Sure why not


Literotica Guru
Mar 28, 2012
I'll join the lost story hunt.

the story I read was in the incest category.

Guy has been living in Alaska for several years comes home to visit his family for the holidays. the reason he went to Alaska was because his father went insane and raped this guy's younger sister. When the brother starts to get sexual feelings for his sister he worries he's the same as his dad and flees before he can hurt his sister.

While he's gone dad really goes off his rocker and kills himself and his wife.

The sister gets sent to mental hospital then released into the custody of her Aunt and Uncle. When the guy gets home for the holidays he finds out that his Uncle and Aunt are leaving and he will be home with his sister all alone from Christmas to New Years.

The sister shows him she's been in love with him for a long time. They fall for each other.

The uncle comes home to find the guy with the girl bent over the same car her father raped her on top of. Enraged he starts beating up the guy, then throws him out the house.

the guy leaves to go back to Alaska. his sister runs out and joins him before he can drive away.

It most likely is one of the winter holiday contest stories but i be damned if I can find it.

It was a very good story.

Sure it was a contest?

It doesn't sound familiar, but an author who has done a lot of darker brother/sister romance is Candlelight062 maybe you should give her stories a look.
nope not sure it was a contest. But it had that 'coming home for the holidays' feel to it that a lot of the contest stories have.

I read it after I first started to read stories on the site. At least a year before I wrote my first one. So it's at least 2011 or older.

I honestly wish i could remember more of the story. Like their names. He had a jeep that he drove down in. They ended up leaving to go live in Alaska at the end. His uncle beat him up real bad then tried to comfort her. She pulled away ran up stairs grabbed a few things and tore out the door after him.

What i liked about it was the slow build up pace of it. They didn't just jump into bed. they lived like husband and wife for the week between Christmas and New Years. Sleeping together but not having sex till she was ready. She was still mentally scared from her father attacking her and he was having trouble with the fact he though he was acting the same way.

I read my way through A-C of the incest list trying to find this one. I had to quit, I was losing brain cells.

There are some truly horrible written stories in that list.
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Well, it's not in 2011's list.

added a few favorites though

or 2010

or 2009

or 2008, sorry if this is repetitive but it's helping me keep track.

or 2007

or 2006

or 2005, though I did find my two favorite incest stories Worth it and worth it still... and a very weird story done in the doctor seuss cat in the hat style.

or 2004, i found two wonderful stories by ogg.

or 2003

or 2002

or 2001, so... that's that. It's not a contest story. I checked every year back to the first one clicking my way through them all and reading at least part of the page on every incest story.

Will keep looking.
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Having searched my way back through all the holiday story contest I noticed a trend, in the writings done then verses now. The further back I went in the contests, the less Incest stories and more Erotic coupling stories I found.

Was that a more posted category years ago than it is now? When you read the comments about it now it's often said that EC is almost unread compared to some of the others.

When and why did that change happen? Did incest just slowly drift up to the top of the read list?

When you see the voting and view in contest now it sure shows that Incest dominates.

Seeing the same named story year after year was a bit funny as well. There are a lot of Mommy kissing Santa stories.
Incest has always dominated in views and vote totals with only LW for competition. It suffers in the score department in part because of that ( votes acquired and swept don't have as much effect on the score, and the more votes you have, the more likely you are to have those 4s ) and because of category down-voting for a myriad of reasons.

The degree to which it dominates on Lit is in excess of other sites that allow it, too. That draws writers looking for the biggest audience, which in turn draws more readers because there are more authors.

Think it's just a product of Lit having dominance on the incest front on top of having dominance on the erotica front in general.
Well, I'll be damned I found it!


BY Leyline

It took just that right combination of words on the site search to get it and then scrolling down about a half a page to the part I remembered as the start of the story.

Now time to sit down and read my way back through it. I know it probably wont be as good as memory has built it up to be after all this time but I do hope it's the enjoyable read I remember.
Nice one :) Always good to hear about perseverance paying off

Well, I'll be damned I found it!


BY Leyline

It took just that right combination of words on the site search to get it and then scrolling down about a half a page to the part I remembered as the start of the story.

Now time to sit down and read my way back through it. I know it probably wont be as good as memory has built it up to be after all this time but I do hope it's the enjoyable read I remember.