Svenskaflicka, if you intend to PM people


Seraphically Disinclined
Jul 29, 2000
Then do clean out your inbox enough for a response.

But nevermind, if you prefer things on the board, then so be it.

Here's your reply:

You followed the rules last year. There was no unfairness and there was no wrongdoing. It would not have been ethical for me to say anything to you at all. Nor would it have been right. It didn't even come up in my radar because I didn't really participate.

I apologize for saying such a mean thing to you. You didn't deserve it and I should not have done so.
There must be something wrong with my PM-box, because I HAVE emptied it. I've got one (1) pm in it. That's it. I'll see what I can do about it.

Thank you very much for replying, KM. I hope we can put all this nastiness behind us now and enjoy the contest.

Even with these new rules, I intend to kick everyone's ass!;)
Don't count on winning by the voting system here..

A new story of mine just went up, it has two votes, and both are 1's as that is the average. So no matter what anybody else honestly votes for the story, it will never make it to the top ten in the voting catagory. Now normally I would have waited until morning to see if any of my stories had been published here, but this time I was online anyway at 3am in the morning so I checked. And what do ya know Bed-n-Brunch Ho was posted, and it had 1 view, and 2 votes, averaging 1.00 for the vote count, how nice. Now I could do the same thing to every new story published here too, but I won't. You see, even with these childish attacks, my stories always average out above 4.30 by those who really read them. So I'm terribly sorry if I'm not a part of the clique in here, but I'll let my stories talk for me about how well I can write.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man

I've figured out how they do it...
By 3:45am Bed-n-Brunch Ho had 8 votes, and an average of 3.00 so that I had a base to work from, and now I know how they do it. And I also had this feedback to go with those 8 votes:

This message contains feedback for: Dirt Man
About the submission: Bed-n-Brunch Ho
This feedback was sent by: Deleted by request

I read your comments on my thread and went and read your story. I thought it was damned good and voted accordingly. I only wish it had been longer.

Dirt Man I'm not part of the clique at the Authors hangout either. I can't say why my story is getting voted on and yours isn't. I think your story is damned good and I've read a couple more. I like what I see, and I'm looking forward to reading more of your work.


(This is typical of the feedback that I get on every story I post here)

Heres how they do it...

You just need 6 people to vote accordingly on every new story but your own. 2 people vote1, 2 people vote 2, and 2 people vote 3. By morning no matter what anybody votes honestly after them, the Story is trashed. And if somebody contacts Laurel, and whines to her she'll see the 1's and get rid of them, and maybe the 2's, but that's all. The story has to ride with those two 3's, and the vote is trashed as far as the story goes for any contests here. Later on the person adds their own vote, probably another 3, and that puts them in the lead no matter what the real vote would have been. The trick is to do the six votes when the stories are new.

by 4:45 I had an average of 3.36
Using my base calculations for the team of six spiteful votes of two 1's, two 2's, and two 3's that meant I had the honest vote count of one 4 vote, and the rest all 5's. Which means my real average would be: 4.80. I can live with that, and I can live with the fudged 4.30 average I get as well, now that I know how to factor that in.

Oh, and by the way, at 8am of the same morning the story you just trashed was averaged out with 36 votes thus far to over 4.00 and rising with 621 views.
Dirt Man, I know what you mean. I've had stories on the Hot List that has been going from 4,6 to 4,1 in matters of hours - there just are some cheaters somewhere on Lit, who want to see their names and no-one else's up there.

But the Survivor Contest is not about how high votes you get, but how many stories you write.
Svenskaflicka said:
There must be something wrong with my PM-box, because I HAVE emptied it. I've got one (1) pm in it. That's it. I'll see what I can do about it.


This happened to me once. All my PMs bounced back even though I thought my PM box was empty. The culprit turned out to be the Saved Items folder. Do check that. That may be clogging your PM box.
damppanties said:

This happened to me once. All my PMs bounced back even though I thought my PM box was empty. The culprit turned out to be the Saved Items folder. Do check that. That may be clogging your PM box.

The quota is set to 100 messages in ALL of your folders, archived PM's, Sent Messages, etc.
Don't forget to make sure you're looking at all of your PM folders from "the beginning" instead of the default or whatever, which will hide early ones.

Down at the bottom of the text screen in the PM box you have four check boxes that are default set to checked. I always make sure that I check off the "Save a copy" and "read Reciept" unless I have a vested interest in having either of these things on before I send out a pM. It cuts down on later deletion.

ProofreadManx said:

The quota is set to 100 messages in ALL of your folders, archived PM's, Sent Messages, etc.

