Tessa and the pharmacist(pm first)

Mar 1, 2006
Tessa had never liked Her boss, one minute he could be the sweetest guy, the next he could be a complete dick, and to be honest some days because of him she just wanted to quit, but she needed her job and she made good money and there was good things about him, as much of a dick as he was he would be the first to take up for you and do anything for you. It was like he was bi-polar some days but it was just his way. Outside of work however when there were work parties or when a group of them went out for dinner or a drink he was totally different.

Lately however Tessa was more and more drawn to him, even when he was controlling and such a asshole, she found herself attracted to him, he was older than her by ten years she was 20 he was 30... biggest issue was is he liked yet hated him at the same time.. that and he had a girlfriend, and Tessa was not at all a push over.

The only problem now was she was having dreams of him, taking her making her his controlling her in and out of the bedroom.. so it was harder and harder for her to be around him, and she hoped he would never notice it.

Sean probably should never have hired her. Granted, she was an excellent tech, conscientious, hard working. The problem was she was cute, distractingly so. It wasn't a problem at social functions. He could be more congenial with all his employees. But at the pharmacy, he was the boss, and people's lives depended on every medication being dispensed properly. Yet, he found his eyes lingering on her. On days she wore something in any way form fitting or revealing, he was particularly vexed. How many times had he felt his loins tighten as she came to him with a question or issue? Unfortunately, he sometimes kept his distance by being gruff with her. He always felt badly about it later, for a number of reasons. She was forbidden fruit to him, tantalizingly close, but aggravatingly distant.

His frustrations were not helped by his girlfriend, if you could call her that. They had been involved for five years, and were still together far more out of habit than desire. They had sex very rarely, and only when both of them were frustrated and somewhat tipsy. Yet, they persisted, both of them working more to avoid being at home.

It only made his attraction to Tessa more frustrating. Lately, it had been worse in his mind. Sean could have sworn that he had seen her looking at him on more than one occasion. WTF? It might have been wishful thinking on his part, but the thought that she might be interested only compounded his misery.

At the end of his shift (as if the boss ever had a shift), he gathered his things, telling Tessa and Claudia, another tech, that he was headed to the gym. He walked out the door and down the street. A good workout was his solution to sexual frustration. It had worked for years, and his body showed the results. He settled into his routine, and forced images of a semi-dressed Tessa from his mind.
Dammit Tessa thought to herself, some days she really hated going to work, it wasn't as if Sean was the only pharmacist we had others, but he was the head pharmacist so regardless he was pretty much always there whenever she was.. she never knew what mood she was going to be walking in on, he was never a smart ass to the other techs it was usually only to her and she could never put her finger on why, she did sometimes give it right back, other times it hurt her and sometimes she'd go home crying, sometimes she'd go to the gym to run, or beat the hell out of the punching bag, what ever helped her aggravation.

She was single, her last boyfriend, thought it was fun to hit her and cheat on her and she had promised herself never to allow a man to hit her, unless it was consensual and in the bedroom, she was pretty much finished with men, but then Sean commanded her dreams, although at times she hated her, in her dreams not so much.

She needed a damn drink that's what she needed, so she decided after work she would head to the bar and have a few glasses of wine, to help her nerves and hopefully forget about work and Sean for a little while, normally after dinner she'd head to the gym, but screw it she thought, she needed a break.

They both said goodnight to Sean as they gathered there own belongings and headed out the door, she asked Claudia if she'd like to join her and Claudia said that sounded great that they would meet one another in a hour, Claudia to go home and let her husband know and Tessa to take a quick shower and change.

An hour later she was changed had ate a quick sandwich and headed to the local watering hole to meet Claudia.

She hugged Claudia when she walked in and they grabbed a booth.
His workout had been good. Freshly showered, he felt refreshed, and not at all ready to go home yet. As he drove, he caught sight of a local bar and grill he frequented. Yes, a beer and a huge burger were just what he needed right now. He entered the lot, parked, and walked in. As usual, the lights were dim. He looked about and spied an unoccupied table. He seated himself and a cute waitress immediately greeted him.

He smiled, "Hey Francine, good to see you too."

They bantered back and forth. He liked her. She knew it, and liked it. Eventually his order was placed a pale ale was placed of him. He took a sip, sighed contentedly, and looked around. He quickly noticed a very cute young woman in a white tube dress. Pillars in the room prevented him from getting a good look at her or her dinner mates. She threw her head back at one point laughing, and it all clicked. Tessa.

