The Alien Princess


Literotica Guru
Jun 27, 2017
Metro City

Self-Proclaimed City Of Tomorrow

The sky was raining fire.

The glittering metropolis was besieged by fire and rock from the sky above. The cities shimmery emerald green shield dome was doing its best to repel the onslaught. Every once in a while, the powerful shields would flicker just enough for one of the large rocks to push through and fall towards the city below. The stray meteors ripped through the city cutting into the high-tech skyscrapers and turning them into swiss cheese.

In the center of the town stood the spire, a glittering high-tech tower of steel and electronics. The top of the tower was capped with a large dish that currently pointed straight up into the sky. Green energy cascaded out of it straight up into the air and creating the lifesaving dome Metro city was currently under.

Inside the spire there was a flurry of activity. The men and woman of the Earth Defense Corp or EDC ran to their established posts. The best of the best earth had to offer took to saving the city with relish and excitement their blue and bright yellow jump suits shining softly in the muted light. At the heart of the spire was the CCC the Command Control Center nicknamed “The Lions Den”.

“I need a sit rep!” The man barked his large cigar bouncing up and down on his square jaw. The blue and yellow jump suit he wore stretched across his washboard chest as he ran a hand through his streaked back silver hair. Every one stood to attention when the man walked in standing and refusing to sit back down until he took his place at the center of the room.

“Commander Zalvin the shields are holding” A leggy blonde whose jump suit did little to hide her bodacious body said.

“An optimal one percent are getting through” Another agent said this time a male with a killer mile.

“Good” The man known as Commander Zalvin said cigar smoke billowing out of his nose “All things considered we could-“

Before the commander could say anything more a blaring alarm echoed through The Lion’s Den. Red emergency lights lit up throughout the room bathing everyone in an ominous red glow. Lines of code and information began to lite up the agents screens detailing the source of the information.

“Sir” The male agent said his eyes moving back and forth as he processed the data “We just started receiving reports that aliens are fighting in downtown. Initial reports indicate they came from one of the meteors that managed to get through”
“Aliens” Commander Zalvin said shaking his head and pinching the bridge of his nose “Just what I needed today! Who do we have on standby?”

“Mr. Freedom” The female agent chimed in bringing up the active duty roster “He can be deployed in fifteen minutes”

“Mr. Freedom?” Zalvin said taking another hit from his cigar and waving away the smoke “Very well! I want him deployed in ten!”

“Aye aye sir!”

“Are you sure you want to do this Artie?”

Arthur Crow couldn’t help but smile as his younger prodigy of a brother hovered around him. To say the fourteen-year-old tech genius was anxious was an understatement. He hovered around Arthur as he wheeled himself down the bright lit corridor of the spire. The lights reflected off of Arthurs wheelchair as he moved creating odd patterns in the ceiling above as they went to the loading bay.

“Metro City needs me little brother” Arthur said smiling at Zachary as they moved through the automatic double doors “Besides this is what you created the freedom armor for remember? To help people”

Zachary opened his mouth in response but Arthur cut him off with a wave of his hand. The younger blonde-haired man knew exactly what he was going to say. That he had created the armor to help ARTHUR and not anyone else. It was a way to atone for the guilt the young prodigy felt he needed to carry from the accident that left Arthur crippled.

Arthur supposed he shouldn’t complain. His brother guilt was so great that he devoted himself to fixing the problem. That fix led to the freedom armor a high tech cybernetic suit that let the former football player all American man to walk again and do so much more. In the armor he could fly, was given the strength of ten men, and could follow his natural desire to help people. It was always Arthur’s dream to become a cop a dream he thought died with his leg.

But now as Mr. Freedom he could be so much more.

“Let’s get this on with” Zachary murmured moving over to the armor rack and beginning the activation sequence. The armor began to light up moments later its yellow lines coming to life around the edges and joints of the blue armor.

While Zachary tended to the armor Arthur changed. After two years of not being able to use his legs Arthur was more than adept at using his torso and his arms to get around. He used the bars and pulleys to change forgoing his usual jeans and T shirt combination for one of the tight yellow and blue jump suits of the EDC. The jump suit stretched well over his tan body showcasing the powerful torso he now rocked from the extra use. Once he was in the jump suit he dropped back into his seat moving over to the armor and placing his hand on it.

“Is it ready?” Arthur asked his sky-blue eyes flickering over to his brother.

“As ready as its ever going to be” Zachary replied chuckling “Go ahead and get in”

The armor opened unfolding like a flower and giving him access to the cockpit. Arthur grabbed the handles on the torso and pulled sliding out of his chair and into the inner shell of the suit. Once he was ready he nodded giving his brother the go ahead to seal him in and activate the neuro bridge. The armor beeped and came back together locking Arthur in and sealing him with a faint hiss. He closed his eyes doing his best to keep his body lose. It knew what was coming next and fought him wanting to tense up even before the various needles pushed into his body.

He winced as the needles sunk in deeper plugging his body into the neural network in the suit. Various monitors began to appear in front of his eyes green check marks appearing as the system connected him to the armor. He closed his eyes and let himself drift doing what Zachary told him to do and keeping his mind as clear as possible.

“Neural connection established Artie” Zachary said connecting to him through the suits COM system “Go ahead and try”

Arthur opened his eyes and brought his head down to look at his legs. It always seemed like such a simple thing. People walked every day without any knowledge on how precious the gift was. Sometimes it seemed so unfair to him, that he could just start moving and walking like it was nothing. Of course it helped that he knew how hard his brother toiled on the Freedom armor, how much work went into the neural bridge that made it all possible. Yet sometimes he didn’t feel as if he truly enjoyed it.

It was also the one thing that made him truly alive.

“Artie?” Zachary asked concern in his voice “Are you, all right?”

