That feeling you get...


Apr 10, 2001
...when you open the refrigerator and realize that there's nothing to eat.

I rue this day.



Don't need food as long as there is cold beer...that is what pizza delivery is about
I remember my peanut butter days well, but then there was always back up Top Ramen.
I've actually never had Nutella. After my severe puking of shots consisting of Frangelica, I can no longer smell or stomach anything that is hazelnut.
I've actually never had Nutella. After my severe puking of shots consisting of Frangelica, I can no longer smell or stomach anything that is hazelnut.

That happened to me with Sambuca.

I got so sick on it that to this day I can't even go near black licorice
Where's my pizza? I haven't done my grocery shopping yet. I'm starving.
In my case, I also have no money which makes it doubly bad.
Did you order it, or just hoping one turns up?

I'm waiting for that fucking federal agent to show up with it.

I mean, he's supposed to serve us citizens, right? RIGHT?!?!?!

That happened to me with Sambuca.

I got so sick on it that to this day I can't even go near black licorice

I was just thinking why did I never have Nutella before my drunken bout at 28ish with foofy shots? I guess it's one of those things that if it's not served or bought while growing up, you sort of never get around to trying it.
I was just thinking why did I never have Nutella before my drunken bout at 28ish with foofy shots? I guess it's one of those things that if it's not served or bought while growing up, you sort of never get around to trying it.

Are you an old lady?
I made Italian sausage and lentil soup. You're welcome to come over.