Target audience?

Oct 16, 2012
I was thinking about my stories, and I realize that I am writing exclusively for women. I mean, if guys like them, great, but really, I am a straight man, hoping that women get off to them. Is this the experience for most writers? Who are you writing for?
Depends on what I'm writing *laugh*

Every so often, I'll write something for the sole purpose of targeting a segment of the readership ( my two incest stories from Christmas 2011 ) but most of the time, I'm writing what inspires me, and then trying to put it in the best category to maximize exposure.

You may find yourself quite surprised by the mix of your readership. You can write to any segment you choose, but in the end, it's the readers who have to decide to read it, whether they like it, and whether they're going to give you feedback in the form of votes, comments, and favorites so you know about it.
Once upon a porn ... I mean time ... I had it in my head to write at least one story in every Lit cat there is (I'm not there yet), but I usually write to my favorites instead.

I've never written to a specific audience; I figure whoever likes my work likes it and if they don't, well, they don't.

Most of the comments I receive on my stories are from that 'Anon' person, so I have no idea what sex they are (or combination thereof). :D
My target audience is usually me. If the story pleases me, I'm happy.
Like the good little witch, I tend to write what I like. However, for most of my ordinary smut, I try to aim it at women, and show women having sexual fun. The greatest compliment I can get about one of those stories is from a woman telling me how she got herself off by reading it while playing with her clit or using a toy or somenting like that.

Some of my BDSM stories are aimed more at men than women, but I always show women triumphant in the end. :D
My target audience is usually me. If the story pleases me, I'm happy.

I quite agree.
I try to write something which shows that, occasionally, I CAN write.
If I manage to amuse or entertain some reader, that's all to the good.
My earliest efforts were targeted at women--specifically, BBW and middle-aged women. From the feedback and e-mails I received I know that I reached some of my target audience, but men with interests similar to mine enjoyed my stories as well. After about a year on the site I realized that male readers outnumbered females, and that there was no point in trying to reach less than 50% of the site's visitors. I also wanted to branch out and write different types of stories, so I quit trying to reach a specific subset of readers and just wrote whatever my imagination created. The effort now is in crafting the best story I can write with the storyline I have created, and then trying to find an audience for that story. Sometimes I succeed and sometimes I fail, but I enjoy the process nonetheless.
I've never really targeted my stories at a particular gender group. Everyone loves sex, as far as I'm concerned, and I like to think men and women can get off equally from what I write.

However, I do sometimes target a particular niche. I write a lot of spanking stories for example, or stories that involve a lot of BDSM. Kinky people - that's my target market.