*thank god they're finally GONE*


plays well with self
Apr 8, 2002

My family has left the building, thank god. My dad just sat there quietly the whole time while my mom and her dog, her yappy little lhasa apso, wandered around in circles freaking out.

My brother sat in the middle of the room (he is 19 yrs old) screaming at everyone about how much he hated all his presents, and my boyfriend kept glaring at me like "why did we invite them over here?"


At least now it's quiet. so very, very quiet.

How was your christmas?
Chicklet said:

My family has left the building, thank god. My dad just sat there quietly the whole time while my mom and her dog, her yappy little lhasa apso, wandered around in circles freaking out.

My brother sat in the middle of the room (he is 19 yrs old) screaming at everyone about how much he hated all his presents, and my boyfriend kept glaring at me like "why did we invite them over here?"


At least now it's quiet. so very, very quiet.

How was your christmas?
Pretty much the same, except it was my mom who was sitting there, while my brother was chasing my dog and my dad was whining about his gifts.

And it was a dachsund and not a lhasa apso. ;)

:(, sorry to here that babe. Squirel . . . support, it's the name of the game. I luckly had a wonderful day, missed my immediate family terribly, and my g/f, but the family I did get to spend it with were great.
Sounds like your 19yr brother wasn't taught any manners. We had a talk with my neices, who are 7 & 5 telling them how to be polite.

I think your brother is beyond that, but it is never to young to start. Rude people are a constant annoyance, and such lack of respect can branch into other things such as getting a girlfriend, and holding onto a job.

Well sorry for your day, hope tomarrow is better.

Clearly the only appropriate response to your brother would have been to say, "Right, we'll just take that back for you, then." And never buy him any gifts again, as he obviously does not comprehend the whole concept.

Why did you invite them? Because they're your family, darling. If your boyfriend can't suck it up and tolerate it nicely for a couple hours to please you, he can march out the door right behind your brother.

Your dad seems nice.