Arthur opened his eyes and turned his head regarding his brother. He nodded and without any further hesitation willed his legs to move. The suit responded instantly moving him forward and out of the docking station for the armor. He kept his body moving doing a simple lap around the lab before stopping in front of Zachary.
“Feel good” Arthur said trying to keep his voice level. The rush of being able to walk again was heady and potent and it was hard not to get swept into it.

“Uh huh” Zachary said frowning at him “Are you SURE you should be doing this?”

“I don’t have a choice Zach” Arthur said “The government funded the Freedom armor for large scale threats. They did not appreciate you using it as a ruse for me. I’m grateful you did it but that means we owe people like Commander Zalvin. Which means me being Mr. Freedom”

“Bah I hate that name” Zachary said pouting “If I knew they were going to hold me to it I would have thought of something cooler”

Before either one of them could say anything more the door to the lab opened.
“Mr. Freedom!” Commander Zalvin said moving in with the blonde agent “What part of get your ass moving did you not understand!”

“Right away Commander!” Arthur said snapping to attention before Zachary could retort and possibly get the two in trouble “Do we have any more information?”

“There seems to be an alien woman at the center of it” The Busty blonde said as she checked the data pad tucked in her shoulder “the other aliens seem to be trying to capture her”

“We don’t know the threat level so proceed with caution” Commander Zalvin said “The alien peace accords say that we extend diplomacy to both of them until a threat is enacted. Get them to stop finding long enough to find out what’s going on!”

“Got it” Arthur said moving to the window. It opened for him sliding back without a sound and exposing him to the glittering jewel of Metro City. Arthur wasted no time running straight out the window and leaping into the air.

“Flight mode activated” The Suits AI said speaking in the smoky lounge singer esque voice Zachary used in all his programming. The jetpack built into the back of the suit kicked on it’s turbine screaming like a banshee as the jets in his boots activated.

“Computer give me a navigational marker to the crash site” Arthur said upping the speed as he raced through the streets of Metro City. There was a chime and moments later the waypoint appeared giving him a heading as he raced to the crash as fast as he could.
“Lady Akoni, we have a situation,” a female voice boomed over the speakers.

As soon as the glass door slid open, a cloud of steam escaped and filled the cabin. A long, dark as night and tone leg cut through the mist, and then another appeared, creating a pair. The tip of plushy dark towel barely covered the dip between the thighs. As the smoke slowly dispersed, more and more of a womanly figure came to focus. The wavy neon pink locks were still damp. A few strands pinned between the towel and her skin. The coolness sent goosebumps along her skin, and her nipples involuntarily responded, slowly contracting and erecting under the fabric. One hand rubbed the towel against her head, still trying to dry herself, while the other pressed one of the buttons on the wall panel.

“On my way,” said the naked woman. She quickly changed, putting on a crimson slip-on and a ruby necklace. The pendant of her family’s symbol hung between her breasts. It glowed red. The teeth-like edges on the backside dug through the fabric and her skin. She didn’t wince from the pain; it was all so familiar after awhile. Once it recognized her, the mechanism began to unfold and covered her in a fitted, leather armor.

Then another door swooshed open and she was on her way down the Ragnarok's corridors. The way to the cockpit didn’t take long though she did run into a few clusters of shipmates along the way. They, all female, greeted her with deep bow as she passed. As matter of fact, the whole crew was female. Each had proven to be best fighters, to have superior intelligence and to possess more courage, loyal and drive.

All five crews' pairs of eyes turned to her as soon as she entered. “Stat,” commanded Lady Akoni, making her way to the center chair.

The vast darkness with twinkling sea of dots stared back at her. Her eyes focused on the brightest one, slightly off to the right. It had a pale green hue around it. It had a ring of red on one side turns out to be a meteor shower. Underneath all that was their destination. A planet called Earth. Scout reports said it’s the closest distance and ecology to their own home planet, which made it prime candidate for a rookie’s invasion. All she had to do is to complete this mission, prove that she can lead and strive for her kind; it was a test that she can not and will not fail. An then her coronation will be complete and she will secured the throne, which is the highest honor and achievement any warrior ever dreamt in her mind.

“We detected a near impenetrable shield,” said the voice from the speaker earlier. She shared a cunning resemblance to Akoni. She was slightly rounder with a more petite built and had half circle spectacles. “Their tech is more advanced than we anticipated. It is impressive for such young species to have this kind of capabilities. Furthermore, their individual lifespan is so short. Yet they are able to continue someone else's legacy and improve upon them wi---.”

“Please, sister,” chimed the impatient lady in the center. “Near is not perfect. To the point, Amore.”

The two personalities couldn’t be more opposite. Amore was a strategist. She observed the situation, assessed all options and observed some more before jumping into action. Akoni, on the other hand, tended to go head-on. She preferred to fight first and ask questions later. She wasn’t a bloodthirsty assassin, but she let her fists do most of the speaking. Her power, brute strength and skills were her salvation. She didn’t lack finesse; she was most optimal and clear-minded in the battlefield and when under pressure, which are important traits for her people. Hence, she was crowned over her older sisters, including Amore.

Amore gave a slight incline of her head and complied. “There is a weak point. A very small opening. Only big enough for a one-person pod at a time. I highly advise against it. Probably two or three pods can go through before they detect and launch an offens---.” She stopped at the sight of an empty center chair and prompted her tl scream through the comm line to the pods. “Lady Akoni, this is a very bad ide---.”

A silvery capsule ejected from its launch pad and zoomed pass the cockpit’s sight. “Damn it,” murmured Amore under her breath. “Artemis. Athena. Suit up. Go after our crown princess,” she ordered with irritation in her tone.

Less than a minute later, two more pods launched and went after Akoni’s capsule. Not another minute pass, a line of red sparks ignited above them like fireworks and tailed the trio ahead.

