The bosses daughter (open for on lady pm please)


Literotica Guru
Nov 6, 2011
Cory had been working at the firm for about 6 months now and had become the owners right hand man. He was treating him almost like the son he never had. So it was no suprise when Cory arrived at work on Friday morning he was called into his office. Cory made his way there figuring Mr. Morris was going to ask him to go to a ball game with him that evening as he was a huge Bulls fan. Cory made his way to the office and his secretary let Mr. Morris know he had arrived.

Cory was told to enter and was greeted by the smiling older man in his tailored suit. "good morning Cory he said with a smile please come in." Cory walked in and have a seat. Making his way across the huge office Cory had a seat across from Mr. Morris seated behind his huge desk. As Cory crossed his leg Mr. Morris smiled. "cory I have a big request of you today. My daughter is coming home today and I want you to pick her up from the airport." cory's heart dropped. He had never met his daughter but word in the office was that she was a beauty. She had just graduated from college and was returning home to work for her father at the firm. From what he had heard she was a very very intellectual girl who had the business smarts of her father as well as his work ethic. Cory was stunned by this request and very fearful.

Cory sat there knowing he couldn't tell him no. "yes sir. It would be an honor." Cory gulped as he spoke. Mr. Morris smiled as he looked across the desk at him. "I have rented bought her a condo here in the city i would like you to take her there and help her get moved in." Mr. Morris looked at him with a smile "being the young guy you are i want you to show her around the city. In fact here are my tickets for the game tonight and my credit card. Take her out on the town show her around. I think she will enjoy your company. And come Monday i want you to show her the ropes here at the office. She will be working in your department and will be one of your employees." Cory looked across the desk and nodded. Mr. Morris sat back and sipped his coffee. "I am trusting you Cory this is not a date merely an introduction to the city and the company. Do you understand?" Cory gulped again " yes sir." Mr. Morris sat back in his chair. "good now go here flight lands in an hour. Ny driver is waiting downstairs for you."

Cory walked out of the office and to his own. Looking out the window over looking the big city Cory grabbed his suit coat and put it on. "fuck!" Cory exclaimed out loud with the door shut. Taking a deep breath he headed downstairs and met the driver and was soon off to the airport. As they arrived there the driver looked in the backseat of the town car at him. "good luck kid! She is a beauty!" Cory looked up at him sarcastically "thanks!" getting out of the car Cory brushed his suit off and headed for the baggage claim. As he reached there he found her flight number and headed to the carosel. Grabbing a piece of paper from a stand on the way cory wrote Julie Morris with a sharpie and stood there waiting. Soon the baggage claim buzzed and the luggage began to stream out. He knew it wouldn't be long until he would meet Julie Morris for the first time.
(looking for a slow romantic partner to play julie. Not rushing into anything As both have fear of father and boss. But the attraction is immediate. Looking forward to meeting a good writing partner!)
Name: Julie Morris
Age: 23
Description: blonde long hair,110lbs,30 C boobs, blue eyes and long white egs.

Julie was sat in first class her farther had insist she travelled in first class. She was in a black knee length skirt, a white blouse and a pair of killer heels. She knew she was getting picked up by one of her dads new favourites she always envied people who became her fathers favourites being one of three children she always had to fight for his attention. She craved her fathers approval that's why she was coming to work for him. She braced herself as the plane landed. She had seen a picture of Cory with her dad and she thought he was handsome he looked like her type but she wouldn't try anything with him. She didn't want to risk her relationship with her farther it had only just started to become better. She had been his little princess when she was little but when she was getting to her teens he worked all the time. She got her bag and headed off the plane she was nervous to meet Cory she didn't know if he would be like her farther's last favourite Tyler he was stuck up and annoying. She hummed to herself as she walked into the terminal. She headed over to the luggage carousel and saw her name on a piece a paper and the holder of the paper Cory she recognise him from photos. She walked over.

"Hey Cory right I'm Julie, Julie Morris will you help me get my suitcases you see I'm not that strong I'm a delicate flower as my dad says." She smiled at him as she laughed.
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Standing there holding the piece of paper with her name on it Cory scanned the crowd of people flooding out. Quickly a pretty blonde caught his eye and Cory watched her headed towards him. Thinking in his head as she looked around. "could that be her? No way it couldn't be?" just then then the exact girl he was thinking about looked at his sign and smiled walking right towards him.

As she approached she smiled again calling him by name and asking if he could help with her bags. "yes mam. Sure!" Is all that Cory could stammer out "it is a pleasure to meet you as well." Cory knew he sounded like an idiot as he followed her to the baggage claim. She pointed as her suit case shuffled out. Cory reached down pulling it off the rack and then she pointed again. Cory grabbed the other suit case and was now loaded down. Cory picked both up and smiled. "ready?" he asked as the bags were a little heavy but he wasn't going to let her see that!
She laughed under her breath thinking god does he think a guy who impresses my dad is really going to impress me with a stammer. "Please don't call me mam I'm not in my forties call me by my name please Cory.". She pointed out her suitcase as it came out it was a big black suitcase and the other was black too. "Yeah I'm ready Cory and please be careful with my cases there's clothes in there worth thousands so how long have you worked for my dad ?" She asked she was interested to know why her dad like him so much. She felt a little jealous already because she knew her dad wouldn't just let anyone pick her up and show around. She was trying to hide her jealous towards him but it was so hard for her.