Thanks for the Negative Feedback


Apr 12, 2002
I would like to thank the anonymous reader who sent me the hateful feedback.

I had a really crappy day at work yesterday and the first feedback e-mail l opened was yours, commenting on how much you disliked my latest incest story Sex Starved.

Up to this point, I had never received any real negative feedback, maybe some disgruntlement over my not taking a story the way a particular person wanted it to go, but nothing as wonderfully hateful as yours. Thank you again! Now I can truly feel at home at Lit.

Two things though. One, at least you had the balls (or so I think, it’s kinda hard to tell) to write it and send it, and two, you had to read it to hate it.

Sorry if it didn’t meet up to your standards. Check out my other works and I’m sure there are others there that will truly disgust you as well.

And for all you wonderful folks that vote and send me constructive, helpful, and appreciative feedback, Thank You the most!
I doubt you will find "anon" here- we tend to be upfront qwith our comments.
I know. I was just so excited I had to share it with all of you that have been there, done that, and burnt the f------ t-shirt.
I have seen a thread somewhere that suggests "anon" feedback

be discontinued. My experience is that its mostly trash talk. Like whern I did my first stories, which are " Loving wives" from the viewpoint of a hubby that likes watching, why would anyone bother sending me suggestions that " the slut deserves to be raped." ??????
I can see where that might be a valid suggestion, but as my original post says, this is my first one that is negative, no not negative, more of just vicious remarks about the story and the other writers/mems of Lit with having rec about 150 feedbacks.

I also think it is ironic, having just read a day or so ago that the more people post in the forum, the more neg feedback is given. I have been attempting lately to be more active in my participation of the forum and be a part of the community by providing positive thought provoking posts and/or threads.

I'm also sure that somewhere in the few comments I have made I mentioned my lack of negative/hateful feedback. So I figure it is anon's way of welcoming me to Lit in his/her own special, albeit, abnormal way. But I know I would be one of the last people that would be able to effectively define normal.

I've also had similar anonymous feedback along those lines with "loving wives" stories - all the 'hope you and the slut die of AIDS' type stuff.

I've also had a lot of great feedback from anonymous people.

I guess a lot of readers don't want to give out their email address. They might think the author's some kind of goddamned pervert and weirdo what with the kind of stories they write, know what I mean?
Catesby said:

I've also had similar anonymous feedback along those lines with "loving wives" stories - all the 'hope you and the slut die of AIDS' type stuff.

I've also had a lot of great feedback from anonymous people.

I guess a lot of readers don't want to give out their email address. They might think the author's some kind of goddamned pervert and weirdo what with the kind of stories they write, know what I mean?

well, OF COURSE I'm a weirdo and a pervert, that's why I love Lit- what's their excuse?
You and you're Feedback

Okay, here was the latest. I would quote but unfortunately at the time I read it, it meant little to me so I deleted it.

In a nut shell. I received a summary of the usage of 'you' and you're' and was told that I was not getting it correct. Like I said I blew it off at first, but then paranoia set in. Was I doing it wrong?

I checked all my 18 postings. 70798 words. 389 times the word 'your' appears. On five occasions, each in a seperated story, I used 'your' for 'you're'.

Funny thing is I found more missspellled words while finding the 'yours' than I did incorrect 'yours'.

To the person that wrote the feedback, seriously, thank you for catching my mistake. I can assure you that if you want to pay me for the stories that I write and post for you to read, I will spend more time ensuring they are 100% correct.

Hang in there Wildfire!

I know exactly what you mean though. My newest story (incest) posted recently. "My Three Sisters....and Mom." I've gotten some really incredible feedback on it, obviously a great number of you have read it...and enjoyed it. That said...... :D

I received an "anonymous" feedback email telling me that a seventh grader could have written a better story. Not sure about that, unfortunately with school being what it is today, a lot of seventh graders can't even read and write at all. But I digress.........:p

My point was that whoever took the time to blast the story for the way I wrote it missed the point. Which is fine, because I wasn't writing it specifically for him/her. And nasty feedback email isn't worth the effort to worry about or be concerned over. Base the value of your writing on the majority of emails/feedback you get. I think the readers out there are pretty honest and will say how they feel. If a story's good...they'll tell you that. And if a lot of them tell you it sucks.......then it's time to go back to the drawing (writing) board.