“The Yensa! How the.” Loud thumping echoed over their heads. “Of course! They had been on top of us using our shield as their cloak this whole time. That is why our radar cannotndetect them.” She was both annoyed and impressed by their strategy. Her voice boomed once again, “All hands. We are under an invasion.” She chuckled at her own words. “The irony.”


The first capsule crash landed with two more few seconds later and only yards away. Akoni kicked the tons-heavy door open with, the mechanism broke from the impact, as two of her sisters were already by her pods. She noticed their fighting stance before the dozen critters that were hovering around them. These three or four feet tall nomads covered in dark cloaks from head to bottom; they didn’t have toes, only large stub for feet. They didn’t need them for balance or walk since they could levitate. Their faces were flat with eyes barely two slits and a hole as a nose. Their razor-like teeth bare all and their lips were non-existence. Each held a large gun-like weapon in both hands.

“Your guys persistence is admirable,” said Akoni, pulling and unsheathing the pair of customized curvy short swords sheathed behind her back. With a swing of her left hand, she released the blade. It spun toward one of the floaters and decapitated him. The head hit the grassy ground and rolled just as the handle nested neatly back inside her palm. “See how easily your species die? We will never join in matrimony to such weaklings," declared Akoni just as she lurched another the preemptive strike.

Artemis and Athena joined, though thought unwise but didn't question nor hesitate to follow. The fight between the two groups of alien on a unknown foreign soil commenced without anyone hold back. The Yensa's ego was on the line. Akoni just enjoyed good sparring. Her hand-to-marriage was also at stake. She would rather silence herself then marry someone weaker than her.
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“Report Mr. Freedom” The Commanders voice barked cracking over the suits COM “what are you seeing?”

“Approaching the crash site now sir” Arthur said his voice clear as he banked hard and coasted across a pair of glittering golden sky scrapers. He watched his reflection in the mirrored glass admiring himself in the armor. He did his best to keep and even head trying not to submit to the almost god like euphoria that came from flying and being able to walk again.

Reality always had a way of bringing he and his family back down to earth.
The window exploded sending Arthur back. His hands came up protecting himself as the glass pelted the hardened armor plating. He dropped a few feet in the air getting dangerously close to the ground as the flight stabilizers kicked in.

“Artie” Zachary shouted directly in his ear “I knew this was a bad idea”

“Kid get off this channel!” Commander Zalvin shouted “This is a military operation”

“I’m fine Zach” Arthur growled shaking the spare slivers of glass and kicking the thrusters in his boots back on to full “Listen to the commander and let me do my job”

Arthur pushed himself soaring back up to the top of the sky scraper. He landed on the roof sliding and kicking up gravel and loose trash. Arthur ran delighting in the methodical pumping of his legs as he raced over to the edge that looked over the crash site.

“Suit magnify” Arthur barked studying the crash site “Switch to infrared to cut over the smoke”

“Activating telescopic infrared vision now Arthur” The Suits AI crooned into his ears. Seconds later his HUD zoomed in turning everything into a mass of red’s and purple as the infrared vision kicked in.

“I see four targets” Arthur remarked “It seems like three of them are fighting against one.”

“Understood” Commander Zalvin said “We have reinforcements coming agents Shadow and Mighty Man for now we focus on containment”

“Understood” Arthur nodded “Moving in now”

He cut the COM and let out a deep shaky breath. He backed up shaking his hands as he tried to calm his racing heart. This was it, his first outing as a full-fledged “Super Hero” no longer would he stand back and admire the likes of famous hero’s as Ms. Disappear or the famous Mighty Men. If this went well he would stand beside them as a member of the EDF super hero team.

“You can do this” He said to himself “Protect people that’s all you need to do”
He slowly breathed out and without a moment more of hesitation boldly ran to the edge of the roof top. He leapt into the air activating his boosters with a twitch of his hands and hurtling directly into the mass of black smoke. He landed directly in between the combatants using his jets to force them all back.

“I don’t know what’s going on here” He said throwing out his hands on either side “But you’re on earth now you can’t just-“

His eyes landed on the girls to his left and suddenly Arthur lost all train of thought. To say they were perfection simply didn’t do them justice! The three girls were stunning a perfect combination of curves and perfect features. Their bodies looked built for sin and the armored clothing they wore seemed to fit snuggly against their luscious bodies. Arthur was so lost in ogling that he almost missed the swords and weaponry in each of their hands.


“Put the weapons down” He said grateful the mask he was wearing his face “I don’t know what’s going on here but you can’t just come to earth and start attacking each other! I’m sure if we all step back and take a breather we can solve this”

Arthur body tensed ready and waiting for a fight. There was no guarantee that the aliens could even understand him. The chances of them knowing the language or even an approximate of the language was slim to none. His only hope was to buy time to confuse them long enough for the big guns to come.

“Suit” Arthur whispered cutting off the external COM through the switch above his chin “Prepare defensive measures activate shields”

“Shields activated” The AI replied as a blue glow flickered over the Freedom armor “100 percent capacity”

“Let’s hope it’s enough” Arthur murmured keeping his hands raised.
“Lady Ak-,” Athena grunted when her forearm slammed against the edge of the heavy metal gun-like weapon that the Yensa is also using like a club. It also doubled like a taser, sending magnitude of electricity shocks upon contact. She twisted her arm to grab the weapon and swung both it and the attacker over her shoulders and across the field. As it flew, its finger stuck on the trigger. A large stream of energy misfired and went straight toward the top floors of a high-rise. It exploded and rained glittery shattering glasses.

None on the ground noticed how it barely missed a flying metal.

Akoni had just shoved her swords through an enemy’s chest below her when she felt something coming at her from behind. She spun around, lifting the imp body with her blades like meat-on-skewer and fling toward Athena’s Yensa. The two collided and denoated engulfing them in black smokes. The Yensa are known to carry explosives under the cover-up.

Her sisters came to her sides. The trio stood and waited for the smoke to disperse before them. There was still one left by their calculation.

“Akoni. Cannot contact Amore,” reported Athena. Artemis shook her head confirming her failure as well.

“Their shield must be interfering with our comm,” concluded Akoni.

Artemis reasoned, “We are in the open for too long. Our position is now compromise. We are most likely being monitor. Let us retreat.”

“We do not back from a fight,” argued the youngest. “Let them come. We will take them.”

“Lady Akoni, that is unwise. We cannot start a war without an army.”

“We die tr---.” Her mouth hung open as her eyes fell on the full metal gear that touched down between them and their enemy after the smoke cleared. The robot was impressive, shinny and high-tech. Amore would love to disect it and learn about its wirings, chips, AI and the likes. Akoni was more curious how well it fairs in a fight. No, it was just a suit because the voice talking to them was also barking command to the suit.

Thanks to an earpiece that instantly translates the metal head’s spoken words to her native language so she understood; she just couldn’t speak them. As the armor glowed blue, the Yensa weapon radiated yellow. She returned the swords to their scabbards behind her back like she was obeying the order. Before her sisters could hold her back, Akoni leaped forward and toward the full body metal armor.

“Move!” she warned in her native tongue. Whether he understands, stands his ground or gets out of the way, she wasn’t going to stop. Her target was the last levitating critter. If they wouldn’t have followed her, she wouldn’t need to waste precious time fighting them. They had indirectly blown hers and her sisters’ cover.

Before Akoni made to her enemy though, he self-destructed. The explosion was powerful, shattering glasses, cracking solid walls and crushing bendable metal within a mile radius. Yet she was close enough, being the closest one, and took major damage. The force knocked her off her course and sent her flying through some solid walls. The energy scorched her skin here and there. The impacts would surely leave some bruises and marks. Just before she lost her conscious, she heard reinforcements and demands for their surrender. Then everything went space dark.
Several things happened at once.

The lead alien woman (and arguably the hottest one) sheathed her swords as the other stood down. Arthur followed suit beginning to relax as well as a feeling of victory settled in his-

The alien girl was leaping through the air seemingly barreling right towards him. Arthur froze his mind torn between the split-second decision to attack her as a threat or get out of the way. She barked something at him speaking in a strange grunt like language he couldn’t understand.

“Stand down!” Arthur shouted bringing his fist back up.

“Warning” The AI said her voice eerily calm “Scanners picking up increased energy from behind possible bomb”

“A bomb!” Arthur shouted rapidly turning his head “Divert all power to shields”
Suddenly his world became an inferno of fire heat and energy. The shockwave of the blast pushed him back catapulting him through the air and into a building ten yards away. He crashed through the glass window slamming into a couple of wooden desks. His suit screamed in response his HUD awash with different warnings and alerts.

“Artie!” Zachary shouted causing Arthur to wince as he picked himself off the floor “Are you okay?!”

“Zach get off of this channel” Arthur growled groaning as his battered body screamed in pain “I have a job to do”

“Stand down” Commander Zalvin ordered “The big guns are here”

As if on que a figure dropped out of the sky and landed on the ground. The ground rumbled and cracked where the man landed splintering as he rose from his crouch and strode forward boldly. He was a powerhouse of a man tall and as broad as a barn. His hair was impeccable cut a certain way and ending with a slight swirl, his large arms swung as he moved forward and the skin tight blue and yellow costume he wore did little to cover his powerful physique. There were no marks on his jump suit save for a yellow M that was stretched across his washboard abs.

“Mighty man” Arthur said relief evident in his voice as he took in the titanic super hero.

“He’s going to take things from here Mr. Freedom” Zalvin explained “You did great kid go ahead and head back to base”

“I can’t just head back to base” Arthur argued stepping out of the building and checking his armor for any dents “They were my responsibility it looks bad if I just leave”

“Kid that’s an order” Zalvin growled anger evident in his voice “Mighty man doesn’t exactly play well with others. Just let him handle it”

Arthur thought on it for several seconds before shaking his head.

“No” Arthur said activating his boosters and flying over to Mighty Man. He landed behind him reaching him just as he began to speak to the assembled aliens.
“Alright you bodacious titans” Mighty Man said his voice loud and booming and over the top “Allow me to be the first to welcome you to MY planet! My name is Mighty Man! Defeater of the fiendish five! Savior of humanity! Earths PREMIER Super Hero! I don’t take kindly to visitors dropping in and destroying my city and until this mess is sorted you all will be earths priso-I mean guest”

His eyes glowed yellow and he reached forward grabbing pieces of steel rebar and twisting them around the aliens. His hands bent steel and with a brief blast of his Mighty vision he fused the two ends together around the women. Once he was sure it was secure he stepped back admiring his efforts and smirking at them.
“Now that you sex pots have been captured the EDF will take it from here” Mighty Man said pointing up at the sky as a large drop ship appeared “Just remember who captured you today! Mighty Man!”

“Uh no” Arthur said frowning and speaking up for the first time “It was uh actually me Mighty Man”

Mighty Man turned his smile still on his face even though his eyes flashed with anger. He took in Arthur contempt as clear as day on his face before he finally burst out laughing.

“You?” Mighty Man asked chuckling “And who are you supposed to be Tin Man?”

“My name is Mr. Freedom Mighty Man” Arthur said blushing and thanking god Mighty Man couldn’t see his face.

“I’m the new member of the EDF” Arthur explained holding out his hand “It’s an honor to work with you”

“Work with me?” Mighty Man said continuing to chuckle as he ignored Arthur’s outstretched hand “Listen kid I don’t know what the EDF told you but we don’t work together. You were the distraction that’s all the warm up act before the REAL show came”

Mighty Man continued to chuckle even as the blue and yellow agents of the EDF ran up. He gave Arthur one last look before he turned launching himself into the air and soaring away.

