Tel Aviv bus hit by bomb; Hamas celebrates



Fucking animals.
(Reuters) - A bomb exploded on a bus in central Tel Aviv on Wednesday, wounding 15 people in what Israeli officials said was a terrorist attack that could complicate efforts to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Celebratory gunfire rang out across Gaza as the news spread and the territory's Islamist rulers Hamas praised the bombing, but no one claimed immediate responsibility.

The blast shattered windows on the bus as it drove along a tree-lined street next to Israel's huge defense ministry headquarters. Israel's ambulance service said four people suffered moderate-to-severe injuries and 11 were lightly hurt.

Police said it was not a suicide attack and suggested that someone might have left the device on the number 142 bus.

The driver, who escaped largely unscathed, told reporters he had not seen anyone suspicious get on board.

"I felt the explosion ... Smoke was everywhere, you couldn't see a thing," he said. The blue and white vehicle was not torn apart by the blast, indicating it was a relatively small device.

The bombing happened on the eighth day of an Israeli offensive against the Gaza Strip and coincided with intensive diplomatic efforts to secure a lasting truce.

Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri hailed the explosion.

"Hamas blesses the attack in Tel Aviv and sees it as a natural response to the Israeli Gaza," he told Reuters. "Palestinian factions will resort to all means in order to protect our Palestinian civilians in the absence of a world effort to stop the Israeli aggression."

Sweet cakes were handed out in celebration in Gaza's main hospital, which has been inundated with wounded from the round-the-clock Israeli bombing and shelling.


"You opened the gates of hell on yourselves," Hamas's armed wing, the al-Qassam brigades, said on Twitter. "Oh Zionists, you have to drag yourselves out of hell, go back home now, go back to Germany, Poland, Russia, America and anywhere else."

The last time a bomb blast hit Israel's commercial capital was in April 2006, when a Palestinian suicide bomber killed 11 people at a sandwich stand near the old central bus station.

Hamas militants have fired at least four rockets at the laid-back Mediterranean metropolis over the past week, but they scored no direct hits and caused no casualties.

Israel launched its air offensive with the stated aim of halting all missile launches out of the Gaza Strip, which lies some 70 km (40 miles) south of Tel Aviv, a cosmopolitan city renowned for its nightlife and vibrant beach culture.

Hamas had warned when the latest conflict flared that it would not confine itself to unleashing rockets.

"This was a terror attack. There is a massive preparedness within the police and security forces. We must keep awareness to a maximum. These are not normal times," said Israel's Police Chief Yohanan Danino.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon denounced the attack, saying nothing justified the targeting of civilians.

The United States, Israel's main ally, also condemned the bus bombing. "These attacks against innocent Israeli civilians are outrageous," the White House said.

More than 140 Palestinians, more than half of them civilians, have died so far in Israel's Gaza offensive. Five Israelis, including one soldier, have also been killed.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, trying to calm tensions over Gaza, flew from Israel to Cairo to meet Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi, who is spearheading ceasefire negotiations.
"A bomb exploded on a bus in central Tel Aviv on Wednesday, wounding 15 people in what Israeli officials said was a terrorist attack that could complicate efforts to secure a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip."

Surprise, surprise.
Hamas wound fifteen civilians in Tel Aviv, the IDF kill at least twenty seven children in Gaza and Hamas are the animals?
Hamas wound fifteen civilians in Tel Aviv, the IDF kill at least twenty seven children in Gaza and Hamas are the animals?

The side that celebrates civilian deaths are far worse.

As is the side that started this which is hamas.

As is the side that has vowed to destroy the other side instead of ever attempting to live in peace.

But then again, I don't let blind hatred drive me.
If the Palis had agreed to peace with Israel years ago, they would have their second generation of kids getting out of college by now. They would be in a position to prosper just like the Israelis have. Instead they have elected a terrorist group to be their governing force and keep their kids in a cycle of death and destruction. It is nobody's fault but their own that they are living like they are, no matter what kind of spin the Palis apologistas try to put on it.
If the Palis had agreed to peace with Israel years ago, they would have their second generation of kids getting out of college by now. They would be in a position to prosper just like the Israelis have. Instead they have elected a terrorist group to be their governing force and keep their kids in a cycle of death and destruction. It is nobody's fault but their own that they are living like they are, no matter what kind of spin the Palis apologistas try to put on it.

Yeah, and if that damn French resistance had just accepted the Nazi occupation, they could have been relaxing at a cafe instead of dying.
Hamas wound fifteen civilians in Tel Aviv, the IDF kill at least twenty seven children in Gaza and Hamas are the animals?

IDF spends billions building Iron dome to protect civilians.
Hamas places rockets at schools/hospitals.

IDF does it best to target military sites.
Hamas does it best to target schools/hospitals.

If there is a black hat here it is easy to spot.
IDF spends billions building Iron dome to protect civilians.
Hamas places rockets at schools/hospitals.

IDF does it best to target military sites.
Hamas does it best to target schools/hospitals.

If there is a black hat here it is easy to spot.

The IDF don't give a fuck about Palestinian civilians. Or British or American, if it comes to that. One has to admire their propaganda machine, though.
The IDF don't give a fuck about Palestinian civilians. Or British or American, if it comes to that. One has to admire their propaganda machine, though.

Are you suggesting they, even once, targeted a site that was purely civilians with no military value?

Sure they give a fuck about collateral damage. Hamas gives them no choice when they place rockets at schools.
Are you suggesting they, even once, targeted a site that was purely civilians with no military value?

Sure they give a fuck about collateral damage. Hamas gives them no choice when they place rockets at schools.

IDF soldiers are famous for targeting civilians in Gaza and the West Bank. Obviously the US media doesn't report it, but the rest of the world does.
If you go by that logic, it should belong to the Canaanites.

Edit: Someone help me out here...... Were not the Israelites forced in to slavery for a few hundred years and then the Canaanites moved in? Then the Jews escaped bondage, went back home, and god told them to take out the Canaanites?

Fucking religious non sense is hard to keep up with....
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Hamas are bad guys.

Why does that automatically mean nobody else's shit stink?
They are all bad guys and at war with each can you pick one group as less bad and support them...oh yeah...the ones with the most money:rolleyes:
Edit: Someone help me out here...... Were not the Israelites forced in to slavery for a few hundred years and then the Canaanites moved in? Then the Jews escaped bondage, went back home, and god told them to take out the Canaanites?

Fucking religious non sense is hard to keep up with....

The descendants of Abraham fled to Egypt because of a famine, and the pharaoh enslaved them because he was afraid that they would take over. I don't think the Bible goes into detail about where they lived before this. I could be wrong, though.