Teasing a guy until he prematurely orgasms

It has been many years for me too but I can remember several times waking up after a really vivid dream and I had either already cum or was just about to and could not hold back so ended up with a nice sticky mess
**Eagerly sips her coffee, nodding exuberantly** Go on, I'm listening. :devil::D
Hehe, sound like nice thing to wake up to.
hehehe, I do...sometimes, but I'm a lil on the anemic side, always cold it seems and my "pj's" are often just a big baggy sweatshirt or oversized tee.

I think I can promise you I can solve your problem of being ‘too cold’.. just too easy to fix for you, you’ll WISH you could cool down
**Eagerly sips her coffee, nodding exuberantly** Go on, I'm listening. :devil::D
Hehe, sound like nice thing to wake up to.

It was so long ago I can't remember any details of the dreams themselves but I can remember waking up, throbbing and feeling that I had reached the point of no return before feeling my warm cum spreading across my legs and balls
hehehe, I do...sometimes, but I'm a lil on the anemic side, always cold it seems and my "pj's" are often just a big baggy sweatshirt or oversized tee.

those boobs in your profile might make me ejaculate prematurely....;)
Having a certain affinity for young guys, it happens to me quite often.
Then again, the nice thing about young guys is their quick recovery.
I had wet dreams when I was much younger. Never really remembered any dreams I would just wake up having obviously shot a load in my sleep. Also use to occasionally experience premature ejaculation as a young man. It was in the days of extended make out sessions followed by the delicate touch of a girlfriend's finger or tight pussy. Since I stayed hard then not requiring any recovery time I would just keep going pleasing my partner until we both came again.
Having a certain affinity for young guys, it happens to me quite often.
Then again, the nice thing about young guys is their quick recovery.

I like the give and take of teasing, especially when a little friendly competition enters the mix, and the race is on to see who the better tease is. Not being one to cum prematurely, I can and have found myself enjoying more than one orgasm without having to pull out and start over. Oral is absolutely best for getting the precum rhythm going though.
I love doing this to a man; then he can orally pleasure me for as long as it takes for him to get hard again. Then we can take things from there. :D

I love doing this to a man; then he can orally pleasure me for as long as it takes for him to get hard again. Then we can take things from there. :D

For a complicated lady, U sure got something very basic figgered.

Must have been a highly erotic dream. :D I'm not certain as to why I find that to be a turn on, but I do.:D
I sometimes awaken on the horny side of the bed as well, but I think its a lil different.

The dreams, as best as I can remember, were highly erotic. Usually about fucking or getting sucked on. When I reached that point of no return, I woke up to the feeling of an orgasm in progress. And by the way, pajamas for me means undies. Real pj's are too warm for me to wear.

It has been a great while now since I had one of those 'wet' dreams, but they would be full blown ejaculations. Enough where it would wake me up to pajamas full of nice sticky cum.
No pajamas but still have the memories of wet dreams, even when married laying next to my young wife.

It has been many years for me too but I can remember several times waking up after a really vivid dream and I had either already cum or was just about to and could not hold back so ended up with a nice sticky mess
Any man who thinks about women must have had wet dreams. Sadly I still dream good dreams but the wet part is gone.

It was so long ago I can't remember any details of the dreams themselves but I can remember waking up, throbbing and feeling that I had reached the point of no return before feeling my warm cum spreading across my legs and balls
I have no idea at what age that began for me. The odd part is I could go to sleep fucking and still wake having a wet dream. Now it's nothing but a dream.

Having a certain affinity for young guys, it happens to me quite often.
Then again, the nice thing about young guys is their quick recovery.
My wife read this and agrees. Even though I'm no longer a young guy she has a few youing guys now and then.

I had wet dreams when I was much younger. Never really remembered any dreams I would just wake up having obviously shot a load in my sleep. Also use to occasionally experience premature ejaculation as a young man. It was in the days of extended make out sessions followed by the delicate touch of a girlfriend's finger or tight pussy. Since I stayed hard then not requiring any recovery time I would just keep going pleasing my partner until we both came again.
And this was how it all began at the drive-in movies week after week.
Until that serpent gave us an apple and lust overtook our brains. We almost named our first born Starlite the name of our favorite drive-in.
I love it! If I can make my hubs cum quickly it tells me I'm damn good at what I'm doing! ;)
You would be sadly disappointed with me. It takes me a long time to cum. I have mastered this ability from edging and practice. I could make you cum before I do. Some women I've been with, love it and get off multiple times before I do. Some others wished I was quicker like most guys they have been with.

"So if you tell me about your weekend, I'll tell you about mine. Do anyone - I mean, anything - fun this weekend?" ;) :)
Not yet!

I know this is a sensitive subject to a lot of guys, but I find causing a guy to arrive early to be extremely arousing and flattering. The entire buildup to that moment is just so sexually charged and fun. Finding just the right words, gestures and touches to push him over the edge before my panties even come off.

Anyone else experience these feelings or am I just cruel/weird?

Would love to hear some guys share their thoughts on this. Pm me if to shy to post here.

It's only cruel if the guy is left in some kind of pain, in my opinion. Personally, I've been teased to the point of dripping precum like a faucet but never actually producing cum.
Not at all...Scarlet...

Its all fun and games. If he cant take a joke, why are you sleeping with him?
It's only cruel if the guy is left in some kind of pain, in my opinion. Personally, I've been teased to the point of dripping precum like a faucet but never actually producing cum.

An ex-fwb used to love making me cum in my shorts, but take hours to get there.

She called it the DVD challenge. Stick a film on, see if I could make the end of the first one.... The second one etc.

Her being sat on my face rarely helped

"So if you tell me about your weekend, I'll tell you about mine. Do anyone - I mean, anything - fun this weekend?" ;) :)

Since I am visual...if I ever get with a women who has a body like this....I think it just walking into the room knowing what is happening would get me off. Maybe not that quick...but very minimal touching would do it.