Talking *mildly* dirty during sex...



Okay, I know there are a few topics on this but nothing really seems to be helping me. I'm rather shy when it comes to talking during sex (I moan and carry on like a woman possessed yet for some reason I'm shy about throwing in the racy phrases) but I know my boyfriend would like it if I just made an attempt to really throw in a few nice erotic sentences here or there.

When we first started having sex he would ask me,"How does my penis feel inside of you?" and I went cold with nervousness. My stunning reply was "Umm... wonderful?" I dont' really think that was what he was going for and after a few failed attempts he stopped trying to get me into it.

In short... I would like to have a few nice key phrases that aren't over the top X-rated but have just enough appeal to make my boyfriend's heart pound a little faster... Is there anything I can say that's not pathetically corny or overused? :confused:
Sheesh, does it have to be a short line? ;)

How about the next time he asks, you tell him that you love the silky hardness of his dick as he slides(slams/enters/etc) inside your wet pussy.

Or tell him that his dick makes you feel so fucking good, please fuck me more?
Oi Vey!

Yeah! But so much depends upon context, girls! context!

Them's power words--emotive ejaculations! that prefigure further eruptions...As a man, I know these power words are welcome when my lover is hot and bothered and totally into it--in part, I know they're welcome words because my voice is deep and sexy (ex-DJ)--and my aggression is welcomed, and her neediness is apparent through her words and striving for pleasure and orgasms...Phew!

How did I get into dirty talk? Tought by my 19 year-old multi-orgasmic Mormon girlfriend (OK-Jack Mormon, for those who care) would whisper softly and needfully in my ear, when in heat (missionary position, in the car), "Fuck me...Fuck me...don't stop!" And, of course, I loved to be given such sweet permission to get wilder and more aggressive! (I'm a man.) Later, it just comes naturally, as if to PUSH each other onward up to orgasmic release with those porwer words, swear words, dirty words! (Thank you, girls, for your very pleasant illustrations....)

So--if it (verbal ejaculations) ain't coming from you naturally, perhaps you might get yourself (or your BF to nurture you) to become more orgasmic! (Check out the thread by Mr. GGG, for instance on G-spot much to learn--so little time!) Many thing can come almost naturally with time, learning, and good mutual exploring...;)

There are books to help you on this journey (and other orgasmic adventures).."Talk Sexy To The One You love" by Barbara Keesling..but the best one--Keesling is pretty tame--is "The Fine Art of Erotic Talk: How To Entice, Excite, and Enchant Your Lover With Words" by Bonnie Gabriel...Very HOT! Very fun--warm, candid, and instructive for all levels of [insert Latin word for "love of dirty talk" that escapes me just now] Damn!


PS to "Emerald Eyes." I cought up with you and your life on the "Heartland" thread two weeks ago! I comiserate with you from somewhat opposite directions! That is, I'm a native Minnesotan, who has lived in The Netherlands (briefly; Amsterdam's not at all like rural Dutch Iowa!! But Dutch cliqishness?--even there can be, too!!!), and spent most of his adult life in Colorado--enjoying the mountains and being outdoorsy from my base along the Front Range--now I'm looking at starting Grad School in Lincoln, Nebraska..NU...I know--a big town to you now--but so ugly compared with Colorado Springs!!! Moving to Missoula, Montana would be sooo much less conflicting! (I'm going through prospective withdrawl of moving to Lincoln this January...and already mising the Rockies--NOT the baseball team...)

Anyway, since I can't contact you--you can contact me, if you'd like to swap notes...

PPS oh--and I'm tall 6'4" athletic and broad-shouldered at 215--and I'm blue-eyed, somewhat older than you, of Austrian and Scandanavian extraction...and well--just in sound very much my type...NOT that a little friendly email will lead anywhere, but...who knows... life's had stranger things happen.

'Sup to you...
(a younger Jeff Bridges type--like, in his "The Fabulous Baker Boys" era look about me.)
Thanks to everyone who replied... I think one of the main problems with my getting any advice I can really use is for the fact that neither of us likes the word 'fuck', lol. He seems to be content with my moaning and the Spanish I get into when we're making love... and he's said I'm the most vocal girl he's ever been with. It's just that I feel slightly inadequate because he *was* into the talking dirty first few times we had sex and just completely stopped when I wasn't reciprocating very articulately. He hasn't mentioned it since so maybe I'm just dragging up an issue that isn't even there...