“Don’t mind him” One of the agents said as they slapped inhibitor cuffs on the alien women “Commander Zalvin thought you did great”

“Is he always like that?” Arthur asked looking up at the sky.

“It sucks to meet your hero, doesn’t it?” The agent chuckled correctly guessing the adoration and disappointment evident in Arthur’s voice “trust me Mighty Man is NOTHING like he is on TV it’s all an act”

“I see” Arthur said his voice filled with disappointment. He turned away doing his best to ignore his feelings as he watched the agents struggle to get the women into the transport.

“Allow me” Arthur said coming over and grasping the metal rebar. With a grunt Arthur picked them up carrying them with only minimal effort. The suit compensated providing more energy into the servos on his arm as he carried them into the metal holding cell and dropped them in. Once they were in he reached out with his palm activating the high-powered laser within and cutting the rebar in half.

“Wow” The agent said following him in “Most of you guys never clean up your mess. You know you are all right Mr. Freedom”

“Ma always said if you made the mess you have to clean it up” Arthur replied reaching up to the switch on his helmet and deactivating the polarized mask. The mask lightened up revealing his young handsome face and the happy smile he aimed at the agent.

“I’ll ride with them” Arthur said jerking his thumb at the girls “Make sure the medic is on hand for the one who was blasted back”

“You got it Mr. Freedom” The agent said nodding.

The agent left joining the others at the front of the drop ship. Arthur sat down on one of the chairs and seconds later they door closed and the giant turbine engines cycled to life. He felt the pull of thrust as they were lifted into the air and did his best to relax as the ship began its journey back to EDF HQ.
Explosion knocked both Artemis and Athena a few yards back. They were a few cuts and bruises from the debris but nothing major. As dusts settled, they hurried over to the princess. Artemis knelt beside the unconscious Akoni to assess her injuries. None was life threatening.

“We have more company,” reported Athena. Her eyes followed the package being dropped and evolving into a bulky man. He was large, great physique, overtly showy, cocky and extremely loud. Athena winced at his shouting. She went for her weapon but Artemis stopped her.

“Let us be civil,” said Artemis. “If we engage, Lady Akoni will be unprotected. We cannot outrun them with her as dead weight. We wait.”

That they did. They didn’t introduce themselves nor resist when the Might Man, Athena had a good chuckle at the name, wrapped them in steel. They knew talking will fall on deaf ears considering how much he is talking and wanting to hear himself. Akoni sandwiched between her sisters. They hoisted her arm over their shoulder to keep her upright.

“They are stronger than I imagined,” said Athena as they were carried to their holding cell.

“Not all. Only that blue man and this tin man,” corrected Artemis. “It is enough to confirm our scout reports are not 100% accurate. We must recon.”

“Our princess is not going to like that,” mused Athena.

“She is impatient but not unreasonable. Our first priority is her and our comm line. Until then, we wait.”

Athena nodded in agreement. Clumsily due to the cuffs, the laid Akoni down and settled down on her either side. They sat quietly. Artemis closed her eyes while Athena’s snooped around. She was the smallest of the three. An inch or two shorter than Akoni and less built with a short wavy hair cut. Both, however, seemed much smaller next to Artemis who was a head taller than Akoni with toner and more muscular body. Yet she was the one with the softest voice.

“Ah, he does have a face,” said Athena. She stared at the man in the metal suit sitting now too far from them. “He is a looker too.” Artemis opened one eye to look and agreed with a nod.

“Ugm.” A voice came from between them and then a hand grabbed onto Athena’s bicep. “Ugh, where are we?” asked Akoni woozily. There was ringing in her head. Her body felt like fire. She tasted blood in her mouth. The ground was unsteady. No, they were being airlifted. She made no complain about her pain.

While the sisters recounted the events during her blackout, Akoni tried to break from the cuffs, but it was proven to be stronger than her weakened state at the moment. It alsobmeant bending those metal bars and breaking out of the cell were also out of the question. She had no other option but stay put. They spoke freely as if they were the only three there. She concurred with Artemis plan. A firsthand recon is best. Though that didn’t mean they should be taken like prisoners. They had to gain an upper hand.

Once the tale completed, Akoni sat up and glanced over at the human in the chair. She recognized the suit. The same one that had ordered her to stand down before the Yensa blew up. He looked uncomfortable. Maybe it was the suit. Maybe it was their presence. Maybe it was the shaky flight. Nevertheless, she sized him up before locked onto his eyes. They seemed to build similarly with a head, flesh, skin and limps. Yet those eyes were so different. They had whiteness and colorful irises. Hers were entirely glossy black. His skin was different shades of milk while hers mimicked the Milkyway, dark with sparkling freckles. He was a rare, an exotic creature for her. She wondered how else their body, their flesh and bones differ.

“Can you understand us?” asked Akoni. She tapped her chest. “Akoni. Ak. On. E. Artemis. Ar. Team. Is.” Nudged her head to the right and then left. “Athena. At. Hen. Ah.” She then pointed at him.
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Arthur gradually began to relax and contemplate his situation. It was hard to believe that in the last two hours he had went from being a small town young man from South Dakota to a full blown super hero! And he had captured aliens to boot! How many times over the year did he and his brother imagine such a thing? How many times did they follow the exploit of Mighty Men, The Shadow, and the rest of the EDF’s premier super hero team? Arthur could still remember the first time he saw Mighty Man his hair blowing in the wind as he bravely dove into a building on fire.

Arthur supposed he always felt the call to help. As a kid he was the first to raise his hand when a volunteer was needed. Whenever any of his fellow students got out of line he made sure to tell them to follow the rules. The older he became the more that call to serve grew and he quickly became known as the “golden boy” he never let it go to his head either even after joining the football team.
He felt his leg throb and frowned shaking himself from his musing. Seconds later a warning light appeared in his HUD followed by a message that sent a bolt of dread through him.


