Sun, Sand and lots of Sex (Closed)


Literotica Guru
Jul 1, 2013
Erica, 25 year old, nicely tanned, 5'6, red hair, green eyes, C cup.

Summer, there was no better time of the year. Erica loved the summer and every year she spend a month away from home. Some times with other friends, some times with what ever guy she was dating at that time and often just on her own. Sun, Sand, and lots of Sex.

This year she was enjoying the sandy beaches of Florida all on her own. She had arrived a few days ago but already she had managed to get a nice tan as she hadn't done much other than enjoying the sand and sun. Most of the time she didn't bother to wear her bikini top so that her breasts got enough sun light as well.

The best part of the holiday was that her dad paid most of it. She had a nice hotel room, she could afford good meals and had some money to spend on accessories. But of course a girl had to drink as well, so when the evening came she went to some club the local guys had suggested.

Dressed in some simple shoes, a short skirt, a tight top and a cute hat she had bought, she arrived in the club and let her eyes wander over the many guys around. The last few nights she had slept alone and she really had no intention of doing that another night. The evening was hot and she hoped things would get even hotter.
Erica let her eyes go over the outfit he had picked for the evening and inwardly rolled her eyes. At least there were two things his outfit told her: He surely was not gay and he was not here with a girlfriend as she was quite sure that in neither instance, he would have come here in such clothes. Of course, had he been gay, he wouldn't have offered her a drink.

While Erica ordered a drink, something with a nice concentration of alcohol and a little bit pricy without being over the top just to see his reaction, she tried to ignore his clothes and pay more attention to his actual looks. She was happy that his looks were a lot better than his choice in outfit.

When the waitress gave her the drink she had asked for she gave a friendly nod to Adam.

- "Thank you Adam, I am Erica."
Erica smiled, more at the fact he had only blinked once at the price of the drink she had ordered, than at him unbuttoning his shirt. Still Adam was right with the idea he looked like an idiot and that the black tanktop was better.

- "Much better."

Erica said with a grin and sipped her drink. Without doing it too obvious she let her eyes wander through the club to see who else was present. Not that she already disliked Adam, but a girl liked to have options.

- "I fear I can't do the same, so you will just have to like my outfit."

Erica then said to him with a grin, wondering if he got the message that she was wearing neither a bra nor underwear. Perhaps he would find out at a later point, if he deserved it.
The way he grabbed her hand and nearly pulled her towards the table was giving him enough bonus points to forgive him his outfit. Erica loved a man that was confident enough for such an action, even though he followed it up with an apology.

- "I hope you don't mean I only get stared at if I show my tits around."

Erica teased him with a wink but then smiled.

- "I am here to enjoy my summer holiday, arrived a few days ago and enjoying the beach."

She then told him, not yet sharing if she was here on her own or with friends
She smirked. It seemed she was not the only one eager to get a bed partner for the night and within moments Adam had managed to improve his status from 'idiot' to 'interesting and confident'.

- "Someone sure is sure of himself."

Erica said with her smirk and kept eye contact with him as she surely didn't dismiss the idea of following him to his place. Slowly she continued to drink, sometimes teasing the rim of her glass with her tongue.

- "Let's enjoy a dance first. I didn't get all dressed up to only spend 10 minutes in here."

She said with a wink, giving him the chance to impress her with his 'flexibility'. And of course to get some exploring done with their hands. She liked knowing what to expect.
As he again grabbed her hand and pulled her with him, Erica quickly finished her drink and tried to put her glass away but instead had it fall on the floor where it shattered. She really didn't care at the moment and followed him to the dance floor.

She enjoyed the feeling of his hands on her body and shivered when his lips touched her neck and his tongue teased her. To show he wasn't the only one with some confidence, Erica let her hands explore as well. Her nails softly scratched over his chest but didn't stay there very long. Soon they travelled lower and lower.
Erica grinned at his words and enjoyed his touches very much. Soon her hands had found the hardness through his shorts. A soft moan escaped her as his finger found her bald and wet pussy. It was hard to forget why she loved her summer holiday so much.

She moved her head closer to his ear, and teased his earlobe with her teeth.

- "To answer your question: No, these are the only clothes I have with me. So no ripping them tonight."

She told him and then nudged with her head towards the exit. She was done dancing for now.
Erica was not shy, but it was rather daring to walk towards the exit while Adam kept his finger inside her pussy. Of course daring was enjoyable. When they got to his jeep and he told her to undress herself, she decided to give the man what he wanted. After all, there was no one around that knew her here.

By the time Adam opened his door to get in the car, she already had her top off and her skirt followed not much later. With a grin she decided to put her hat back on, she liked the look of it.

She enjoyed his touches to her thigh and also let her fingers explore her leg while he drove.
With a grin Erica bend towards his cock and accepted it between her lips. As he continued to drive she pleased him with her mouth and tongue, teasing him as much as she could. She was happy to have met him and looked forward to the rest of the night.

At times she teased him gently with her teeth, just on the point it didn't really hurt but wasn't completely pleasant either. When they seemed to be getting closer to their destination, she did her best to accept him completely in her mouth and throat.
Erica loved the sight of his wet cock as it left her mouth and then got out of the jeep.

- "Does that mean you don't like my current outfit?"

She asked him teasing, of course meaning just her hat. Without waiting for his reply she entered the house and went in search for the last bedroom and the outfits he had there. She wasn't sure what he was in the mood for so considered wearing as little as she could so he had quick access to her.

Eventually she settled on a nice black push up bra that made her breasts look even bigger than normally with sexy black panties. On top of that she wore a white blouse, so the black bra was still very much visible through the fabrics of the blouse but that he would have to do some work on unbuttoning her, or just ripping all the buttons off. And a nice extremely short skirt, she loved her legs.

And as requested, she kept on her hat.
She gasped softly as he asked his question and then eyed him to see if he was joking or serious. The look on her face should tell him already which of the two she was hoping for.

- "Not funny. You are all I need."

She said to him, expecting him to be joking but still a bit nervous. She was here all alone, no one knew she was here and she hardly knew the guy she was with.

She moved closer to him and brought her hand to his cock, softly stroking him.
She eyed him as he told her he really had friends coming over, and the message that they were all women only made her more nervous. She shook her head.

- "Please don't. I am not into that."

She pleaded softly as her hand left his cock, but she made no effort yet to get on her knees to please him with her mouth. He had shocked her too much to be the slut she had dressed like.
Slowly she lowered herself onto her knees and took him in her mouth again. But as she sucked and licked his cock, it seemed she had lost a lot of the skill she had still had when they were in the jeep together. Of course she had kissed her female friends, and sometimes in a very seductive manner to tease boys, but to be with another girl sexually.. that was something she had never even thought about and it was making her very nervous.

She had also never been with more than one person.
Erica looked up at him with his cock still in her mouth. Even with all her nerves she still could feel very well how wet and aroused she was and there was one good thing about everything he had said: the girls weren't here yet and wouldn't be here for some time. She only had to exhaust him before they got here and surely she would get the upperhand of the situation.

She grinned and swallowed around his cock and tried to shake the nerves from her. She let one of her hands slip under her skirt and softly stroked herself over the soft sexy panties while she sucked and licked him with a lot more skill again.
Had she just been able to shake the nerves from her, did he find something new to bring them back. He was right about her ass being tight, she had only allowed one guy there and she had hated that. A plug might not too bad, but she feared what would follow.

The idea of being tied up and have his face between her legs would have send her running to his bed a few moments ago, but now the loss of control made her nervous.

- "Don't you want me to finish this first? To dump your first load of seed in my mouth and throat?"

Of course the way he held her hair, she had no choice but follow him
At least he wasn't a crazy psychopath, that would have been worse. A few moments ago he would have been very right about her enjoying what he was going to do to her and he might even have been able to convince her to stay longer at his place. But now, with all the things he had been saying, it all didn't sound so positive any more.

But at least he didn't seem to be a crazy psychopath.

- "Please... I am not a lesbian..."

She pleaded one more time while she followed him to the play room. She didn't bother to ask mercy for her ass, he could have her ass if that meant she didn't have to deal with his girlfriends, or pets or what ever he wanted to call them.
Knowing there was no way she would leave this place without his help and that the best way to have him care about her wishes was to please him, she did as he asked her. She moved onto the bed and nervously watched how he restrained her.

She didn't fully mind being restrained, but of course it made it impossible to resist when he... or better said his girlfriends... would try to do something against her will. She was happy to be still fully dressed so that her body was at least somewhat protected.

