The Bird.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
This is TOO cool!:)

A little while ago, I was talking to Trail on the phone, and all of a sudden he said "hang on"...when he came back he said "you're not going to believe this...theres a bird in the house!" :)
He said that he realized it when the cat just bolted across the room, so he went to see what was up, and there was this bird flying through!:) We decided that he needed to hang up so that he could deal with the bird, yet we talked for a couple more minutes and then he said " yep, he got him...."
I said "he's dead???" and he said "yes", so I told him he needed to go deal with that and we started to say bye, and then with a great deal of urgency he said "Umm...I better go, I don't even want to tell you whats happening..."

So, I got back online, and then a few minutes ago he called again and told me the story. He said that he ran to get a bag to dispose of the bird and that when he walked over to the cat and bird, he opened up the bag so that he could put the bird in it, but the cat picked it up and put it in the bag!:eek: Then he realized the bird wasn't dead afterall, so he went downstairs to take it outside, and that when he opened the bag, the bird flew out!!:D :D
Isn't that too cool?? The bird apparently was just playing dead...and whats so funny is Trail said the cat was so damn proud of himself, just strutting around and climbing all over him trying to get affection, and just purring away! :)

I'm so tickled that the bird is okay, though I'm betting he could use a nice stiff drink. ;)
That Is Very Nice For The Birdy!

My Cats Are Total Killers:D

The Last Bird That Fly Into Our Home ( A Regular Occurance) Died A Violent Death. The Sounds That I Heard Were Frightening!

My Beasts Do The Same Thing, When They Murder Wildlife. I Open The Door And They Take The Dead Things OUTSIDE!
That's a smart bird. I had a bird in my house once. Took me all weekend to get it out.
I have watched a cat play with a mouse before, and this cat was doing the same type of thing.....after he brought it in to show me, he let it flew for a moment, and the cat (Isis) jumped up and caught the bird in midair! It did this at least 3 times before I could get the bag. The last time he had the bird in his mouth, I opened the bag and he dropped the bird into it....too bizarre