Figures. When Francine returned with his burger, he asked about the table with the woman in the white dress.

"Oh, Tessa and Claudia, you mean?" she asked.

"Yeah," he replied, "whatever they're drinking, make them another, on me."

"Working for you has its perks," Francine quipped, and walked off.

"Yeah, maybe," he muttered into his beer.
Tessa and Claudia were on there second glass of wine, three was Tessa's limit for she had to drive home, lucky for Claudia her husband was coming to get her. Her husband was a good man, and Tessa sometimes envied her, not cause she wanted her friends husband or anything, simply because good men now a days were hard to come by... and the only man she was interested in was off limits and a complete asshole.

Tessa and Claudia enjoyed one another company and often hung out, outside of work, Tessa found her to be her best friend... and Claudia was very easy to talk to... she wished she could talk to her about Sean but that was the last thing she could ever do.

Claudia had been telling Tessa jokes all evening and Tessa was grateful to forget him and work for at least the evening.. all again it would start up in the morning. ''So Tessa why is it you haven't dated anyone lately its not like you have a hard time every time we go out someone is wanting to dance or wanting to buy you a drink and you always seem to refuse, why is that?'' Tessa wasn't quite sure how to answer but she told her the truth about her past and how she had been hurt and that she just wasn't ready yet, hey it was partly the truth.

Tessa excused herself to use the ladies room so she could freshen up, and then returned quickly back to her friend.

Tessa finished the second glass of wine, and was ready for the third she was feeling good, but was far from drunk.

Before she had a chance to order another for her and Claudia drinks were brought to there table and when they asked who from the waiter pointed and Tessa spotted Sean and inwardly groaned.

Damn living in a small town she thought to herself.

''You okay Tess.. it's just Sean surely you can accept a drink from him.'' She said with a giggle as she sipped her own glass, and Tessa thought if you only knew my friend. If you only knew.

Tessa took a deep breath and waved at Sean as in a thank-you.
Sean raised his own glass in cheers. If he had been closer, he would have said, "happy friday," or some other nonsense. If it had been anyone but Tessa, he would not have hesitated to go over and chat briefly. On the other hand, who wanted to see their boss after work? Fortunately, Francine set his burger down in front of him. She did so in a way that he could not help but notice her body. He looked into her eyes and smiled, "looks delicious."

She giggled and slapped him on the shoulder. She looked at him and asked, "So tell me hon, what are you doing here alone, again?"

He shrugged, "Denise is busy working again."

Francine snorted, "Working huh. Well, I hate to tell ya hon, but I hear that she is busy, but not at work."

Sean raised his eyebrows, "What are you sayin'?"

"Just rumor hon, just rumor, and you didn't hear it from me," she replied, "now eat your burger, before it gets cold."

The waitress wandered off. Sean sat for a moment, then ate, all the while wondering, "an affair?"
She smiled her sweet smile, that she shared with everyone as he held up his glass. She took a deep breath grateful he hadn't yet walked over to them, not like she hadn't hung out with him outside of work, but it was just her and Claudia so it was a bit more personal or so she felt. She felt however slightly disappointed that he hadn't come over, okay she knew it she had issues. She smiled at her friend as they got back to there conversation. Tessa sighed inwardly wondering why Sean was by himself, he seemed to be a lot lately... but who was she to get in the middle of that. ''I heard his girlfriends cheating on him.'' Claudia said breaking into Tessa's thoughts. ''No way they been together for to long.'' Tessa responded. ''Just hearsay anyway.'' Claudia said and Tessa agreed.

She wondered if it were true and then wondered why she cared... Sean had always been a ass to her maybe it was what he deserved and the she thought no one deserved that.. she knew what it felt like after all.

Tessa bit her lip as she was still at the beginning of her wine, before Claudia told her, her husband was coming and she'd be leaving soon.

Tessa smiled when her friend hugged her and headed outside to meet her husband. She knew she couldn't leave quite yet so she finished her wine and ordered a coffee.

She stretched and leaned back into her booth making herself comfortable, reminding herself to check on Claudia in a half hour.

Her coffee came as she let it cool some then took a nice long drink, it was almost as good as her wine, she smiled to herself.

