Thanks, but no thanks


Really Experienced
Jan 30, 2003
Well, after a few hours of interacting with the members here, and an additional week of what's known as 'lurking', I have decided that I probably won't be back fo more.

It seems that my status in society has brought out the green eyed monster as usual.

I wish people could learn to toast other peoples success instead of trying to bring them down to their level.

I've been subjected to extreme abuse using the most foul language, I have been compared to Hitler and generally been made to feel unwelcome by what seems to be a gang here at Literotica.

Maybe this place shouldn't trade the forum as "adult".

I hope other new members have better luck trying to break in and be accepted by the important few who decide whether to give the nod or not.

I may frequent this place again at some point.

Now that's a thin skin. No wonder the working class produces all the greatest innovators...the rich are weak in their convictions, and easily frustrated besides.
Elitist said:
Well, after a few hours of interacting with the members here, and an additional week of what's known as 'lurking', I have decided that I probably won't be back fo more.


I'll take that bet, whoever you are; shall we say a year's earnings? A big, splashy goodbye is a sign you'll be back to see its effect, and then in due time to post again. I know your kind.
Buh bye now.

Seriously though. You have the name elitest and you seem to be some what of a jackass. What did you expect?
Please don't take it personally, but you are a bit of a prig, you must see that, surely?
Hey's been real and it's been nice, but it hasn't been real nice. Don't let the door hit you on your ass on the way out.
There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else. There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else. There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else. There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else. There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else. There is no clique, and newbies are treated just like everyone else.
Well, this is a funny swan song, Elitist.

I noticed you did ignore those who treated you decently. You made your day with us what it turned into. Don't blame the masses and for God's sake, don't blame the "gang"

And remember, the anonymous nature of lit renders us equals until we start posting. Money, culture and education won't win anyone points on a porn board.


In any event, do what feels good.


I really do wonder , is this guy for real? :D
Main Entry: elit·ism
Pronunciation: A-'lE-"ti-z&m, i-, E-
Function: noun
Date: 1947
1 : leadership or rule by an elite
2 : the selectivity of the elite; especially : SNOBBERY 1 <elitism in choosing new members>
3 : consciousness of being or belonging to an elite
- elit·ist /-'lE-tist/ noun or adjective

Except for the snobbery part, I think you just picked the wrong handle.

Next time try 2pumpchump
i see that some poeple were meany to me too yesterday i am seeing killermufin always chase people out. she dos look like she relish it.
Well, after a few hours of interacting with you here, I have decided that I probably wouldn't want you to come back for more.

It seems that your status in society has brought out the snottiest kind of attitude, as usual.

I wish people could learn to toast other peoples happiness instead of trying to raise themselves from such a 'proletariate' level.

You've been subjected to some abuse using the most foul language, have been compared to Hitler and generally been made to feel unwelcome by what seems to be a group of fun-loving, NORMAL people here at Literotica.

(I really don't agree with the hitler thing, and feel bad about that.)

Maybe this place should label itself the 'place of the normal, leave your snottiness at the door'.


Lose the attitude and you can have fun here.

Maybe we should have bowed and scraped a bit more for you.
Elitist said:
It seems that my status in society has brought out the green eyed monster as usual.

I wish people could learn to toast other peoples success instead of trying to bring them down to their level.
Well, for the most part people here don't care if you are wildly successful, or wildly unsuccessful, whether you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth or eating out of the dog's dish - what we care about is if you can hold your own on in a written conversation - hence the Literotica. To that end you haven't shown us anything except arrogance.

If you want to see who and what we respect and enjoy, review this give and take between Crysede and Agent 99. If you want some quirky humor, keep an eye on Spinaroonie. Or, just watch what other people post from time to time.

Come in acting like a snob, expecting everybody to kowtow just because you claim to be from an "upper class", and you will probably get the cold shoulder from at least a few people. You see here we don't give a shit what class you were born into, we give a shit how well you perform - and so far bub, your act has been a flop. :rolleyes:

As others have said, don't let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out. Ta ta.
Damn, that one didn't even last long enough for me to give my two month prediction!
Re: Re: Thanks, but no thanks

LukkyKnight said:

I'll take that bet, whoever you are; shall we say a year's earnings? A big, splashy goodbye is a sign you'll be back to see its effect, and then in due time to post again. I know your kind.

Yea what he said. :)