Texas Companies Say Republicans Are Ruining Their Business


Satan's Plaything
Oct 14, 2017
To no one's surprise.


A coalition of Texas businesses have said ambiguity over abortion bans in the Lone Star State
is making recruitment harder, following the near all-out ban enacted by Republicans.

An amicus brief originally filed by law firm Reed Smith and signed by 40 Texas companies was
filed in support of 22 women who are suing the state of Texas over its abortion laws. Numerous
businesses have endorsed the letter. These include dating platforms such as Bumble and Match Group
(owner of Match.com and Tinder); prominent advertising agencies Preacher and GSD&M; event organizers
SXSW; and the United States Women's Chamber of Commerce, along with various Texas real-estate companies,
law firms, and restaurant groups.

The companies say that Texas abortion laws render the state less appealing for families considering
relocating to a place where they can comfortably start a family. The Texas Legislature, dominated by
Republican representatives, passed a trigger law on abortion in 2021. It is currently illegal to have an
abortion after a fetus has a heartbeat, which typically occurs around six weeks, often before the woman
knows she is pregnant, unless there is a significant threat to the mother's life.
The overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the Supreme Court in 2022 gave states the power to limit abortion access.

Those in Texas seeking abortion services at any point in pregnancy will now need to travel outside the state,
explore options beyond U.S., resort to illegal means, or to carry the unwanted pregnancy to term. Birth control
and emergency contraceptives, such as Plan B, are distinct from the medications used for inducing abortion and
continue to be legally accessible.

Abortion access has been popular among voters in the wake of Roe vs. Wade ending. Numerous polls have
found majority support for abortion rights in most states, red or blue, and every state-level election concerning
the matter in the last year has seen voters come out strongly in support of protecting access to abortion. In the
November 2022 midterms, for example, voters rejected anti-abortion ballot measures in Kentucky and Montana.
"Heartbeat bills" were originally referred to as "suffer bitch!" bills in the Texas legislature.
You're a liar! I'm sure there was a racial slur in-between 'suffer' and 'bitch.'
Rotadom, please! Texas outlawed both "rape" and "racism" years ago.

Still more than a little misogyny around here in Texas. I expect that that is part of Gov. Greg Abbott's "Grand Design".