She grabbed her cell out of her purse to check the time, and finished drinking the coffee.
Sean was surprised to find that he had finished his burger. His mind had been elsewhere. Janine cheating on him? WTF? Various emotions rolled through his mind, shock, anger, jealousy, relief... Relief? Yeah, he had to admit it. If it was true, then it meant they were done. And a big part of him was saying, "well thank god that is over."

Francine interrupted his thoughts again, "You want any dessert hon? Something sweeet?"

In light of what he had been thinking, he was suddenly seriously tempted. He raised an eyebrow at his waitress, wondering just how sweet she was. But reality came crashing back the next instant. He was not going to cheat just because he heard a rumor. He sighed, "I probably shouldn't, tonight at least." He smiled at her, "Though you do make it sorely tempting."

She looked a bit dissappointed and left him his check. He left payment and a generous tip, then rose to leave. As he worked his way to the door, he passed the booth at which Jessica was seated. Talk about temptations, although she had never given him any real reason to suspect interest. He saw her look up at him with a surprised expression. He slowed slightly as he passed, smiled, and said, "Have a good weekend."

He continued on, intending on going home. He wondered what he was going to say to Janine when he saw her next. No matter what, it was not going to be pretty.
Tessa partly wanted to go say hi to Sean, she didn't want to seem rude, but she had never been alone with him outside of work, sure a hour here or there before they opened in the morning but they were at work, so there was never any pressure... she was glad that for that hour in the morning before opening he was just quiet and really didn't say much to her.

She waited on her waiter to come back so she could get her check, pay and go home, get a nice hot bath and go to bed and prepare to be alone with Sean for that hour in the morning oh joy she thought to herself.

She paid her check and gathered her purse and her keys and what not placed her cell in her pocket text Claudia to let her know she was on her way out the door, as she wrote, and waited for her change.

She smiled at Sean as he walked by although she was a little disappointed that he didn't sit for at least a moment with her, then again she didn't ask. She sighed wondering what was she thinking and was placing her purse on her shoulder and then standing, to head to the door letting Sean get ahead of her.

Deep breaths she told herself.. hes your boss... has a girlfriend.. and most of the times hates to be in the same room as you.
At least she was honest. He had decided to stop at Janine's on the way home. When he had rung the doorbell, she whipped open the door, clearly dressed to go out and impress. Her expression told him she was expecting someone else. "Going out?" he asked.

He could see her thinking, and finally she said yes. They looked at each other for a time. So much could have been said, but didn't really need to be. Another car parking on the street and a good looking fellow exiting, looking at him, then pausing, put an end to any conversation. He looked at her and said softly, "I will pack your stuff. You can pick it up whenever. I would appreciate if you would do the same for me."

He turned deliberately casually. He was not going to make a scene. He got back into his car and went home. Once there, he took all of Janine's things and put them in a tote. He stripped the bed and put down fresh sheets. Fresh linens in the bathroom. He poured her stupid wine coolers down the drain. And although he knew he couldn't be rid of her memories that easily, he felt a little better. He took a shower and went to bed. Tomorrow was another day.

The morning came and his alarm went off. He went into his usual routine, and was at the pharmacy early. He liked the mornings. No customers, complaints, questions, aggravations. It was his most productive hour of the day. He was printing out the perscription renewals when Tessa walked through the door.

"Good morning," he said, looking up briefly, "have a good evening?"
She went home and instead of taking a hot bath like she had originally wanted, decided to take a nice cold shower, anything to keep her mind of Sean and the hour they would be alone in the morning... and hoped Claudia would be in considering she had a lot to drink the night before, it was a small pharmacy but they were still pretty busy most of the time.

The wine was finally making her sleeping, she is so grateful that she will be able to sleep tonight and hopefully have a dream free night of Sean, the last thing she wanted was to think of him in anyway other than a boss.

Crawling into bed after changing into a tight tank-top and booty shorts... please she thought let me get some sleep tonight and not think of Sean... its hard enough time working in close quarters with him.

She dressed and did her hair for work grabbed her green bag and her keys after eating a quick bagel and headed to work in her yellow bug.

She walked in and smiled sweetly at Sean as always.

"It was good thanks, and yours?''
No sense in hiding, he thought, replying, "well, did some cleaning, thought about getting a dog, broke up with Jenna. Yeah, that's about it."