Otherwise do what you do....and just enjoy it!

To sleep.........perchance to dream - William Shakespear

I remain,
Thanks Sandman!

I try not to let the negative feedback get me down. And by mearly replying to this thread again I KNOW I am setting myself up again.

Since I first started this thread, I have received more super critical feed back than I have on my earlier stories, which looking back now, were really crappy. The style was bad, numerous errors in spelling, word usage, etc.

Now I have Anon that wants to dog me because of incorrect word usage. 'Your' vs 'You're' and 'hear' vs 'here'. Yeah, I know it is wrong. But guess wht? I don't give a s**t!

I do this because it gives me something to do with my time other than spending money or out cheating on my wife. Damn, do I sound like I'm pissed off? Must be the conversation I just had with my wife. Oh, well, if I can't vent here, where can I vent?

So to Anon, you piece of s**t without the guts to even send me your e-mail address, You want better quality? Pay me for it! You don't like what I write? Don't f**cking read it.

If those that want to bust my chops are so good at proof reading my work, how about an offer to pf and edit it rather than send me your nasty notes. Frankly, I do appreciate the feedback and have made an extra efforts try and improve my self editting skills. For that I thank you. For the way you gave it? You are only showing your issues and challenges and I hope you are better at communicating your thoughts in person. Otherwise you will lead a very lonely life.

Maybe it's time to find a new hobby. Thanks everyone!
I try not to let the negative feedback get me down. And by mearly replying to this thread again I KNOW I am setting myself up again.

Ok, deep breath, its just bits in a machine. :)

Repeat this until its a mantra.

I have one novel out in sub, and have had it on sub, for about a year and a half now. Minimal feedback other than 'fix it and we'll post it'. I've had another very long novel up on the web since May with not one line of public feedback. Most of my shorts might have gotten one or two lines, in private. Had another novella get asked for, on rewrite, by a pro epublisher ... they went under. Yeah, its pretty damn frustrating at times to write.

Maybe it's time to find a new hobby. Thanks everyone!

Nah, they do. :) They're the ones with the nasty hobby of attacking people who do things they can't. Never someone I'd choose to follow. And that really is the point. Look at the source. How many published novels do they have? Are they a Steven King or John Grisham? Probably not. So fuck 'em, or not ... I'd rather not.

But, ultimately, I am an amateur, in the literal meaning of the word, 'one who loves'. It also helps keep me sane, well, saner. :D Don't let the bastards wear you down. Its not worth it. Yeah, I fretted getting "Beggars and Choosers" up on Literotica at all. It made it, its getting seen, at least from the one feedback and two votes its gotten so far. Good enough. And yeah, I know I'll probably get some pretty harsh feedback if it gets enough views. All part of writing. And ultimately ...

Its all bits in a machine.
Really Thanks Everyone!

I apologize for venting on board. It has been a quite terrible two or three weeks and after a short revelation from my wife about our sex life, or should I say continued lack thereof, I snapped. It was rude and uncalled for and so very well timed since I had just sent encouragement to someone else who had rec negative feedback and was fretting over it.

Yes, I know by posting the thread to begin with and then re-visiting it over and over I am only asking for more to be heaped on the pile. But you are all right. I know where the delete button is on my e-mail page. And yes, the good ones far out weigh the bad ones.

And like I said earlier, negative as it was, it helped. I went through the story I was about to post and searched for the your, you're, hear and here and found a mistake that I was able to correct before submitting.

Thanks to all for your support, As for my personal situation, I'm not sure where that is going. I really enjoy writing as it gives me something. I hope to have my "real" life back to normal soon and will hopefully then be able to divert my attention back to being less like them (reasd- nasty anons) and more like I should be.
Hang in there/their Wildfire

We've all been there........some, more than others! :rolleyes:

I remain,
Re: Really Thanks Everyone!

Wildfire427 said:
I apologize for venting on board. ... and will hopefully then be able to divert my attention back to being less like them (reasd- nasty anons) and more like I should be.

