The 53% vs. the 47%: thanks media, its a great slogan


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
While the media and the DNC establishment which tell it what to say continue to bizarrely excoriate candidate Romney for his strategy session comments as if there was anything wrong or untrue in any way with what he said (basically the media will eventually manufacture a "scandal" when someone they don't like merely says the word "the," which I've predicted for a long time now), the reality is that Romney has inadvertently set up a discourse for the next four years.

The 53% vs. 47% is a great way to counter and neutralize the phony, lying, made up discourse over the alleged and imaginary 99% vs. 1% baloney the DNC and its Communist and trend-fag pseudo-"hipster" allies at the Occupy rallies ranted about for the past year, and far closer to the reality. However, the 53% is actually greater than that, but its a good symbolic number, and regardless of win or lose, it is a slogan to build on for the next four years: MAKE THE LEECHING 47% PAY THEIR SHARE. Its inadvertently brilliant.

Even if re-elected, Obama is going to have a tough slog the next four years, second terms always are, and the 53%'ers will be right there to make it even more miserable for Him.
While the media and the DNC establishment which tell it what to say continue to bizarrely excoriate candidate Romney for his strategy session comments as if there was anything wrong or untrue in any way with what he said (basically the media will eventually manufacture a "scandal" when someone they don't like merely says the word "the," which I've predicted for a long time now), the reality is that Romney has inadvertently set up a discourse for the next four years.

The 53% vs. 47% is a great way to counter and neutralize the phony, lying, made up discourse over the alleged and imaginary 99% vs. 1% baloney the DNC and its Communist and trend-fag pseudo-"hipster" allies at the Occupy rallies ranted about for the past year, and far closer to the reality. However, the 53% is actually greater than that, but its a good symbolic number, and regardless of win or lose, it is a slogan to build on for the next four years: MAKE THE LEECHING 47% PAY THEIR SHARE. Its inadvertently brilliant.

Even if re-elected, Obama is going to have a tough slog the next four years, second terms always are, and the 53%'ers will be right there to make it even more miserable for Him.

Yeah retirees and deployed Marines! Pay your fair share!

And college students getting business degrees financed by student loans! WHEN ARE THEY GOING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR THEIR LIVES!?!?
Americans see thru all the manufactured bullshit. They know Obama and the Democrats aint homeless paupers, they know that all pols are self absorbed sociopaths.

What Americans wanna know are 2 things: Is the guy at the top a real leader, and they wanna know what his attitude is for them particularly.

Romneys problem is we see him for what he is, Thurston Howell III. To him the average American is an alien life form, and America the Beautiful is as remote and distant as Mars. Mitts as programmed and scripted as a robot.

Obamas problem is his ethnicity. He's 1/2 nigga and 1/2 trailer trash. The Perfesser disguise is antithetical, and America knows it. He isnt wise, he is no mentor. He's Bill Clinton with a nigga ball and chain fastened to his ankle. He's a con, like all niggaz and white trash.

Would it kill you to hit the apostrophe key every once in a while, just for shits and grins?
Obamas problem is his ethnicity.

You mean that's your problem with him. Race is critical to you as it is with all racists. But the 2008 election is testament to the fact that it's far less of an issue to the general population.

Would it kill you to stop looking for the victims in every discussion?

I makes Romney look right and we know at best, he is slightly center-left...
You mean that's your problem with him. Race is critical to you as it is with all racists. But the 2008 election is testament to the fact that it's far less of an issue to the general population.

That is a sword that cuts both ways as Democrats are proud of touting their race bases...
Now merc has found an oppressor to go with his victims, he just thinks it is the other guy...


Would it kill you to stop looking for the victims in every discussion?

I makes Romney look right and we know at best, he is slightly center-left...

Why? Seniors are a massive chunk of the 47% that Mitt is insulting. He really didn't think his comments through and neither do those here that defend his words.
And do not seniors vote Democratic so they won't be victimized?

It's not Mitt running ads showing grandma shoved off the cliff and it is not the Republicans whose standard election cry is that 'they' are going to take away social security.

Man, you really do not know when to keep quiet and not drag a winning issue down into the loss column....
Every time I mention James's admitted racist view you get all up in arms about it. Why is that?

Comprehension is not your long suit any more than self-examination.

Is it JAMES screaming 'racist' every time someone disagrees with the President?
And do not seniors vote Democratic so they won't be victimized?

It's not Mitt running ads showing grandma shoved off the cliff and it is not the Republicans whose standard election cry is that 'they' are going to take away social security.

Man, you really do not know when to keep quiet and not drag a winning issue down into the loss column....

