The best present ever

Prince Romeo

Literotica Guru
Oct 3, 2002
Two questions:

First, what was the best present you ever received? The one you had the most fun with or treasured the most.

Second, what is the best gift you think you ever gave to someone else?
back to the material goods...

My fav: Package of tickets to see the Yanks a few years ago....okay, cheesy but hell i loved it!

best given: Suprise birthday balloon ride...with champagne
Prince Romeo said:
First, what was the best present you ever received? The one you had the most fun with or treasured the most.
The most fun with? Ummm, my vibrator :cool:
Treasured the most? A rose and a small silver box.

Less material things, the encouragement and love of someone I love :)

Second, what is the best gift you think you ever gave to someone else?
Something I wrote or drew, maybe.
Or perhaps my heart :)
After the children answer, my reponses might see kind of lame but here goes anyway.

First, what was the best present you ever received?

When I was a kid (back before they even had Pong) Matel was king of the toy makers. They made all these cool laboratory type toys: creepy crawlesr, etc. One year my folks gave me this device where you had little squares of rubber. When you put the square under a special domed lamp inside the devcie, it would heat up and unfold to reveal a liitle figurine. Then you could put the figurine in a special crank area on the same device and crush it back up into a square. I was Dr. Frankestein. Creator and giver of life! Hmmm, maybe I was practicing for kids afterall.

At the time, the best gift I thought I ever gave to someone was a ring. It was inscribed with the words "Vous et Nul Autre" - You and No Other. Today, it is collecting dust in a jewelry box. But I'm not sad about that because the best gift is yet to come.
My first thought when reading this was -

Best present received - his love and friendship

Best present given - my love and friendship.

Materially though

Best present received - a Winnie the Pooh desk set purchased just to give me the eeyore stapler that wasn't sold separately. I mentioned it in passing once and he remembered and bought it the same day for no reason.. no reason meaning it wasn't a holiday or my birthday. A just cause present. I was so surprised when it arrived in the mail. This huge box waiting for me to open it.. I ran home to share that with them. To let him be a part of my opening it.. he laughed at my squeals of delight.

Best present given - It's a tie between two. A t-shirt. He raises Shelties so I found a site that printed a picture of them on it.. and then applied his dogs names to the back. lol He never wore t-shirts just collected ones with funny and unusual sayings and such on it. But that one he'd put on when he had to take them to the vet or the groomers or would wear around his house just to make him think of me.

The other was the ps2 system I purchased for my son the first day they were out. Seeing his face light up was worth the Hell that I went through getting it.
The best present given is so naughty. I am not gonna tell ya!

The best present I have received is my son.
Anyone who knows me personally will know why.
received... dunno...

given... a football shirt with my mum's favourite player's name and number on, on her brithday when she got back from work.
Best Received: Flowers my brother had delivered to me on my 16th birthday (I thought he hated me up until that point)

Best Given: I'm terrible at buying gifts so I usually just buy stuff for people the moment that I notice it's caught their eye.
Best present received: My truck (thank you g'ma)--it's not new by any means but it's super cute and gets me around, you know.

Best present given: I made this way elaborate card and wrote an accompanying story; it was for my mom, and it took me over a week to complete it. She cried--Score!!
busybody said:
Our three children!

Our three children!

Further explanation:

The first year of the lives of our kids, we both made birthday cards for the three of em every month......a great present to give.....

Everytime my kids call me DADDY it is the greatest present imaginable! Everytime I see my kids is the greatest present imaginable!

Whenever I can do anything for my kids is the greatest present imaginable.........

Nothing compares!
The best I hope to receive in my lifetime will be a NCAA Nat'l Title in football at The University of South Carolina courtesy of Lou Holtz!

Go Cocks!!!