Tell me your secrets

First post. This seems like the perfect place for it because I'm dying to tell someone. My wife and I took my nephew to his grandmother's (my brother in law's girlfriend's mother) house the other day. Just dropping him off. Her name is Jackie, about fifty, attractive but no knockout, but she's always very nice and pleasant. While my wife was talking to my nephew, the Jackie went to give me a kiss goodbye on the cheek. I accidentally turned my head she she kissed me full on the mouth. There was a weird moment of electricity between us and I was going to laugh it off but she pressed herself up against me and... Well, my wife just had a baby, so we haven't and aren't going to be intimate any time soon, so I started to get hard. She gave me a look and then pulled away as my wife came back into the room.
I can't stop thinking about it. I've always had a thing for opder women (I'm 34) and between the loo on her face and rubbing up against me... Damn.
First post. This seems like the perfect place for it because I'm dying to tell someone. My wife and I took my nephew to his grandmother's (my brother in law's girlfriend's mother) house the other day. Just dropping him off. Her name is Jackie, about fifty, attractive but no knockout, but she's always very nice and pleasant. While my wife was talking to my nephew, the Jackie went to give me a kiss goodbye on the cheek. I accidentally turned my head she she kissed me full on the mouth. There was a weird moment of electricity between us and I was going to laugh it off but she pressed herself up against me and... Well, my wife just had a baby, so we haven't and aren't going to be intimate any time soon, so I started to get hard. She gave me a look and then pulled away as my wife came back into the room.
I can't stop thinking about it. I've always had a thing for opder women (I'm 34) and between the loo on her face and rubbing up against me... Damn.

Wow, that is quite interesting! Thank you for sharing.

I'm glad to read that life's better, Tea :D :rose:

Thank kids have a way of both making me want to pull my hair out and wanting to protect them from all bad things...usually at the same time!
My secret for today...not really a secret per se, but more of a confession. I love boobs. I don't really consider myself bisexual, maybe bi curious, but only at the boob level. I love looking at them, fantasizing about them, and touching my own, since I don't have another pair to play with.

How do I find another woman willing to let me play with her boobs and not expect more from me?
My secret for today...not really a secret per se, but more of a confession. I love boobs. I don't really consider myself bisexual, maybe bi curious, but only at the boob level. I love looking at them, fantasizing about them, and touching my own, since I don't have another pair to play with.

How do I find another woman willing to let me play with her boobs and not expect more from me?

I feel the same way. love boobs. yours are sexy too tea. i'd love to play with them. that's my confession too.....:)
I was having lunch today

The couple at the table behind me were talking about how they were going to sneak out of work tomorrow tell their spouses their boss had requested they meet with visiting customers and take them on a plant tour in Wisconsin then to dinner so they wouldn't be home till Friday. They kept making plans as I got up to leave I glanced back at surprise the guy was my ex wife's husband.
Part of me wants to tell my daughter and my ex another wants to just pray she finds out about him like I found out about them 17 years ago.
Anyone have any experience and advice?
The couple at the table behind me were talking about how they were going to sneak out of work tomorrow tell their spouses their boss had requested they meet with visiting customers and take them on a plant tour in Wisconsin then to dinner so they wouldn't be home till Friday. They kept making plans as I got up to leave I glanced back at surprise the guy was my ex wife's husband.
Part of me wants to tell my daughter and my ex another wants to just pray she finds out about him like I found out about them 17 years ago.
Anyone have any experience and advice?

My first inclination is to say stay out of it. But...

If your daughter is a minor - and that is questionable since you said your ex and her now hubby were screwing around 17 years ago - I'd say see a lawyer. If you are paying support - she's in college, etc. SEE A LAWYER.

Otherwise - why get into their mess? A pox on both their houses.

Your only obligation is to your daughter. If you are going to say something to your ex, especially because you want to rub her nose in it - SEE A LAWYER. You do NOT want to be in the middle of someone else's divorce - and you will be - and may cause problems between you and your daughter. You are taking a big chance of being the bad guy here in her eyes - why risk it?
I'm really torn. I say a lot of this depends on your relationship with your ex. Will she believe you?

If you tell her before it happens, the guy will just deny it and you will look like an ass, butting in. If you tell her after the fact, she will be angry at you for not warning her. Yet like the above poster said, your daughter is involved, so it's a tough spot to be in. There will be a lot of pain involved if you tell, and a lot of pain involved when they find out on their own, because they will.

If I were the ex, I'd want to know before they left.
I'm really torn. I say a lot of this depends on your relationship with your ex. Will she believe you?

If you tell her before it happens, the guy will just deny it and you will look like an ass, butting in. If you tell her after the fact, she will be angry at you for not warning her. Yet like the above poster said, your daughter is involved, so it's a tough spot to be in. There will be a lot of pain involved if you tell, and a lot of pain involved when they find out on their own, because they will.

If I were the ex, I'd want to know before they left.
My Daughter is 33 so there is no support situation in fact when we did get divorced I was rewarded sole custody. She has since reconciled with her mother and my granddaughter spends a great deal of time with my ex and her husband. So it would be mostly to protect her that I would tell my daughter.
My Ex on the other hand I can't decide if I would be telling her to hurt her, to warn her, or sadly even to maybe gain some good graces from her. But that's a totally different story.

