The 750 Word Project

Hmm so it did say the text of the story was for the 750 count and that a header wouldn't be included in that, so I am assuming a footer would be all right as well? I am not too keen on blabbing at the beginning of a story as I feel that it should have a chance to read unimpeded for the most part. Thoughts?
Hmm so it did say the text of the story was for the 750 count and that a header wouldn't be included in that, so I am assuming a footer would be all right as well? I am not too keen on blabbing at the beginning of a story as I feel that it should have a chance to read unimpeded for the most part. Thoughts?

I plan to put a header that simply says the story is part of the 750 word anthology. I have an idea to use characters from a previous story. That's kind of a cheat though, since I wouldn't have to write as much character development. If I do, I'll add an author's note at the end with a link to the original story.
I'm in.

I've just hit submit on my incomplete 2004 story about Lesbian Spiders. It was 714 words but I added a few more. Including the two-word title it is now 752 words.
Hmmm, I thought the directions specified that the stories were to be submitted on 1 February--and that they should be 750 words exactly (by Word count).
Hmmm, I thought the directions specified that the stories were to be submitted on 1 February--and that they should be 750 words exactly (by Word count).

Oops! Not 1st Feb but from the original post:

That is not counting any header you may put in, just the actual text of the story part.

I have counted the two-word title as the header.
Hmm so it did say the text of the story was for the 750 count and that a header wouldn't be included in that, so I am assuming a footer would be all right as well? I am not too keen on blabbing at the beginning of a story as I feel that it should have a chance to read unimpeded for the most part. Thoughts?

I'm not sure I would assume that. I had thought the 'header' was something put into the "Description" field (60 characters or less). This is also an assumption, but I would think that the number count will include any word in the Text field where the body of the story is pasted in. The program counting the piece couldn't distinguish a "footer" as being different from the story text.
I take the instructions that the 750 words (at Word count) will be what's in the text field. If you put a disclaimer slug or author's note on it, I think you should be considering that that very likely will be considered in the wordage--it will be for the Literotica minimum word count requirements.

Beyond that, I'd hope the check-in mechanism would allow for a fudge of a couple of words.

To respond to a question I saw somewhere, a hyphenated word is marked as one word by the Word processing system.

And I still see that the original instructions specify 1 February as the submission date--not any time before that.
Yes, I interpreted the 750 word requirement as being strictly the text of the story. Not the title, description or anything else but the actual story. I didn't even add the title to the document for that reason (I just saved the document as the title).

And yes, Word counts a hyphenated word as one word. If you remove the hyphen, of course, it counts as two words - a useful option when you're trying to hit exactly the right number of words!
Yes, I interpreted the 750 word requirement as being strictly the text of the story. Not the title, description or anything else but the actual story. I didn't even add the title to the document for that reason (I just saved the document as the title).
I interpret that if I put something in italics at the start of the story announcing that it is a part of the 750 Word Project, that doesn't count. If I have an author's note in italics at the end of the story, that doesn't count. Only the text of the story (i.e. is telling the story) counts.

Would be nice if the person who started the contest would drop by the AH and clarify these issues.
I interpret that if I put something in italics at the start of the story announcing that it is a part of the 750 Word Project, that doesn't count. If I have an author's note in italics at the end of the story, that doesn't count. Only the text of the story (i.e. is telling the story) counts.

Would be nice if the person who started the contest would drop by the AH and clarify these issues.

Does it count for the literotica minimum wordage requirement? I think it does.

Hi there. Didn't know there was a thread on this.

Yeah, this whole thing has gotten way out of hand. It originally started we me looking at the minimum that Lit would allow (which is 750 words) and wondering if I could tell a story in that many words. I'm a verbose and wordy bastard and that would be a challenge.

I mentioned this to some of the other Lit authors I talk to regularly, and they thought it was a hoot, and somehow it became a "thing".

I wasn't intended to actually advertise it - we contacted Laural (well, someone else did, she won't respond to my DM's, where I asked how Lit actually determines what the word count of a submission is - we've had vastly different word counts when looking at Word or using The Edge or Firefox), and somehow this blurb ended up happening, and I got mentioned in it.

Here's the thing. No one is really going to know if your story is 752 words or 747, or care. The idea was to try and be 750 exactly for YOUR knowledge. I mean, are hyphenated words one word or two? I've no idea and I don't really care.

So yeah, it's JUST the story, not the header or the footer or the story title. Imagine what you'd need to put down for the story to make sense by itself. So no 1000 word headers with context or background:)

The blurb gets pushed from category to category every couple of days, so write in whatever category you want. There are no real rules apart from try and make it exactly 750 words, by whatever you use to determine word count is.

We are going for a Feb 4 release, since that's a Monday and apparently the reader stats say that there's more readers on the site after a weekend. Yeah, I didn't buy it either, but I'm assured this is the case.

It generally takes 4 days for stories to be approved, so Feb 1 is the day for submissions.

I had no idea this was going to take off in the way it has. By all means, it's open to all and sundry, the more the merrier as far as I'm concerned.

I'm glad so many of you are taking up the challenge. I really look forward to reading your stuff on Feb 4.

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<=== is that many words, if '750' is a word.
I'm glad so many of you are taking up the challenge. I really look forward to reading your stuff on Feb 4.

Hey Jejazz, will all of the 750 word stories be compiled in a list so they'll be easy to find? It is there a tag or something we can all use to group them together?
Hey Jejazz, will all of the 750 word stories be compiled in a list so they'll be easy to find? It is there a tag or something we can all use to group them together?

"Make sure it's tagged with the words "The 750 Project" and ensure that in the 'story notes to administrator', you put the words "story for 750 Word project", so the admins know to hold the posting of that story till Feb 4."
"Make sure it's tagged with the words "The 750 Project" and ensure that in the 'story notes to administrator', you put the words "story for 750 Word project", so the admins know to hold the posting of that story till Feb 4."

Yeah, I totally could have looked that up for myself. I need to remember not to post before my second cup of coffee. Thanks.
So.... ummm. Can I write more than one?

...I don’t see why you couldn’t?

Though it seems like it would be breaking the rules if they were, say, a chaptered 750 word project. Then the guys with the pitchforks in the other thread will be after you.
I had forgotten the title of my submission.

Is that a good sign, or a bad one?
...I don’t see why you couldn’t?

Though it seems like it would be breaking the rules if they were, say, a chaptered 750 word project. Then the guys with the pitchforks in the other thread will be after you.

Oh no... this would be an entirely separate stand-alone 750 word story. Not related to the first.
Oh no... this would be an entirely separate stand-alone 750 word story. Not related to the first.

Do it!

I did write mine up and saved it to the drafts folder last weekend over breakfast; I found it to be a nice, challenging little writing exercise. Maybe we should add a twist and propose an additional restraint for those who are interested, like category/theme/object.
"Make sure it's tagged with the words "The 750 Project" and ensure that in the 'story notes to administrator', you put the words "story for 750 Word project", so the admins know to hold the posting of that story till Feb 4."

Just a thought/question; jezzaz mentioned a Feb 1st date of submission for a Feb 4th roll out. That's a Friday for a Monday roll out. I'm not familiar enough with the work schedule, but I'd hate to think it takes up the weekends too. Anyway, the question is: What does anyone know/think about submitting earlier with all the appropriate notes mentioned above just to get some of them vetted and ready to go?

Sounds like a lot of folks already have one ready, would an earlier submission help or hinder the process?
Just a thought/question; jezzaz mentioned a Feb 1st date of submission for a Feb 4th roll out. That's a Friday for a Monday roll out. I'm not familiar enough with the work schedule, but I'd hate to think it takes up the weekends too. Anyway, the question is: What does anyone know/think about submitting earlier with all the appropriate notes mentioned above just to get some of them vetted and ready to go?

Sounds like a lot of folks already have one ready, would an earlier submission help or hinder the process?

Beats me. I'll just follow the instructions as given.