His eyes saddened at the message and its implication. The neuro system his brother designed was still in its early stages. The longest he seemed to be able to stay in the suit was three hours. Any longer and the system would begin to screw up and finally crash. The warning Zachary bubbled to the surface over riding all other thought.

“If it crashes to many times the system will burn out” Zachary voice said as clear as day in his mind “If that happens it’s over. The Freedom armor won’t work”

Arthur wasn’t a fool. He would never push the system if it meant losing this.

“How much longer?” He asked connecting to the EDF general COM system.

“Fifteen minutes Mr. Freedom” One of the agents said as the drop ship banked
“How are our guest?”

Arthur eyes widened and he cursed shaking his head. He was so caught up in his own thoughts that he forgot what he was doing! The aliens could have been amassing an escape and he wouldn’t have even known it! He turned his attention back to them noticing in surprise that the hottest one was awake.

The lead one began to talk poking at her chest and sounding out. She repeated it with the other two each time making a different sound that he realized was their names.

“Your names” He said his eyes widening in surprise as he stood and moved over to them “Your saying your names!”

The idea that they were making conversation surprised him. Another bolt of pleasure ran through him at the idea of talking to them. Not only were they… well attractive as sin but he would be the first of his species to know them!

“I uh can’t understand you” He said before pointing at his chest “My name is Arthur Ar Thur it seems you can understand us but we can’t understand you? Why is that? Do your translators work both ways?”

Before they could answer the dropship dipped. Arthur felt his boots magnetics activate as the pitch changed and they continued to travel down.

“Mr. Freedom” The agent said this time speaking over the drop ships speakers
“We’re approaching the base”

“I hear you” Arthur said turning his attention back to the three alien women “I know this is going to sound strange but I promise if you just answer the Commanders questions everything should be painless. You’re not the first alien who has landed on the planet or so I have been told. Our people just want peace I promise I wouldn’t put you into anything I didn’t trust.”

He turned moving over to the door just as they landed with a jarring THUD. Arthur hit the button that repolarized his facemask and waited by the door as the drop ship opened. A team of EDF agents were waiting decked out in shiny armor and guns. Commander Zalvin was leading the squad but was wearing nothing more than his jump suit. What drew Arthurs eyes was the woman next to him an ordinary girl that was wearing of all things a sexy school girls outfit. Her eyes were the most shocking thing about her however as they were pure white but seemed to pierce into your very soul.

“This is Clarion” Commander Zalvin explained as the girl smiled “She’s our resident physic”

“Uh nice to meet you” Arthur said a little unsettled by the knowledge “You’re not going to uh hurt them right?”

“Of course, not” Commander Zalvin said shaking his head “Your brother is looking for you quite franticly I might add”

“I know what he wants” Arthur said glancing at the time in his HUD “I have time I want to at least make sure they get in the cells okay”

“Alright” Zalvin said shrugging his massive shoulders “Clarion can you connect us?”

“Physically?” She asked giggling as her eyes began to glow purple “Why of course!”

“My name is Commander Zalvin” Zalvin said stepping in and looking at the two as a pair of agents opened their cages “The bracelet you are wearing will dampen your powers but that is just temporary. I would like to formally extend a warm welcome to Earth. According to United Earth Accords 772 we mean you no harm and would like to extend our hand in diplomatic peace. How do you respond?”
Akoni was stuck between being annoyed and amused with his eager reaction. He blasted one question after another, without catching a breath or waiting for an answer. His excitement to be spoken to showed. Yet, it was heartwarming that he was overjoyed with just a simple greeting. Also the way he was looking at them, both at awe and wanton. Or maybe she was projecting her sentiments. He was quiet an exquisite alien.

Their way one communication was interrupted by the sudden descends and female voice over their heads. Akoni blacken eyes had never left the alien, with many names, when he reassured that they’ve no hostile intentions. Combined with the sisters story about earlier, someone also called him tin man on top of Mr. Freedom and Arthur. Akoni nodded once, confirming that she understands and believes him.

“What do you plan to tell them Lady Akoni?” asked Athena after he went for the door.

“The truth,” said Akoni while she watched the alien interacting. The new pair was odd. The male wrapped in a militant-like uniform while the female exposed more than half of her flesh. Though the two shared more similar physical traits with Arthur, he was by far the easiest on the eyes. Maybe she was bias. He was the first human she had seen after all.

“That is unwise. They will turn against us when they learn our purpose is to inva---.”

Akoni faced her sister, who immediately stopped talking. “I have this.” Athena nodded dutifully.

Akoni glanced from one to another when more of them approached closer. She lingered on those glowing purple pupils. None of the scout reports mentioned human can do that. She then took the lead stepping out of the cell and up to the aged gentleman introduced as Commander Zalvin. Each movement was painful but she bit the inside of her lips and hid her discomfort. At least she had wiped the blood off her face.

Though his explanation about the cuffs made sense since she couldn’t break them, she was more bothered by the fact that they have such inhibitors. What else did she not know about them?

“We accept your offer. We are currently not hostile,” responded Akoni. She assumed the purple-eye-chic is their translation medium. “I am Akoni. Princess of Atollon. We were pursuit by the Yensa.”

“Your subordinate,” she pointed at now completely masked Arthur Freeman, “can confirm that they were destructive. We had to engage and eliminate them for our safety. We did not intent to fight them on your planet. I offer you my apology,” added Akoni. She did not like politics or to beat around the bushes but she knew how to be diplomatic.

To Athena’s surprised, everything the princess was telling the truth. It was not the whole truth but all were truthful.

