That fucking PISSES me off


Apr 22, 2001
I was just reading a review for About Schmidt,(the new movie with Nicholson.) I REALLY wanted to see it, because, I LOVE Nicholson, &,. critis say it's his best work to date. So, I'm reading the review, &, in the 2nd paragraph is a HUGE spoiler. Fucking bastard.:mad:
I heard a review on Access Hollywood that said it was a really good film. Don't lissten to the fucking critics. They only knowwhat they like not what you like. Go see the fillm if you want to. Fuckem
THe critic actually liked the movie. Gave it an A. Point is, they gave away a MAJOR spoiler in the review.

Surely if you read a review then you're fairly open to spoilers. "I liked the movie - but I can't tell you why".

Mind you, yes, I'll admit it. There are degrees of spoilers and critics should keep that in mind. Either you're reading a rubbish critic or he didn't think it would an important plot twist to keep secret. If the review is in any way professional write in and complain - otherwise he'll do it again.
Oh, I realize that if I read a review I'm open to spoilers. So, I'm partly to blame. But, like you said, critics should keep in mind that their spoilers, so, you gotta keep your mouth shut.
I hate when that happens too. I remember how pissed I was when I read that Titanic review and it mentioned that the ship sinks. FUCKING BASTARD! I decided it totally ruined it for me and never saw the movie!

Not really!
ExLimey said:
I hate when that happens too. I remember how pissed I was when I read that Titanic review and it mentioned that the ship sinks. FUCKING BASTARD! I decided it totally ruined it for me and never saw the movie!

I remember a conversation about the Phantom Menance back when it came out I had with friends. I said something like "At least we found out just what sort of wide eyed kid turned into Darth Vader" at which point the only girl in the room complained "Aww, don't spoil the plot for me".

There was much blinking.