Summer Rose: Some Advice.


Really Experienced
Sep 17, 2002
In the nordischen hemisphere the longest day of the yearly, where the sun is the most distant north. Certain sorts roses execute extremely well in different sections of the country. In the suedlaendischen hemisphere winter and summer solstices are permutated. However there is variety, which can make really good in a zone, which could be terrible in their. The summer solstice marks the first day of the season of the summer. The best way to determine, what will make good in your zone, consists of contacting your local society.

The declination of the sun is well-known the sun turn (nordisch), of the summer as cancer turning circle. Other good means are the American rose society manual, around roses to select published by AR. The summer solstice is the longest day of the yearly or in the sense, which the duration ran out itself between it to remove from sun and it on this day of the sun to put down a maximum during the yearly is. Certain sorts roses execute extremely well in different sections of the country.

Naturally the restaurant time means from day the fact that first Sunday has twenty-three hours in April and last Sunday has twenty five hours, but these human interventions with the schedule in October and does not correspond to the real number of hours of day determined sorts roses executes extremely well in different sections of the country.
Thank you!

The Theme of Renewal

In Swaziland the ceremony of Incwala was the king ship ceremony, performed at the beginning of the year. It was held at the summer solstice (December). It was focused on strengthening and

demonstrating the king's energy. The full or waxing moon was believed to bring strength and health, the waning moon bringing weakness. The ceremony needed to coincide with the summer solstice and a full moon. Otherwise the king would not be strong enough for the duties of the new year. At the waning moon the king was a t his weakest and was kept separate from society. This symbolizes making separations from the old year. He received strengthening tonics and was treated as powerless. At the full moon the king would symbolically be reborn and renewed. "Pure unmarried youths" were chosen to bring back branches from a magic tree. The next day they were used to enclose the king's sanctuary. The next day the king struck a special black bull with a rod containing the elements of fertility and awakening. The same youths would catch and sacrifice the bull. The following day the king would eat green foods symbolizing the new year. There is dancing and singing. The king leaves at sunset, but then returns dressed like an animal. He hurls a specially treated gourd (symbolizing the past year) at his warriors. He is led away and the costume removed. The following day his cheeks are painted white symbolizing the full moon in which he received vitality for the new year. On the final day all things used in the ritual are burned. The king is bathed. The water falling from his body symbolizes the coming rains.

In ancient Rome there was a special ceremony at the Grove of Diana. The rule of the shrine was that any man could be its priest, and take the title of king of the Wood, if he first plucked a branch (the Golden Bough) from a sacred tree in the temple grove and killed the current priest. This was the succession to this priesthood. It was thorough death of a god that new life came to the world. Both the gods death and rituals celebrating it were usually associated with the solstices. The story of the god's birth, death and resurrection closely followed the pattern of the sun's yearly course.

Midsummer Day- Europe

The summer solstice long ago was incorporated into the Christian calendar as the feast day of St. John the Baptist. Just as John was the forerunner to Jesus, midsummer forecasts the eventual arrival of the seasonal turn of mid winter. Hundreds of years ago throughout Europe, most healers were women who used herbs. In the twelfth century, Hildegard of Bingen wrote a book of natural healing and herbal methods. It became the basis of modern western herbalism and medicine. Not long after publication, the Inquisition began and nine million women were executed for witchcraft. Witchcraft could be defined as "The knowledge and practice or the traditional ways of healing."

The summer solstice is the time of year when the feminine earth energies are at their height, this day being the optimum for gathering herbs and for healing. Some of the herbs gathered on the solstice where mugwort (the herb of St. John), chamomile, geranium, thyme, and pennyroyal. These herbs exuded a wonderful aroma when thrown on bonfires during midsummer festivals. Summer solstice bonfires were burnt throughout Europe. It was supposed to banish sickness from livestock and bad luck.

Midsummer Bride

The summer solstice is intuitively linked with fertility and sexuality by people everywhere. June is the most popular wedding month. There used to be ceremonies symbolic of marriage at midsummer. In Sardenis, solstice couples were known as sweethearts of St. John and their ritual featured pots of sprouting grain emphasizing the connection between sexuality in humans and fertility in nature. In March, the young man of the village would present himself to a girl requesting she be his sweetheart. After acceptance, a few weeks later the girl would make a pot out of cork and plant barley and wheat seeds. By midsummer the plants had matured. The couple dressed up accompanied by adults and children came to the church. They then brought the pot of grain against the door. They sat in a circle picnicking on eggs, herbs and wine. Afterward they sang and danced in circles until evening. They were actually performing a magical rite designed to make woods grow green, flowers bloom, etc. The sexual unions during these ceremonies were more an essential part of the rites. The people believed that the marriage of trees and plants could not be fertile without the real union of human beings joining in a sexual union.

Spirit of the Summer Solstice

Everything is energy, specifically Christ force energy. Since everything is from and of the Creator . The four seasons demonstrate what that energy is doing outside and inside all living things. At the Summer Solstice, this energy reaches its peak flooding the surface of the planet and then journeys back down to the center of the planet to cleanse and renew it. With all the light externally (sunlight) and internally (consciousness) available during the summer solstice, it is an optimum time to reflect and make realization.

What did you plant in the year that has now matured during this season? Prosperous thoughts? Charitable thoughts? Or do you have lots of weeds in your consciousness? i.e., complaining consciousness, selfishness? The seasons are our opportunity to check in with what we are really composed of!

Seasons Greeting!