Yes. The way to check the total number of PMs is to click on HOME on the top left of the screen and scroll down. The last thing will be the number of posts you have in your PM box. Like, mine said -

damppanties - You have 0 new message(s) since your last visit.
(You have 0 unread messages and 10 total messages in all your folders.)

So, if your total messages shown is more than what you think they are, then you need to find them. :)
a frustrated supplicant


For the record, I have written you at least 4 thoughtful PM's that have gone to the cyber graveyard...

I tell you this not to nag, but to let you know that I have tried...

When I stopped keeping sent messages and asking for receipts for sent messages my PM box echoed...

:kiss: b
Who's americandemon???

dirtman and americandemon.....same person?

Well, in any event I don't know him, so I can't be him.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
I have cleaned out all of my boxes now, so now you are able to praise your favourite goddess again. ;) :p
I seldom praise Goddesses...

I prefer instead to start my worshiping with massaging their feet with my hands, then tonguing between their toes before working my hands and tongue upward.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
Re: I seldom praise Goddesses...

Dirt Man said:
I prefer instead to start my worshiping with massaging their feet with my hands, then tonguing between their toes before working my hands and tongue upward.

Between the big toes, I presume?:eek:
$%^&(*))(* votes

Svenskaflicka said:
Dirt Man, I know what you mean. I've had stories on the Hot List that has been going from 4,6 to 4,1 in matters of hours - there just are some cheaters somewhere on Lit, who want to see their names and no-one else's up there.

My stories always start out at around 4.6+ for the first twenty or so votes. Then the bottom falls out. I believe there are those who think their own stories in the top 500 are threatened and lowball everyone else. I've never been able to keep a story at 4.7+ for the long haul.

I write to please myself, though, so I have learned not to get upset at the voting. It made me crazy at first, though. I'd turn off the voting, but it's fun.

There's the very real possibility, of course, that my stories simply aren't much good.

Last edited:
Girls will you please stop using the phrase 'cleaning out your box' it is very distracting for us English types.

Gauche (still swooning 'cos I got a PM from Bridget) ( and Flicka's new av of course)
Carton maintenance

gauchecritic said:
Girls will you please stop using the phrase 'cleaning out your box' it is very distracting for us English types.

What's wrong with 'cleaning out the box?' I do it for my cat every few days. Thank God he's mainly an outdoor person.

gauchecritic said:
Girls will you please stop using the phrase 'cleaning out your box' it is very distracting for us English types.

Gauche (still swooning 'cos I got a PM from Bridget) ( and Flicka's new av of course)


You swooned?! *fanning self*

You know that I hate to say this, but your comment regarding cleaning out boxes is... well.... gauche....

:rose: b
Re: Carton maintenance

MathGirl said:
What's wrong with 'cleaning out the box?' I do it for my cat every few days. Thank God he's mainly an outdoor person.

You're spoiling that cat. Mine has been taught to flush the toilet after herself. :)
Pussy maintenance

Svenskaflicka said:
You're spoiling that cat. Mine has been taught to flush the toilet after herself. :)

I've heard that's possible, but I don't want my cat using my toilet. Maybe if he had his own bathroom .........
My cat and I have reached an agreement. He does it somewhere I don't know about, and I never ask.

Gerundettina, Owned by a Feline
My cat and I had that same arrangement, only she never told me we had. I found out about when she did her things in my foot-warmer-thingy...:p
Pussy leavings

Svenskaflicka said:
My cat and I had that same arrangement, only she never told me we had. I found out about when she did her things in my foot-warmer-thingy...:p

Dear Svenska,

Oh, Dear. Cat exhaust is about as bad as it gets, but WARM? Thank you ever so much for sharing.

Diane, Thinking of Being an Ex Cat Person
Re: Pussy leavings

MathGirl said:
Dear Svenska,

Oh, Dear. Cat exhaust is about as bad as it gets, but WARM? Thank you ever so much for sharing.

Diane, Thinking of Being an Ex Cat Person

It wasn't warm. Only wet. The poor thing had diarrhoea...:( :cattail:
Re: Re: Pussy leavings

Svenskaflicka said:
It wasn't warm. Only wet. The poor thing had diarrhoea...:( :cattail:

Oh, that's too bad. Here, they only get diarrhea. My pussy takes it somewhere else. Makes for tense relationships with the neighbors.

By the way, I wouldn't even attempt to pronounce that phrase you challenged me with.
If you want to know the truth about cats see "Unrepeatable"
a video film by Eddie Izzard.

Gauche:rose: (for bridget)