I could probably pull off something like:
"God your cock feels good" or
"love the silky hardness of his dick as he slides(slams/enters/etc) inside your wet pussy"

I honestly don't know what I'm looking for. The magical phrase that will murder my nervousness and turn me into a raving sex goddess, perhaps, lol. Thanks for the replies anyhow ^_^
I've found a lot of the time when I'm rather close to start telling him to "cum with me" or cum in me or something along that line.. it goes over pretty well.

make me dirty works too... especially if you appear to be innocent to those that dont really know you.
it is not what you say but

HOW you say it. You have to be enthusiastic. And if you are at a lose for words start simply with positive words like YES and OH and then there are words that will cause action like HARDER or FASTER and then you can always you combinations of these like OH YES and YES HARDER and OH FASTER and as long as you use these words and mean them you don't have to get vulgar. Dont forget you can always use God and I LOVE YOU. It really dosen't matter what you say as long as you are Enthusiastic and convincing. You have to mean it, it can't sound force or faked. You will have to find your comfort leave and go from there.

Good luck and let us know how it is going from time to time

Start out easy, like, "that feels good"... "don't stop".... "yes"

Work your way to a little braver... "oh God that's hot"... "I want it rough"... or "let me have a taste of you..."

More into it... "Give it to me NOW" and start ripping his clothes off... "I can't wait to feel you inside me" bla bla bla

I think one of the sexiest things I've said during sex, was one of the most simple... He said he was about to come and I told him "No... you're not" and I looked at him like I was dead serious... it was so unlike me, that he didn't come right then and it brought on more sexy dialogue.

Just realize that the liklihood of him throwing it up in your face later is slim, unless he wants the same in return. Just say what comes naturally. Don't be afraid.
Here's an idea...

Just tell him, flat-out, that you are nervous. Tell him that you want to talk to him like that and make him so hot he can't stop fucking you, but that you just don't know what to say. See what he says from there.

I'll bet that if you give it a chance, you will find that he won't ridicule you or make you feel fact, he will likely go off like a space rocket the first time you whisper in his ear that you love to feel his thick cock throbbing deep inside you. :)

Trust him, baby.

I'd say less is more, at least for most people. You don't have to be a babbling brook. You might find it easier just to stick to whatever you usually do -- his name, moans, yesses, etc. -- and then just one or two things of a more explicit nature when things get really intense.

You might find role play helpful too. You could imagine yourself in some sexually aggressive role, and maybe those words that you find so hard to say now would come more naturally. Just take control, and start telling him what you want to do, or ask him if he wants you to do x to him and make him beg for it. Some people have a hard time letting go of inhibitions but when they imagine being someone else, or being in some other kind of situation, they find it much easier.
Tell him what you like about what he is doing, you may even find using the proper words might help. you coud also pretend to be a little tippsy as that's a great let out for inhibitions.
I had a quick chat with my boyfriend about all of this today and he said that I'm the most vocal girl he's ever been with even if I don't throw in porn dialogue and he loves the way I just moan and hold on to him because it doesn't seem fake or too thought out. He also said he likes the few little Spanish words I throw out in the heat of the moment, lol.

I guess I don't even have to say much of anything at all to be vocally pleasing ^_^ Thanks to everyone who replied... I'm going to try to incorporate some of your suggestions if I ever get up the nerve. In the mean time, I'm just going to enjoy what I already can do with no worries.
So Tania_rides...

Tell us about the espaniol words you use!

Re: So Tania_rides...

ullr said:
Tell us about the espaniol words you use!


Ha... actually... the really great thing about my boyfriend is that he doesn't speak any Spanish at all. I could be talking about what a pretty shade of blue his shirt is and with the right tone and seductive look it becomes sexual, lmao. Plus I'm only in second year Spanish so I haven't really learned many words that could be erotic.
I use a lot of affectionate terms like 'mi novio', 'mi amor', and 'carino'... and then there are a couple phrases like 'besarse en cama' that I'm not sure are translated correctly, lol. If anyone knows... that's something I'd be interested in. Adding to my espanol erotic levels.
I also use 'darse prisa' quite a bit but not in bed, LoL. I'm in a bit of a hurry now though... if I manage to think of any other ones I'll get back to you. And if anyone else has a few spanish phrases to share that would be appreciated by me ^_^
See?? It's nice to know the sweet sounds of sex have no language barriers! I think the grunts, groans, moans followed with the enthusiastic hip thrusts & heaves speak a language all their own. Somehow I get the feeling that you could probably read a grocery list, grunt, & moan a little and it'd sound sexy. Ever watch a foreign porn flick? You still get the idea that they're loving every spasming moment!

I think a lot of the eroticism is in the encouragement of one another. A handful of hearty "YES, YES... Oh Gawd, YES!!!"'s will have most lovers going over the edge.:devil: