Tell the truth gentlemen


Under Par
Dec 17, 2002
so, if your wife or S/O wanted you to do her in the ass, would you do it? be honest.:)
Why yes,I think so.;)

Still, in the interest of scientific & statistical accuracy, it would be useful if she wanted it 100 times a year, or about twice a week.;)
Well, yeah.
Can we pretend she doesn't want it though so there can be spanking and hair pulling?
Lancecastor said:
Well, yeah.
Can we pretend she doesn't want it though so there can be spanking and hair pulling?

Doesn't that naturally go hand in hand with a good ass fucking anyway?:confused:
Lancecastor said:
Well, yeah.
Can we pretend she doesn't want it though so there can be spanking and hair pulling?
absolutely, a little spanking and hair pulling always makes the experience a little more rewarding.
Gil_Favor said:
so, if your wife or S/O wanted you to do her in the ass, would you do it? be honest.

It takes a special kinda person to ask a question like this... Special like the little yellow bus.
I actually had to talk my hubby into it the first time. It had simply never occured to him that it would be something I'd enjoy. Or that he'd enjoy, for that matter. He has his squeamish moments.
the thought makes me want to vomit. The anus is an exit.
I tried it on a girl once and it didnt excite me.
Gil_Favor said:
so, if your wife or S/O wanted you to do her in the ass, would you do it? be honest.:)

Pardon the cliche, but...'been there, done that.'

Gil_Favor said:
so, if your wife or S/O wanted you to do her in the ass, would you do it? be honest.:)
You say this like most men wouldn't appreciate the opportunity.

Re: Re: Tell the truth gentlemen

teddybear4play said:
You say this like most men wouldn't appreciate the opportunity.

i believe most men would appreciate the opportunity, i know i did when i was married:)
De Sade said:
the thought makes me want to vomit. The anus is an exit.
I tried it on a girl once and it didnt excite me.

I've noticed some men feel this way. It's always a big disappointment for me when they do.
paging the poster girl for Astroglide...oh poster girl for Astroglide...
ass fucking on aisle 4...
Rhys said:
paging the poster girl for Astroglide...oh poster girl for Astroglide...
ass fucking on aisle 4...

Is this the same girl, that can suck the nut right out of an Almond Joy?:eek: