Suggestions for vampire-ish story

Feb 4, 2017
I have this kernal of an idea, and have no idea how to help the seed grow.

The idea that there are these people who are super attractive (let's call them 11s aka 11/10s) and if you sleep with one of them, you can become one! Your body changes and you become super attractive too.

How does this attractiveness spread? Is it everyone who sleeps with an 11? Is it only some (and what makes the difference)? Is it only penetration? Can lesbians pass it to each other?
Are there any downsides to sleeping with an 11?
Are there any downsides to BECOMING an 11?

What do you suggest?
Downsides, well, everyone is suddenly onto you and such may become socially and practically awkward at the least. Including, but not limited to, forceful unwanted advances.

As to, how it's limited, it perhaps should be -- consciously or not -- but upon consent of the "atractive" one to pass the trait on. In short, you can't rape an 11 to get it, supposedly. (Not that it would stop such attempts.)

I would also make it cumulative over time/contact with more individuals, not an instant thing. Although single encounter being transformative is perhaps desirable for story logic. But if one becomes, say "50% more attractive" upon each encounter, the first should already be noticable, but after 4 they're 5× more attractive and 25× attractive after 8 encounters... Perhaps need diminishing returns formula instead, so it starts sharply and then asymptote to some multiplier value, unless we presume the logarithmic nature of human perception would take care of the looming infinities in practical cases.
There must be a dark side to it. Perhaps an 11 needs to be adored by a non-11. Thus they have the ability to make a 10 into an 11, but in doing so they lose an important part of what they like about the 10.

Perhaps each time they make love to a non-11, the score increases by one, so that they can only do it a few times before it all gets ruined.
How about this transfer of attractiveness as a zero sum game.

You’d have to narrow the story to a special situation, or location or populous.

Anyway, When sex occurs between two people, the more attractive party’s appeal is partly transferred to the lesser attractive one. So the most attractive people want to sleep with someone at their “level” of appeal, the ones in the middle are trying to move up, and those on the bottom of the scale don’t care, and just sleep with each other.

Oh wait… I just described college life. Nevermind.
I'm currently reading a vampire time travel series where the vampires are the remains of the Roman Legion in Britain and they were turned into vampires because they killed some druids. As usual, to make a vamp takes a bite. :)