
Re: virgin? me? I'm 43

sylverwytch said:
Please explain.......

No explanation neccessary.......Just look to the left....If it says you are a virgin------you are a virgin....Enjoy it while it lasts:D
<laughing> Your title under your name. You're a virgin until 30 posts. After 100 you can have an avatar.

And people will come along and tell you that you need to post naked pics of yourself.

Trust me people, you don't want to see nudie pics of him
Raina said:
Trust me to decide for you. Don't encourage him. He's schnockered.

I dunno...if that's really you to the left...I think he should forego his nekkid pics and have you post some of yours. ;)
Ahhh, unfortunately I have no nekkid pics of myself....but yes, that is me.
nzwookie said:
""sigh"" Yeah..they all say that.


Maybe someday I'll get a digital camera. :D

On that note...night all. Have fun Sylver...don't scare the Literoticans.