I think you write hot stuff. Sometimes I don't send feedback but I always vote the way I tip-- for an encryption, see
Leave nasty feedback if it makes you feel better! (Actually, I hope you won't...)

Whatever you write, they are your (You're?) stories. They are personal, and when people are stupid it pissses you off. You're entitled. (I checked the spelling on that...)(':)')

And now for another tip--

Sandman's Vickie's Toy Box is HOT HOT HOT and steaming. Can't imagine him ever getting nasty seedback. Great story!

And I quote you:

"Sandman's Vickie's Toy Box is HOT HOT HOT and steaming. Can't imagine him ever getting nasty seedback. Great story!"

Trust me.....I get my fair share. It never ceases to amaze me that a particular story can generate so much Feedback....good AND bad. Of course I love the good feedback...we all do. And even the negative feedback can still be constructive, and I don't mind those at all. After all, we're all trying to improve, and I think that my newer stories in comparison to my older one's show that. (Including Vickie's toy-box). <wink>

But yeah.......the feedback where someone feels they need to blast me because they didn't like the story line, where I took it, or what I did with it always amaze's me. Especially when a vast majority write and tell me how much they liked it...but there's always that one....and it's funny. The one's who hate something you wrote, said, or did......write the longest fucking feedback emails you'll ever get. :D

So it's kinda like the news on TV. They rarely report and discuss anything good or fun. Yet, all the tragedy....they can go on and on and it is with feedback sometimes.

So hang in there, enjoy the "Loved your story - thank you" Feedbacks..........and for the ones that take up a full page. Once I find out they're not constructively bitching? <delete>. :cool:

I remain,
First a question to the thread starter: was the nature of the negative feedback you got primarily a condemnation of incest or writing/fantasizing about incest or was the criticism of the writing style and the reader didn't seem to have a bone to pick about the subject matter?

Here's my personal take on anonymous feedback:

I have just posted some tales and I chose to block anon. feedback. I wish to lessen the comments from what I call the gutless wonders: people so cowardly that they won't even "sign" an anonymous email address to their feedback. In my experience with forums, the only time someone goes anon. or gets another unknown user Id is when they wish to do something really vicious. Obviously, not all people who give anon. feedback are this way but anonymity encourages far too many readers to be irresponsible and thoughtless in what they say because they do not have to own their own words. This makes their feedback, whether positive or negative, pretty worthless in my opinion. Someone can say absolutely anything, tell any malcious lie they want, because the poor writer has no way to write them back. And there are so many people online who, if given an opportunity to be malicious with no personal repercussions, will do so.

There's a lot of hateful people online who look for opportunities to spew the poison they have built up inside. The kind that I really don't understand, however, are people who hate a certain type of story, like an incest story, but instead of staying far away from the incest section, are still are drawn obssessively to read those kinds of repugnant (to them) tales and harass the authors who write them. Do they _really_ imagine that their negative feedback stops any author from writing more of these stories? FWIW that kind of shit from somebody has the opposite effect on me: it not only makes me more determined to write more of the stuff I love and they hate but also publish it more widely so more people see it, lol!

If I cared about improving my stories (actually, I don't even think you can call them stories--they're too unstructed--they are more like fantasies), I'd open up anon. feedback, as some people are too timid to submit even constructive criticism unless it can be done anonymously. But I have no desire or time to do so. I just want to share with others the fantasies that I think up to get me off sexually in the hopes that they get some sexual pleasure from them too. Of course, I also want people to know they're not alone in thinking up or liking really weird stuff.

Unda, unfortunately I don't emember the initial negative feedback. It didn't really 'bother' me it was just the fact that I finally got a true negative one that had made me feel accepted.

Yes, by starting the thread I opened up a can of worms I can honestly say I was not ready for. I can deal with people, anon or those that are nice enough to give me an email add, that wish to direct my story lines. I have used many of the things requested to not only keep a fresh idea to my stories, but to also give the reader(s) what they want.

The one's I got pursuant to my initial posting were from a person that wanted to severly critique my ability to edit and proofread my work. I'm not the best in the world at it, and have read much worse examples here on Lit. I have many reasons for writing, which you can find on other threads I have posted to, but at this point the main reason is to increase my skills as a writer or porn/erotica and to have those stories accepted by the readers.

