Taking the opposite roles...

Mr C

Mar 4, 2002
After deciding it might be interesting to try my hand at erotic stories I started making a few story summaries, outlines and deciding whose point of veiw a story should take place from in each situation. In two of the 12 plots I've got so far I found myself realizing that unless I wanted to go 3rd person, the best vantage point to keep the reader intimate with all the happenings would be from one of the female characters.

I usually stick to reading male 1st person stories myself, but I've read a few that weren't. I find to enjoy them the same way I have to be in a slightly rarer mood.

So it makes me wonder, how many of you read/appreciate stories told from the point of view of the opposite gender? And if you write them, how do you find them different/how have you adapted?
Mr C said:
After deciding it might be interesting to try my hand at erotic stories I started making a few story summaries, outlines and deciding whose point of veiw a story should take place from in each situation. In two of the 12 plots I've got so far I found myself realizing that unless I wanted to go 3rd person, the best vantage point to keep the reader intimate with all the happenings would be from one of the female characters.

I usually stick to reading male 1st person stories myself, but I've read a few that weren't. I find to enjoy them the same way I have to be in a slightly rarer mood.

So it makes me wonder, how many of you read/appreciate stories told from the point of view of the opposite gender? And if you write them, how do you find them different/how have you adapted?

As a reader, I don't have a preference. Part of what I find erotic is the internalizations of the characters...I can't really explain what I'm thinking here without going into specifics (which I won't do).

In my own writing, I haven't had a problem switching to a male voice, although I have had to ask some of my male friends some pretty embarrassing questions! *grins* My writing's been pretty split down the center regarding which voice I take for POV. The story usually dictates which one will work better.
I write from the best POV for the story. I prefer to read a story written in the best POV for the story.

But I'm picky that way.
I should have guessed the crowd would be pretty open to it.

Hmmm, a little lipstick, I feel special. :)

Here's hoping I don't make any glaring errors in female psychology or physiology... ...internal measurments aside of course.:rolleyes: :D
Mr C said:
I should have guessed the crowd would be pretty open to it.

Hmmm, a little lipstick, I feel special. :)

Here's hoping I don't make any glaring errors in female psychology or physiology... ...internal measurments aside of course.:rolleyes: :D

Just find a girl to ask. Asking my best friend what it felt like for a guy to orgasm was a weird conversation. Having to push him for more and more details without crossing weird friend boundaries was the worst!
Hmmm, didn't trust the guys here huh? Unfortunately I think that if I had a girl I was close enough to ask something like that of right now, I probably wouldn't be writing these stories... ;)

Thnx all.
I hate when guys write about lesbians in the shower.

It's a pet peeve.