Tail Wagging and Shit-Sandwiches


Chillin' like a villain
Feb 4, 2003
I don't really have a problem with the whiplash dichotomy within the American government.

Much of the grimness is a sad necessity, when considering the tactics our opponent’s employ.

It’s the political tail-wagging and hypocrisy that pisses me off.

This war is about economics plain and simple. If we were talking pragmatically, then I would say this is a war America needs to make. If we were talking philosophically, then I would be strongly against it.

Even though the Iraqi oil-fields are in ruin and there is basically no extraction infrastructure, getting the oil isn’t impossible—just costly. France and Russia are more then eager to step up and bring this fresh supply into their circle of influence (and enjoy the added reward of destabilizing the market).

So the US goes in and organizes another 'friendly' regime that will allow the them to massage the situation to benefit the west.

And so it goes...

It’s dirty tricks for sure, but in this ‘us versus them’ world, it might be necessary. /shrug

We’re not talking about the way things ‘should be’, we are talking about the ‘way things are’.


The problem is: With memory of Vietnam still fresh, American parents are not so willing to throw a generation of children into the breach to protect the oil market.

Thus a President needs to ‘sell’ the moral authority of a war to parents who will send their children in harms way.

Unfortunately for Bush (fortunate for thinking people everywhere), the public is much more questioning and cynical this go-around, and the true nature of this particular war is *so obvious*. It’s basically insulting that GB honestly believes we would swallow his rhetoric wholesale—and it's even worse when goosesteppers like busybody parrot it everywhere.

Yes, this is a war with Imperialist overtones…

But this is the world we live in. Sad and true.

Just don’t hand me a shit-sandwich and say “mmmmm good…”

P.S. I've mostly stayed out of this circular debate... But its important enough that I wanted to weigh in too.
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You know, i agree that alot of the backlash about this war comes from the 'spin' that's been put on it.

We know it isnt about terrorism...the public knows that those responsible for 9/11 are in places the US wouldn't touch with a ten foot pole: Pakistan (because they have the bomb and have a political structure just shakey enough to use it), and Saudi Arabia (because they are currently the only pro-US OPEC nation).

The reason people are so against this war isnt even because of the fear of casualties...everyone remembers the last gulf war when ther were more Coalition deaths caused by friendly fire than enemy fire.

They are against this war because the World population doesnt like to be dictated to. Especially by the only superpower in the world. We hate when the US starts wielding its big stick and swaggers around the planet like they own the place.

The US needs to be accountable, and right now that accountablility has been thrown into question by a President whose questionable personal agenda may be colouring his actions...
It's simple...

The United States is the only superpower on the planet, and a technological force of nature.

They are 'it'--beginning, middle, and end.

All other nations, including any conglomerate of Europe pale in comparison to the influence of the American Empire.

If the Americans want project their power and influence through force, they should just do it and not worry what anyone else thinks.

The problem is, the US wants run the world (which they do) *and* they want to be loved for it…

Everyone hated Rome--Rome didn’t care…

Everyone hated The British Empire—The British Empire didn’t care…

Step up as the big dog and call the shots, and take the crap you are going to get for it.

But don’t try to tell us its for our own good!
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aaah, I knew there was something distinctly Canadian about the post...

Living in the shadow of the Empire gives us a different perspective.
I love America and all that it can stand for...

But likewise, it saddens me when the liberty that the United States was born in, is casually set aside for political convenience.
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