- "Warm please."

She answered him politely, trying to hide the nerves as she only could imagine one reason one would require lube.
There was indeed some relief visible on her face when she saw the size of the thing, but still it made her nervous at the same time. Or perhaps that was just because she was tied to the bed. She was thankful for the warm lube and it indeed got her ass to somewhat relax.

Still she gasped softly when the moment came he inserted the butt plug. She was aroused and both her nipples and her pussy clearly showed that. There was something very arousing about being at a man's mercy, although she surely wished that he hadn't planned or told about his girlfriends coming over.
Her toes curled as he started to lick her and she pushed her pussy more up to him. When a guy knew what he was doing with his tongue, it often was better than sex itself and loud moans escaped her under his attentions.

- "Oh yes... yes... Gods..."

She loved sex, but if he continued like this he would witness a very hard orgasm soon. And he hadn't even concentrated on her clit yet
Adam really seemed to know what he was doing and soon, way too soon to Erica's liking, she felt the burning sensation of a building orgasm. Normally she was the one that had her partner ready in a few minutes. Sometimes she enjoyed that as it showed her skills while at other times she wished the guy she was with would need longer.

The flow of her juices as well as her breathing showed how close she was getting and if Adam wouldn't suddenly stop, she would orgasm loudly over his face. In her past there had been one guy that enjoyed to stop just before her orgasm hit her and then fuck her hard so that she orgasmed while he could keep fucking her sensitive pussy. That had also been the only guy to have fucked her ass.

She hoped Adam wouldn't be as 'cruel' to stop right now, her body wanted to cum.
Her body twisted and turned as much as the restraints allowed. It was torment to be spanked like this during her orgasm, but not as much as it would have been torment to be kept at the edge of her orgasm. After her initial scream as she orgasmed, indeed quite hard, the other screams soon became louder as Adam kept spanking her sensitive flesh.

It was a strange mix of pain and arousal, and she hardly noticed the butt plug being used as well
The vibrations of the egg were quite pleasant on her sensitive flesh and as it stimulated her, Erica found herself quickly getting to a second orgasm. The closer she got the more her moans hid the sound of the vibrating egg inside her and with another scream, softer than the first one, she orgasmed again before Adam returned to the room.

During and after her orgasm the vibrations seemed to tease her sensitive flesh even further and she hoped Adam would return quickly to take the egg from her again.
Erica was happy when he returned but grumbled when instead of stopping the egg started to vibrate quicker. She didn't speak her complaints out loud however as she was sure she could handle it for now and with him in the room she could at least plead when things got too intense.

She noticed the bucket but didn't see yet was inside of it, so she was happy when he pulled the plug from her. Before she had a chance to react, he already inserted an ice cube causing another scream as the cold ice came in contact with her hot inside. The feeling only got 'worse' as he inserted the plug again. It seemed this man had interesting ideas, but so far she had a hard time telling how much she liked and disliked of it.

She needed some time to recover from the first shock of cold ice before she was able to use the straw and of course the vibrating egg didn't make it very easy to recover. She also found it very amusing that she was still mostly dressed and already had two... and soon three.. orgasms.
It was a very strange sense of sensations running through her body, being restrained, teased with the egg in her pussy and by the plug and ice in her ass. It excited her to extremes and at the same time it numbed her as well. She smirked when he offered her his cock and like a good little slut she started to lick him, distracted by the stronger vibrations that were in rapid speed sending her to the next orgasm.

A nervous shock ran through Erica when the women entered the room. She had expected there would at least be some kind of warning. At the same time the third orgasm hit her and she actually squirted just before the first tongue found her pussy. It sure was an awkward first impression.

Because of the cock at her lips and her with her back on her bed she could only hear and feel the women and not actually see their looks.
It was very hard for Erica to concentrate on anything as it seemed her orgasm just continued on under the vibrations of the egg. She felt how the second ice cube was inserted and had not even felt the sensation of the plug being removed from her. Part of her had the feeling she was going insane, but a very nice insanity.

She licked and sucked the cock in front of her face, it was the natural thing to do, and it was a good way not to focus on the tongue that was teasing her pussy. With some creativity she could imagine it was Adam that licked her again, although this tongue was very different. The lust and insanity was clearly visible in her eyes as she looked at his.