The American Red Cross is now asking blood donors if they ever received the Covid vaccine


Loves Spam
Aug 18, 2023
The American Red Cross is now asking blood donors if they ever received the Covid vaccine

If you answer Yes, they want you to call ahead to see if you’re still eligible

I thought the vax was “safe and effective”?

What info are they hiding from us?
...and your health and travel
and meds you're on.

They even take your blood pressure and pulse! 🤬
Another day, another new level of desperation for Deplorables to find something to support their nutjob theories.

We like how this is trending. 🙂
I suppose this could be seen as the other way as in if you have not had one, you might not be eligible?

Either way, its stupid.
Amazing how people still desperately defend this toxic crap.

No one is asking you to admit that you were conned, but be prepared to take on new information.

This is not about left or right, this is about protecting your health and your kids health.
Which is...

And why everyone else, with half a brain, did likewise. To protect our health, our kids' health, and that of our neighbors.
Failure to do so, while an individual choice, is selfish. But to deliberately spread falsehoods about the safety of the vaccines- now that is far, far worse.

That is deliberately ENDANGERING the health and safety of our kids, family, and neighbors. If you have done this, and I know some on this forum who have- then not so kindly- go fuck yourself. YOU are part of the reason that millions of people have died a preventable death due to Covid.
Which is...

And why everyone else, with half a brain, did likewise. To protect our health, our kids' health, and that of our neighbors.
Failure to do so, while an individual choice, is selfish. But to deliberately spread falsehoods about the safety of the vaccines- now that is far, far worse.

That is deliberately ENDANGERING the health and safety of our kids, family, and neighbors. If you have done this, and I know some on this forum who have- then not so kindly- go fuck yourself. YOU are part of the reason that millions of people have died a preventable death due to Covid.
If the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, why care if other people get it or not? So long as you're vaccinated, you're protected and don't need to worry.
If the Covid vaccines are safe and effective, why care if other people get it or not? So long as you're vaccinated, you're protected and don't need to worry.
I actually respect people's choices to accept or not accept the vaccine, as long as the only people whose health they are endangering is their own. I have a problem, however, with people who work in the medical profession who refuse to get vaccinated, as they could theoretically spread the illness without knowing it, to vulnerable people.

And as mentioned, I have a much bigger problem with people who deliberately spread falsehoods and misinformation about the safety of the vaccine, since I suspect (in many cases) they are deliberately doing so with the intent of maximizing the death count from the Covid virus.