers. Neither one of them looked at each other. Instead, they just looked around the room.

After a moment, Malcome broke the silence.

'I never thanked you for doing this for me' he said in a soft voice.
"their is no need to thank me Malcome I am happy to do it now how are you going to decorate the room? will you need any help at all because I am happy to help you in anyway shape or form just ask and I will do my best to help you."
"Of course I should thank you. You didn't have to do this, but you did because you're just that type of person. I'm happy for the first time in years."
Annie hugged Malcome tightly but not to tightly then she looked at her watch "wow! its nearly lunch time. do you want some lunch? or our you still full from breakfast?" While she waited for Malcome to answer her. The beautiful teacher grabbed another box of clothes and put them away in the dresser. once the box was empty she put it into the pile of empty boxes that were on the other side of the room.
Malcome smiled to himself as he was enveloped in his caregivers arms.

"Wow! it's nearly lunch time. Do you want some lunch or are you still full from breakfast?"

Malcome starting breaking down and folding the empty cardboard boxes and stacking them together to put in the recycling bin.

'It's gonna take a while to work up an appetite after that size breakfast' Malcome said with a laugh.

'What plans do you have for us today?' he said with eager anticipation.
"Well after we get everything unpacked and the boxes broken down we will need to get them and the other recycling in the station wagon. Then take it all down to the recycling center and collect the money for it. Then the rest of our day is free what would you like to do? after all you live here now so if there is anything you want to do we can go do it." Then she hugged Malcome again.
Malcome was almost overwhelmed by Annie's affection for him. He had gotten more hugs in the past couple of days than he has in a months time. He wrapped his arms around her torso and they pressed against each other for a bit too long to be just harmless affection. After a about 30 seconds of an intimate embrace they came back to there senses.
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Annie came to her sense's then she said to the sweet young man standing in front of her.

"Malcome we have got a lot of work that we still have to do and not a lot of time to do it. its going to be dark in a few hours."
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"You're right. Let's not waste any time."

Malcome smiles at Annie and they finish breaking down the empty cardboard boxes in Malcome's room and bring them outside to the recycling bin in the garage. They go through the kitchen grabbing all the stray cans and bottles that they can find and add them to the bin.
Malcome puts the bin in the trunk and they're off to the grocery store to get money for there returnables.
They end of leaving with 15 dollars.

The sun is just beginning to go down by the time they make it back home.
"You're right. Let's not waste any time."

Malcome smiles at Annie and they finish breaking down the empty cardboard boxes in Malcome's room and bring them outside to the recycling bin in the garage. They go through the kitchen grabbing all the stray cans and bottles that they can find and add them to the bin.

Malcome puts the bin in the trunk and they're off to the grocery store to get money for there returnables. They end of leaving with 15 dollars.

The sun is just beginning to go down by the time they make it back home.
"Well overall we did pretty good but next time I think we should have recycling saving system 2 trash cans in the garage one for bottles one for cans and one big bin for newspapers and save over a long term period of time."

"Now that we have that settled what do you want for dinner we have 15 dollars of spending money which is enough for some take out what would you like to order Malcome? what ever you want the decision is yours."
"That's a good idea. Well, how about we order out for pizza and watch a movie or something while we wait?"
"That sounds good what would you like on the pizza? and what movie would you like to watch? I have a rather large movie collection you name a movie I probably have it in my collection."
'Hmmm...I'll have mushrooms. You can pick a second topping and you decide the movie. That's non-negotiable, by the way' said the young man in a playfully stern way as he gave his caregiver a smirk.
Annie playfully laughed then she said "Its a deal Malcome". Then she ordered the pizza mushrooms and pepperoni. After the pizza was ordered Annie went to her movie cabinet and picked out the funniest comedy movie she owned. She put the movie on then they sat down on the couch and Annie pushed play.

"Fair warning Malcome this movie is so funny you will laugh a whole lot."
Malcome goes through the fridge for drinks while she orders the pizzas. After she orders she sifts through her movie collection. She warns him that he's going to split his sides laughing to the movie she's picked out.

"Sounds good. I can't wait." He gets two cans of Ginger ale and pour us two glasses. Malcome takes his seat beside Annie as she starts the movie and hands her the perspiring glass. Malcome holds his beverage.

'Cheers' he says with a bright smile.
Cheers then they carefully bump their two glasses together making sure not to break them then the proceed to enjoy the movie and laugh and laugh and laugh a whole lot more. An hour into the movie the door bell rings ding! dong! Annie says " pizzas here Malcome". after paying for it Annie grabs some plates the plates the pizza then they go back to enjoying the movie while they eat.
For the next hour, Malcome and Annie do nothing but laugh hysterically together. Malcome would occasionally lean against her shoulder or roll over onto her with his head in her lap and tears in his eyes from laughing so hard. The doorbell rang and the two had to compose themselves for a moment as Annie answered the door for the pizza guy. After getting plates for themselves they resumed the movie while chowing down on there pizza.
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As Annie sat on the couch enjoying the movie and eating pizza she quietly thanked god for bringing this very special young man into her life. and she also made a promise to god that she would do her very best to love care for and nurture this young man for the rest of her life.
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The two of them quickly devoured the pizza, and they spent the next half hour laughing themselves in stitches.

'My goodness! You weren't kidding. That really was hilarious' said Malcome as we wiped tears off his face from his crying laughter. He glanced on the clock above the television.

"Oh, it's getting late. We should probably get some rest."
I yawn a few times "Malcome you are right it is getting late so I put the movie away and turn off the television. Then we work together to clean up the living room and the kitchen once that is done I make sure you brush your teeth before bed after that I say goodnight and I head off to bed and I get a good night sleep.