He kept his tone even, but a variety of emotions were just beneath the surface.

Not hearing an immediate response, and not really expecting one, he continued, "I've printed up the perscription labels. If you can put them on the appropriate bottles, I can still filling them."

He was keeping his mind on business, but he still could not help but notice how cute Tessa as she put her lab coat on over her dress. Focus, he thought.
She smiled when he said thought about getting a dog, but then quickly frowned when he said he and Jenna broke up, clearly it bothered him, this was the most he really ever said to her on a personal note at work at least.

She wanted to ask him how he was doing, but she didn't think it was her place.. although he did tell her after all. She took a deep breath and wondered what she had to lose, he after all was the one who brought it up. ''Want to talk about it?'' She asked sweetly as she looked at him carefully.

She watched him, as it seemed like it took her forever to respond to him.. but she was just thinking of what to say. ''Sure can.'' She said softly, not that she ever needed told what to do, her job was the one constant in her life, the one thing she took major pride in.

She pulled the lab coat over her dress and walked to the filling stations to get started.

She waited for his response to you want to talk, and so far he wasn't being a ass to her... somethings never ceased to amaze her.
He finished what he was doing, then walked over to the filling station. He had heard Tessa's offer, but didn't know what to say, or whether to say anything. He picked up the bottles, softly saying, "Thanks for the offer. I don't know what there is to say. We hadn't been getting on well in quite a while. Francine mentioned she had heard rumors. I went over to Jenna's place and she was all ready to go out, with another guy, who showed up while I was there. I supposed I should be upset, but really, I just feel relieved."

He paused, then went into the aisles where the meds were stored, selecting the appropriate bottles. Back at his station, he focussed on his work.
She watched him as he walked, a million different emotions seemed to etch his face. She started doing his job as she waited for a answer from him, but decided not to say anything until he did.

She looked at him quite shocked at what he had to say... she knew where he was coming from, she cheated on him.. and she had been there herself, but the last thing he needed was for her to feel sorry for him.

She let him be and then did what needed to be done, as she took a deep breath and smiled back at him.

''I'm sorry.'' She said finally but nothing else.
He looked back and gave her a small smile, "Don't be. Like I said, what we had wasn't good and now its over."

He took some paperwork and tapped it against the table to straighten it. He briefly considered what he had just said and to whom. Oh well, what is done is done. He made light of it, puffing out his chest and speaking a little more boldly than he felt, "Besides, her loss. Manly pharmacists don't grow on trees you know!"

He gave a small chuckle and hoped it had been sufficient to break the sad mood. Claudia and the others would be trickling in shortly. He walked to the front door, unlocked it, and flipped the sign to "Open."

As he walked back towards the pharmacy area, he gave Tessa a surreptitious look. At least, now he could do that without feeling guilty. Yes, it really was for the best.
His smile at least with her wasn't something she was accustomed to. She nodded her head she understood that, although at times she wishes she had had a normal relationship cause she was so against cheating and abuse in relationships she thought that's all most were based on.

She actually enjoyed watching him work, one thing was for sure he was definitely good at his job. She looked at him and wondering what he was thinking about. She walked over to her window and unlocked both sides setting up things for the work day. She giggled at his remark, but he was right most male pharmacist were gay after all not that there was anything wrong with that of course. ''Good point.'' She said with a laugh.

She grinned at him, she wasn't used to seeing the nice side to him, and even though he was single he was still her boss after all. Claudia would be in soon, and so would the customers, soon she wouldn't be left alone by herself with him. She placed her open sign at the window where she would take the prescriptions customers would bring in.

She smiled at him as he walked back to his own station as she answered a ringing phone.
The morning went uneventfully, and as the day proceeded, Sean felt more and more like a cloud had lifted from his life. He breathed more easily and started to enjoy this life a little. He went out at one point and bought coffee for everyone, trying desparately to remember everyone's preferences. He returned with a beverage tray laden with cups, creamer, and sweeteners.

He made the rounds distributing one to each of his employees. Tessa was seated as he set her cup down on the counter. Her lab coat was open, displaying her dress, and her. He simply smiled when she thanked him.