Akoni further explained, “Our priority is to fix our ships and return to our home planet.” When the ships are fixed, they can communicate with Amore and the crew. Command Zalvin and his army didn’t need to know about her spaceship waiting nearby. Knowing Amore, she probably had made Ragnorak, their beloved spaceship, undetectable stealth. She and the crew were probably standing by for the trio’s signal. Akoni and her two sisters didn’t know about the Yensa boarding the home-ship.

“Now, Commander Zalvin, are we your guests or captives?” questioned Akoni. She squared her shoulders and stared at the commander right in the eyes. Though she needed to authoritative, she didn’t want to come across as too aggressive. So she curled her lips to half a smile and unclenched her jaw to soften just slightly.
When she asked if they were quest or hostages Commander Zalvin couldn’t help but smile. He waved his hands and the blue and yellow suited stood down relaxing and holstering their guns as they moved to go about their business. Arthur felt his own body sag in relief, relief that things were going to be okay and that the three females in front of him weren’t going to be hurt. His eyes ran up and down them once more taking them in and doing his best not to blush as his eyes settled on their leader’s lush body. He kicked himself for being such a perv and hurriedly looked to Zalvin for more orders.

“Go uncuff them” Zalvin said nodding at Arthur.

“Yes sir” Arthur said moving over to the girls.

He uncuffed them each doing his best to smile at them and NOT stare down their shirts. He uncuffed the two first before moving to their leader. His eyes lingered on her something burning in them that he couldn’t quite control. He finally deactivated her cuff taking them and bringing them back to Zalvin.

“You are guest” Zalvin said as Clarion continued to physically translate for them “We have a guest room at the top of the tower we keep for diplomats and VIP’s if you want one of me-“

“I can take them” Arthur said cutting him off and stepping forward “It’s the least I can do”

“Are you sure?” Zalvin asked raising an eyebrow “Your brother said it was imperative he got you out of the armor”

“I have forty-five minutes left” Arthur explained blushing as the girls heard the commanders words.

“Alright” Zalvin said shrugging “You know where it is…. It’s a pleasure to meet you all again”

He shook each of their hands and turned gesturing for Clarion to follow. She did disappearing from all of their minds and ending the psychic connection. Once they were gone Arthur turned gesturing for them to follow him.

“Let me show you to your rooms” He said bringing them into the elevator and stepping in after them. He reached out and pressed the button letting the doors slide close and turning to them. In the small space there was nowhere else he COULD look but at the alien girls. He tried to be respectable, tried to keep his eyes from tracing the curves of their legs or their toned arms….
He was clearly failing.

He breathed a sigh of relief when the door opened leading them into a lush fancy looking apartment. He stepped out with them and let them look around getting their bearings before speaking.

“Is there anything I can do for you all?” He asked them looking around “I can have an agent bring up anything you might need just let me know”
The sisters tensed when the soldiers moved. Fortunately, it didn’t escalate.

Akoni kept her unwavering eyes on Commander Zalvin. She didn’t look away until Arthur came up to her. Their eyes locked just as she held her bonded hands toward him. He looked flush and flustered. She didn’t sense it’s out of intimidation, but curiosity and admiration. Or maybe he was just hot from the thick heavy metal cutting cut off air circulation. Regardless, she found his reaction adorable. She gave him a faint smile and a shallow nod after he freed her.

“Your hospitality is noted,” thanked Akoni. While rubbing her wrists and checking back with her sisters to each side, she listened the humans’ conversation and then their retrieving footsteps.

The trio then followed Mr. Freedom into the lift. Athena and Artemis were shoulder to shoulder while Akoni only was a foot apart from the human man before her. While his eyes wandered, Athena stated, “I think he takes a liking to us.”

“Not us,” corrected Artemis, “to our Princess. His gaze kept coming back to her.”

“We are as peculiar to him as he is to us,” added Akoni just as the elevator stopped and opened.

They poured out of the small confined space. The sisters explored and swept the fully equipped and impressively large room. Akoni stayed in place with their host. She reached out and grabbed onto his forearm. The metal was cool to the touch Ayet also soft, probably to accommodate malleability and flexibility.

She nodded at his offer. “I like a tour,” requested Akoni. When he didn’t respond right away, she remembered the language barrier. So she touched her chest, tapped on his chest-plate, did a two-finger-walk gesture and then pointed toward the window. She would have asked him about their pods but it is impossible to describe that with ten fingers at the moment.
He watched them as they filed out and explored the large suite. He idly wondered what their own homes and rooms looked like. Now that the shock of meeting three hot alien girls was wearing off he found himself fascinated by their culture. What were the similarities? What were the differences? Did they have all the same…. Parts as an earth female?

That last question was probably a touch more perverted than he should be. Yet he wouldn’t say it didn’t interest him. He watched them and his eyes lingered on them trying to discern if anything was different on their bodies. He was so lost in his thoughts he jumped when the lead alien woman touched him.

He turned his attention to her watching as she tapped his chest and then made a walking motion. Was she wanting to walk with him? But where? The base?

“I’d love to” He said deciding he would take her around the base and gauge to see if that was what she wanted. He moved back to the elevator when his HUD flashed again.


“Damn” He murmured under his breath. He needed to go back before he did anything and get out of the suit. Which meant if they did walk It would be her walking and him riding the wheelchair….

He wasn’t sure he wanted her to see that.

‘I have to go” He said to her softly “Give me an hour and I will be back to give you a tour okay?”

He nodded his head and moved to the lift stepping back inside. He rushed back to his brothers lab getting there with ten minutes to spare.

“Your cutting it way to close!” Zachary growled as Arthur moved back to the armor stand.

“I know I know!” Arthur said wincing as he felt the needles in his body release. He felt the connection fade and with it came a bout of exhaustion and sadness. Depression was a byproduct of the suit given to him by having to lose his legs all over again. He could feel his connection with them severed each time and even though it didn’t hurt it was crushing.

“Are you okay?” Zackary asked as the armor opened and Arthur used the bars around the room to pull himself out.