On a particularly bad day I posted an awful response to this thread, but in looking back, other than how mad I was at my personal situation and how 'under my skin' this particular anon got, my point is still valid. I don't get paid to write here. I get paid at my normal job and go the extra mile to make sure my work is as flawless as possible. In my line of work, when I do a good job, somebody is not going to be happy with me. Just an occupational hazard. But here, if you don't like a particular theme, why read it? There are stories I have read that just fly right over my head (must be alot too looking at the lack of hair on the back of my head) but I just back click and go on.

I don't mean to sound superior to anyone, not even anon. They have thier issues as do I. I will go back to feeling honored that I recieve any feedback at all, and if it gets too much again, I'll just click the little option box that says, nope don't want your opinion unless you can tell me who you are.

Hi there!!

Anonymous, hateful feedback is a coward's approach to hurting others. I personally feel anonymous feedback -- both good and bad -- mean nothing. It's like an unsigned letter published in a newspaper. It means nothing.

I'm sorry this has upset you and I don't blame you. Literotica is a place for writers and readers to enjoy themselves, not to hurt people.

I hope you're feeling better.

Re: Cowards

MissVirgin said:
Hi there!!

Anonymous, hateful feedback is a coward's approach to hurting others. I personally feel anonymous feedback -- both good and bad -- mean nothing. It's like an unsigned letter published in a newspaper. It means nothing.

I'm sorry this has upset you and I don't blame you. Literotica is a place for writers and readers to enjoy themselves, not to hurt people.

I hope you're feeling better.


but like graffiti on your wall, if you don't scrub it off, the insult hurts ....if your neighbours help, it goes away faster. Lit is a community. The cowards will be defeated if we all shine on.

I just got a reply from some "Virgin" who said my stories seamed a bit stalkish. Well, they are sort of, but I know my limit.
So if someone gives you negative feedback, but if YOU enjoy writing, and enjoy the story, fuck the one who thinks otherwise.
In defence of negative feedback

On the other hand, we can at least learn from some of the criticism ( granted, not from:" you are obviously possessed by Satan and will roast in hell"). I would rather have " a bit stalkish" than what I just got: " goodstory- it made me cum". I'm glad for the commentator, but it hardly helps me grow as a writer.

I like CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, note the word CONSTRUCTIVE. But some just ain't going to like your crap just because, and those are the ones I dislike.
Like I said......

Constructive criticism can be useful, but if someone justs fires off a comment designed to be nothing more than vicious, then as far as I'm concerned, they've wasted more of their time writing it than my time reading it.

It's just like I said in another thread.....there are those who feel that the only way they can be on a par with others is by putting others down, rather than trying to improve themselves, and in the end, it tells little about the recipient, but speaks volumes about the sender.

Anyone who has to step on others to elevate themselves already knows how small they really are.

Sad, but true, isn't it?;)
You know, if someone reacts viscerally to something you've written, then you can rest assured that your writing pushed a button somewhere that resulted in that person being unable to control what they felt........... Congratulations!!!... You sparked a reaction! As a matter of fact the reaction was so very deep that the crap that resulted was offensive to you, but that's okay, YOU GOT AN HONEST REACTION, YOU"RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT, KEEP DOING IT.
alphabravo said:
You know, if someone reacts viscerally to something you've written, then you can rest assured that your writing pushed a button somewhere that resulted in that person being unable to control what they felt........... Congratulations!!!... You sparked a reaction! As a matter of fact the reaction was so very deep that the crap that resulted was offensive to you, but that's okay, YOU GOT AN HONEST REACTION, YOU"RE DOING SOMETHING RIGHT, KEEP DOING IT.

I'm sorry, gotta disagree. That argument would justify Hitler's Big Lie propaganda, so its absurd. Why would a writer want to dusgust readers at Literotica? I can understand an experimental fiction writer or essayist at, or the utne reader doing it, to provoke thought, but , for example, homophobic or racist drivel has no place here.

I agree most viscerial reactions are worth ignoring, since a few readers will hate even the best stories, for personal reasons. A writer wil not learn from those. But aiming to schock is a poor goal, beneath the talents of the better writer.