He went back to his desk and tackled inventory and the weekly order. OK, so some things were not more enjoyable.
It was a slow day and that meant that it was going to drag on and on, oh what joy. Every so often Tessa would find herself watching Sean, he was quiet but at least that meant he wasn't being a total jerk to her. As he was gone she breathed easy, and at least he hadn't caught her watching him. She was a little shocked at his gesture and wondered what it was all about, she couldn't get a read up on him.

She was as he handed everyone there own cup of coffee as she look more than a little confused. She smiled when he placed her cup beside her on the counter. She took a long deep breath and bit her lip, as he smiled at her and walked back to his own work station.

She was answering the phones, at least something was non stop that day.
The end of the day finally arrived. The evening pharmacist arrived and Sean found himself momentarily hesitant. What was he going to do this evening? He had generally seen Jenna on thursdays in the past. She didn't work thursdays. More truthfully, perhaps her boyfriend did.

The gym. He didn't have anything else better to do. It wasn't one of his usual nights, but he would have get used to the idea that his usual had changed quite a bit.

He gathered his gym bag, checking to see if he had appropriate clothing. He turned and thought he saw Tessa looking at him. He thought nothing of it and passed Claudia and Tessa on his way out. He smiled. He had found himself smiling more than usual today. He waved at them, "Have a good evening."
She had about a hour to go before she could finally leave, that's for sure. She smiled when the other evening pharmacist came in and she would be working with him for another hour, at least she wouldn't have to see Sean any more it was becoming harder and harder. She smiled at him as he looked at him. She would be glad when the hour was up, but she had a feeling it was just going to drag and drag. She started to get back to what she was doing. She sighed to herself thinking of what she wanted to do when she got off work.

She knew what she needed, she needed a damn good run that's what she needed. She was thinking about him more and more by the minute.

She would go home change and head herself to the gym, then she would go home and get herself into a really good movie. Dammit she got caught looking at him. He didn't seem to think much of it. She waved good as he headed out the door as she smiled at him.

She was glad when the damn day was over headed home changed quickly and made her way to the gym.
He enjoyed his walk to the gym. As he entered, he took a quick look at the classes offered today. Kettlebells. He had heard good things about them, and they looked hard, which appealed to him at the moment. He checked in at the front desk and signed up for the class. Once changed, he hopped on an orbital trainer to warm up. He moved quick, and was starting to break a sweat when the time for the class came. He went into the fitness room. The instructor looked him over and gave him a couple kettlebells. He took an empty spot on the floor and the class began. What he had heard had been accurate, it was good exercise, and hard. He puffed his way through and knew he would be sore tomorrow. By the time the class was ended, he was drenched with sweat. His clothes clung to him like a second skin. He exited the fitness room and went to the nearest cooler. As he drank cup after cup of water, he looked around the gym. And much to her surprise, he saw Tessa.
She had been running for so long she realized she was losing track of time but it felt so good, she just was not ready to give up that was for sure. She was running to the tune of her music, wearing a tight tank-top and tight yoga pants, her long hair pulled back in a tight pony tail to keep her hair out of her eyes. She wanted nothing more than to forget all about her mixed feelings towards Sean.

Then out of the corner of her eye, she spotted him, only good thing she doubted he would come over to her in the gym.
His eyes widened slightly as he looked at her running. She had obviously been exercising for a while, as her damp clothes clung to her body. She ran well, her muscles moving beneath her clothes. Her breasts bounced slightly with each stride. Her face was focussed, her mouth slightly open. How had he not noticed her before this?

In truth he had, but he had always forced her out of his mind and his space. He could have watched her all evening, but suddenly realized he was staring. He didn't want to be one of "those gym pervs." He tossed his cup into the trash and went to the area with the mats and foam rollers to stretch. He grimaced as he did. Dang, he was tight. Tessa was out of view, but certainly not out of mind...
She wasn't sure if he was watching her or just looking around the gym really.. no Tessa no.. hes your boss.. anyway he would be on rebound. She realized she needed to stop running soon, to get her heart to a slower pace, and then work on some abs, and then shower and change and then head home.

Her legs were starting to hurt, but for her that was a good thing. No way he was looking at her. She was breathing openly and then she slowed it down to bring her heart rate down. She was slowly coming down.

She took a deep breath as she turned the treadmill off and then cleaned it off with the spray. She stretched by the treadmill, not wanting her legs to feel like jelly when she went over to the ab room. She grabbed some water and then walked over to the locker room area to use the rest room and then head back to the ab room. She went over and started on her abs.