Tease your story with deleted dialogue.


Lech Master
May 19, 2006
From my most recent work-

“Boy! Shoot them now! Shoot them!”

“I can’t, Mother! They’re not ready!”

- Aphrodite & Eros, God of War: Love & Strength.
From my most recent work-

“Boy! Shoot them now! Shoot them!”

“I can’t, Mother! They’re not ready!”

- Aphrodite & Eros, God of War: Love & Strength.
Is this like those movies who have the blooper takes under the closing credits? Or like those director cuts that add back a lot of deleted scenes? Anyway, if you liked the dialogue, why did you cut it?
Because Kratos (the protagonist) couldn’t hear what they were saying. And yes, it’s how you describe.
I hate deleting words I have written.

I usually open a blank doc, paste them in, and file them away somewhere, likely never to be seen again, but - at least they still exist...
I thought of this thread when I named my latest chapter :) Used a line of dialogue that wasn't quite what was used inside the story, in order to make it mimic a famous line. Maybe it works... maybe it doesn't, but either way - thanks for the idea.
I hate deleting words I have written.
I usually open a blank doc, paste them in, and file them away somewhere, likely never to be seen again, but - at least they still exist...
Me too, it hurts my heart to delete whole passages I've written, like the words are living things that shouldn't just be disappeared. I write multi-chaptered stories, so when I delete a thought or scene from the chapter I'm working on, I'll open a doc for the next chapter and put the words there, thinking they might work in that chapter. Sometimes they do, and sometimes they don't, or parts of them get incorporated at least.
I do delete words that don’t work for my current story and its situation, but yeah, I sometimes come back to them too. This thread is an example of that.

Another example from my work- My Passion of Erika series came from imagining what scenes were necessary to further fill in the life of the character I enjoyed writing most in my previous story The Rendezvous. Blame me becoming a fanboy in my youth if you must. I got one troll into my stories and a few other fans also so things worked out. ;)
"So then, what are your turn offs?" Tristan said, looking into her dark alluring eyes.

"Dirty fingernails," Erica said, without hesitation.

"Really?" he asked with a smirk.

"Hell yeah," she said, crossing her arms. "If you think you're gonna be touching my pussy ... and you can't even wash your dirty-ass hands."

Tristan chuckled soflty before trying to check his nails as discreetly as possible.

"It's okay, I already checked yours out," Erica said, smiling.