“You mean besides the usual depression and a few bruises?” He asked moving to his chair and sitting in it.

“I’m fine”


He pushed himself forward heading back to the lift. He still wasn’t sure about letting her see him like this but he did promise her he would be back. Besides there was no use hiding who he was. He wasn’t even sure why he cared if she did see it.

Its not like they were going to get together.

He chuckled at that and hit the button for the lift back to their penthouse. He rose up and seconds later the frosted glass doors opened. He rolled into their suite the wheels pressing down on the plush rug as he looked around.

“Hello?” He called out looking around
Akoni watched the man leave and then turned to her sisters. She joined them at the bay window and admired the view of the metropolitan around them. Though similar at its core, this Earth and her home planet were different. This place filled with manmade façade, massive buildings, impressive machineries, high-tech trinkets, and many other advanced possessions. Hers, though not cave era, was more tuned with nature. Their weaponries, crafts, defenses and mentalities were developed, but they leveraged and lived with nature. Atolli was lush with greenery, bless with crystal water, and cohabitated with other creatures that are none hostile and threatening.

“What is your assessment?” asked Akoni.

Athena was the first to respond. “Tall. Handsome. Curious. Timid. Hesit-.”

“I was referring to the planet,” interrupted Akoni with a smirk. She did agree with Athena’s impression of their earlier escort. She found him pleasing to the eyes and interesting.

“Far sophisticated and diverse than we were lead to believe,” Artemis chimed in. “Their aircrafts. Those inhibitor cuffs. Their suits. The weapons.”

“Yet they do not have a translator,” scoffed Athena.

“Yet, there is a living medium. She connected our minds without machinery help. There is much to learn about them. Our unplanned crashing may turn out to be a good strategic move after all.”

“It was a planned move,” said Akoni, insinuating her brash move was a calculated one. The sisters knew the real truth but didn’t correct her. Instead, they chuckled, smirked and rolled their eyes.

Akoni then directed, “When our escort is back, I will go with him. You two scout other areas and gather intels. We divide to cover more ground.”


Athena was the closest and first one to greet the guest. She found some food and helped herself a mouthful. She chewed conspicuously while stared down at the man in the wheelchair. There was confusion in her eyes but she didn’t raise them out loud. Instead, she pointed at the largest bedroom down the hall.

Artemis sat by the window polishing her blade. Though didn’t look up, she watched the man from her peripherals.

Akoni was in a separate room mending the minor wounds after a shower. She didn’t have her armor on; the ruby necklace sat on the end table next to her daggers while she was on the edge of the bed. Her slip-on was light, with thin yet hugging material. It clung around her breasts like a second skin. The hem rose two-third up her thighs from the way she was sitting.
She heard someone approach behind the closed door. It didn’t sound like footsteps but someone was definitely outside her door. “Come in,” she offered.
He paused at the door way to look over his simple EDC jump suit. He felt strangely self-conscious as if he was going for a first date and not just a tour. The alien woman was pretty and intimidating which probably was the cause of his trepidation.

“No reason to be nervous” He said softly “Its just a diplomatic mission”
He cleared his throat and reached for the door handle opening it. He pushed himself in and froze when his eyes landed on her. She was without her armor and her body was out in display in the simple slip she wore. It clung to her body in the most inviting of ways leaving only the smallest things to the imagination.

His cock throbbed in his pants pulsating with a sort of hunger and need. Of all the things to be thankful for coming out of the accident having a worker cock was the biggest one. It was such a small thing but also his very man hood. Without it he couldn’t think of a sadder fate.

“Uh hello” He said rolling forward and smiling softly “It’s me the man in the armor”
He didn’t know why he felt the need to say that and blushed a bit. He cleared his throat and scooted back giving her the room to move through the door way.
“Shall we go on the tour?” He asked smiling at her.
Akoni was as stunned to see him standing, no sitting behind the door as he seemed at the sight of her. She was puzzled why he’s using a wheelchair. He was standing, walking and flying just an hour ago. She smiled at the way he introduced himself.

“Hello,” she greeted back. She pointed at the chair underneath him. “That is another kind of armor?” When he responded with an unrelated question, she remembered the language challenge again. She grabbed the gears on the table and headed toward the door. She pulled off an earpiece that looked like an accessory.

She stood by his side and showed the earring-like ware. “Here. Wear this.” Before he can give any response, she leaned down closer to him. She felt the heat emitting from him and noticed his flush cheeks being this close. Her fingers brushed the top of his ear before gently snapped the earpiece on his cartilage. “There. You should be able to understand me now. This translator will work as long as you are close me to,” explained Akoni. More accurately, he had to be close to her pendant.

“I am ready for the tour.” She took point toward the elevator. She put on the necklace and suited up while she walked.

“Enjoy,” said Athena.

“Careful,” added Artemis.

“Same to you sisters.” Akoni looked back at her tour guide before entered the lift and waited.
Again he marveled at their abilities and technology. He was curious as to why she didn’t do this earlier but was also just relieved to be able TO understand her. He followed her listening to her say good bye to her friends and saying a goodbye himself. He followed her out of the suite and moved forward taking the reins of the tour.

“We can start at the top and work our way down” He said going over to the lift and bringing himself in. In an attempt to make him feel more like home Commander Zalvin was nice enough to make most if not all of the base wheelchair accessible it was something he never would have expected but was grateful for it all the same.

“Most of the floors are troop barracks and R&D labs” He explained as the lift slid down “But there are somethings I think you will like… for instance”

The doors beeped and slid open revealing a large expansive training room.
Different gym equipment was set up including high tech ones whose purpose could only be imagined. There was a training matt in the center and even enough room for a quarter track. Members of the EDC as well as low ranking heroes trained and worked amongst each other.

“Next floor down is the danger room” He explained “It’s a holographic simulator where the high powered heroes go to run scenarios and train.”