As for believing me maybe that's part of the reason I would tell her. Most likely she wouldn't since we have spoken maybe less than a thousand words since she left. It might be all the sweeter to have her know I warned her and she ignored me.

I guess all in all it's stupid of me to get involved at any level. No real upside except my ego I can't believe anyone would think I was doing it for unselfish reasons.
Thank you both.
My Daughter is 33 so there is no support situation in fact when we did get divorced I was rewarded sole custody. She has since reconciled with her mother and my granddaughter spends a great deal of time with my ex and her husband. So it would be mostly to protect her that I would tell my daughter.
My Ex on the other hand I can't decide if I would be telling her to hurt her, to warn her, or sadly even to maybe gain some good graces from her. But that's a totally different story.

As for believing me maybe that's part of the reason I would tell her. Most likely she wouldn't since we have spoken maybe less than a thousand words since she left. It might be all the sweeter to have her know I warned her and she ignored me.

I guess all in all it's stupid of me to get involved at any level. No real upside except my ego I can't believe anyone would think I was doing it for unselfish reasons.
Thank you both.

I would stay out of it. It's really none of your business at this point.
If 2 people know it it's not a secret. Something I heard once. As for me. Nothing to tell really. The thing about the goat. All I can say is it wasn't ever proven. lol.
Sp pertaining to my earlier post about my love for would I go about finding someone to let me play with their's? I really should have taken advantage of those opportunities I was given in college, but I was young and dumb and way too Catholic.:rolleyes:
Sp pertaining to my earlier post about my love for would I go about finding someone to let me play with their's? I really should have taken advantage of those opportunities I was given in college, but I was young and dumb and way too Catholic.:rolleyes:

Well, I'm not very good at this, but I would suggest... asking.


Over a drink.
I would stay out of it. It's really none of your business at this point.

Agreed. Your responsibility is to your adult daughter. She's old enough not to be crushed by the bad behavior of your wife, or her less than stellar choices.

Isn't it interesting about karma? It always wants the best parts to bite...
Okay, my secret today was my sister in law text me last night telling me her husband would be leaving for work at 7:18 a.m. tomorrow morning and she wants my prick in her mouth no later than 7:20 a.m., I did not let her down, as a matter of fact, I let her up!
That's where the drink comes in play. I am funnier and far better looking with some drink.

I get that, but I honestly don't know who I would do that with. I'd like to have at least one experience before I die.:eek:
I get that, but I honestly don't know who I would do that with. I'd like to have at least one experience before I die.:eek:

Aye. There's the rub.

It requires a partner.

You are experiencing the age old dilemma of how to get to second base. But you have the added anxiety of not knowing who it might be safe to approach.

Do you have any friends who may have experienced a little girl on girl in their past? If so you could ask them about their experience. What lead to it? How did it feel? What came of it? Maybe their encounter would provide insight into how to find someone (yeah go back to college). Or maybe the discussion would spark some interest in them to experiment again.

Of course this doesn't address the issue of any feelings you may have for a friend. How it may enhance the experience or how or could lead to a friendship that would crash and burn.
Aye. There's the rub.

It requires a partner.

You are experiencing the age old dilemma of how to get to second base. But you have the added anxiety of not knowing who it might be safe to approach.

Do you have any friends who may have experienced a little girl on girl in their past? If so you could ask them about their experience. What lead to it? How did it feel? What came of it? Maybe their encounter would provide insight into how to find someone (yeah go back to college). Or maybe the discussion would spark some interest in them to experiment again.

Of course this doesn't address the issue of any feelings you may have for a friend. How it may enhance the experience or how or could lead to a friendship that would crash and burn.

The only person I suspect indulges in some girl on girl action is someone I am not even remotely attracted to. She's divorced and I invited her for drinks one time. She brought a friend of hers that seemed overly possessive considering this was supposed to be just a girl's night out without kids or husbands. So I just didn't pursue it, and like I said I find this particular friend to be rather homely anyway.
The biggest secret I have...well I have a friend I met in college and hooked up with from time to time. The sex was great but we were too different to be in a relationship, so we never pursued it. We parted ways and we both got married and had kids.

Then, about 5 years ago I was in Vegas with a bachelor party, and put on my Facebook that I was in Vegas, and my friend responded to say that she was too! We met for drinks, with no intention of doing anything, but too many tequilas later we ended up in my room. The sex was FANTASTIC. I was there another 3 days and we met up at some point each of those days for the wildest sex of my life.

Then we both parted ways and went home, and I didn't hear from her again until a year later...She said she was in Vegas again for a convention and did I want to fly out for a few days to meet her? Heck yes I did! So I made up an excuse about an important work meeting and went back to vegas for another 3 days of wild sex.

Now, we met up every year in Vegas for 3 days, and do whatever the hell want. and for the rest the year, we don't talk at all except to arrange our vegas trip. Nobody else in the world knows where we are, it is so thrilling and wonderful, and I look forward it for months!

Is that enough of a secret for you?!