No I'm saying the whole thing is absurd. And Mitt needs a crap ton of the 47% to vote for him if he's going to win, no matter how many times he says he's writing them off.
No I'm saying the whole thing is absurd. And Mitt needs a crap ton of the 47% to vote for him if he's going to win, no matter how many times he says he's writing them off.

He will get a chunk of that 47% that wants to go back to work, especially with the new Obama clip being run, as you say, the whole thing is absurd.

PS - JAMES is an old-fashioned bigot, not a racist. Words mean things and you cheapen the word and take the shock value of it when you use it so loosely.
He will get a chunk of that 47% that wants to go back to work, especially with the new Obama clip being run, as you say, the whole thing is absurd.

PS - JAMES is an old-fashioned bigot, not a racist. Words mean things and you cheapen the word and take the shock value of it when you use it so loosely.

No, I really am a racist. A black woman lives next door. She pretty much acts like I'm trailer trash, and what I see lookin back across the fence at me with a scowl is Nigga. She pretty popular with lotsa white guys but I dont get the attraction part. Its a real mystery, like the origin of the Universe. But then, when her beaus aint around what I see is Aunt Jemima with the head wrap and bare feet and nigga-jabba on the phone with her sister. The beaus get the black-white girl.

I see the nigga in Michelle Obama, too.

I strive for congruency rather than strive to conceal my sickness.

So you are superior to all black people.

What is your stand on women then. barefoot and pregnant?
MOSCOW — Soviet leaders used to prefer Republicans to Democrats, in the belief that Republicans were tough but more sincere and, once they made a promise, were more likely to deliver on it.

There has been a whiff of that old way of thinking in recent remarks by President Vladimir Putin, even though plenty has changed in Russia’s relations with the United States. Speaking to reporters last week, Putin said he appreciates GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s bluntness in his denunciations of Russia — because that stance lets Russia know where it stands, and reinforces Putin’s opposition to a missile defense shield in Europe.

Under Democratic Leadership, the world knows us as a weak enemy and an untrustworthy and undependable ally.
While the media and the DNC establishment which tell it what to say continue to bizarrely excoriate candidate Romney for his strategy session comments as if there was anything wrong or untrue in any way with what he said (basically the media will eventually manufacture a "scandal" when someone they don't like merely says the word "the," which I've predicted for a long time now), the reality is that Romney has inadvertently set up a discourse for the next four years.

The 53% vs. 47% is a great way to counter and neutralize the phony, lying, made up discourse over the alleged and imaginary 99% vs. 1% baloney the DNC and its Communist and trend-fag pseudo-"hipster" allies at the Occupy rallies ranted about for the past year, and far closer to the reality. However, the 53% is actually greater than that, but its a good symbolic number, and regardless of win or lose, it is a slogan to build on for the next four years: MAKE THE LEECHING 47% PAY THEIR SHARE. Its inadvertently brilliant.

Even if re-elected, Obama is going to have a tough slog the next four years, second terms always are, and the 53%'ers will be right there to make it even more miserable for Him.

Dude, the Occupy movement was awesome. As in, it was a great place to get laid. I fucked three people over the course of meeting folk there, and I have absolutely no idea what the protest dealy was over. No one was able to explain it to me, but I'm a hell of a listener. And that's a good quality to have when folk really need to get something off their chest.

Like their shirts.
Every time I mention James's admitted racist view you get all up in arms about it. Why is that?

I've said it before. Back before it was chic to love niggaz so much I worked to get a nigga elected to office. This was 1965. First nigga elected to anything since Reconstruction. I worked for him cuz he was the pick of the litter in the basket of candidates. His competition was nuthin to write home about, tho. Still, he served in the army, got a college education, married the mother of his children, and did lotsa good in his community. I respected him. I still respect him.

And it doesnt distress me at all that people sulk and frown when they learn I'm not a nigga-lover.
There are compelling arguments regarding the "47%" to make. Too few pay income tax because they either a) have no income but should - the unemployed or b) have too low incomes to hit the first tier. Mitt go between not making them (aka saying thay are all moochers who want to live off <sneering>entitlements</sneering>) and making them absurdly badly.

He has to answer the question of how to get the lazy non-working freeloaders into jobs that don't exist. Also how his policies can get middle class Americans into better jobs. Until he has a jobs plan that is specific and puts on a teacher hat to explain in plain terms how it works, none of the 47% will care for him. Except the habitually stupid.

The Republicans in gerneral made a good point absurdly badly earlier when the buzzphrase "broadening the tax base" bounced around in their talking points cheat sheet for about a month. It sounded like just raising taxes on the working poor, and was easily pounced upon. When in fact it could have been presented as a "jobsjobsjobs" argument.