Sucking ANY Cock. Really?

Aug 13, 2022
I've seen many comments about how men enjoy sucking any cock. So long as it's clean. I'm wondering why I don't feel this way? Is it because I've never actually had a cock in my mouth?

I'm early 50's, in a sexless marriage, and I'm constantly fantasizing about sucking and fucking a nice, beautiful cock. I want it attached to a fit guy, and be 5-8" in length. I don't care about color, cut or uncut. I want a cock that has to go down my throat to get it all in my mouth.

Cocks like this:

I'd like to hear from you guys. Am I just a naive cocksucker wannabe? Were you picky until you tried it and then relaxed your idea of what a good cock is?
I have had very small 2" and very thin to a 7" thin and the biggest one was 8.5" and very thick.
The 8.5 one was fun to play with but didn't care for sucking it, hurt my jaws to much. The 7" was ok.
But I have had a few 5 to 6" which are the best!
I've seen many comments about how men enjoy sucking any cock. So long as it's clean. I'm wondering why I don't feel this way? Is it because I've never actually had a cock in my mouth?

I'm early 50's, in a sexless marriage, and I'm constantly fantasizing about sucking and fucking a nice, beautiful cock. I want it attached to a fit guy, and be 5-8" in length. I don't care about color, cut or uncut. I want a cock that has to go down my throat to get it all in my mouth.

Cocks like this:

I'd like to hear from you guys. Am I just a naive cocksucker wannabe? Were you picky until you tried it and then relaxed your idea of what a good cock is?
My pickiness is less about the cock and more about the person it's attached to.

But what I see maybe even more of than "I'll suck any cock" are the many, many posts like "I'm desperate to suck a cock and can't figure out how/can't meet anyone/won't cruise/won't use apps/won't meet anyone in person/won't won't won't won't won't."

They'll say they want it but they don't act like they want it.

So long as it's clean
Assuming that by "clean" these guys (I'm still talking about them, not projecting onto you, @Jordanjack) mean "disease free" rather than "unhygienic," it's a numbers game and it's a self care game.

As far as numbers go: if you're going to be one of these guys who sucks dozens of dicks a month, every month, all different ones every time, chances are the numbers will catch up to you. If you just want to try it once to see if you like it, it's really unlikely you'll catch something, unless you go for really questionable dicks. If you try it a handful of times and finally meet someone you can repeat with, that's pretty good odds.

As far as self care goes: Go to the clinic and get tested. There are ways to do it more-or-less anonymously, if you don't feel like you can trust your personal clinic. You (really!) can't get aids from oral unless your mouth is actively bleeding and the infectious fluid has a really high concentration of hiv virus. If the hiv+ partner is infected, but on adequate treatment, they can't transmit it anyway. And besides that one, there aren't any other potential bugs which couldn't be detected early and treated (eradicated) very effectively with a simple prescription. And that's if you were to get a very shitty and unlikely roll in the numbers game. Even hiv is preventable even with truly risky behavior and an actually infected and untreated (infectious) partner, with a pre/post exposure prophylaxis prescription.

Don't take my word for it, look this stuff up or better yet talk to a doctor.

This is do-able, guys. How bad do you want it?
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I don't believe I fretted over doing it. A group of us neighborhood boys were camping out when a storm blew in and everyone but me and the older next door neighbor boy went home. After the storm we settled back talking horny stuff and jacking off. My neighbor started asking me to suck him but I refused. Him being older and stronger he bullied me into doing it. He filled my mouth with cum and I've been sucking cock every since.
I used to frequent an Adult Bookstore in North Miami Beach back in the early 80's and I would suck any cock that came through a gloryhole. Any size, any color - I sucked them all. And on some glorious nights, it was a lot. And on less frequent but even more glorious nights, I would have one cock in my mouth and another in my ass through the gloryholes on each side of the booth I was in.
I've seen many comments about how men enjoy sucking any cock. So long as it's clean. I'm wondering why I don't feel this way? Is it because I've never actually had a cock in my mouth?

I'm early 50's, in a sexless marriage, and I'm constantly fantasizing about sucking and fucking a nice, beautiful cock. I want it attached to a fit guy, and be 5-8" in length. I don't care about color, cut or uncut. I want a cock that has to go down my throat to get it all in my mouth.

Cocks like this:

I'd like to hear from you guys. Am I just a naive cocksucker wannabe? Were you picky until you tried it and then relaxed your idea of what a good cock is?
i'm waiting on a truck driver i've talked with to pass thru here any day to meet with him
I like the situation I am in right now. I see one guy every few weeks for fantastic sex. We are both DDF and non-smokers. We always use condoms for safer sex. I see him as a friend who I have sex with. The idea of just randomly sucking some guy's cock just isn't my thing. But I am smart enough not to criticize someone else's choice.

I've had 6, 7, and currently a 7.5 inch cock and honestly the size isn't as important as the skill of the user. My current guy is very skilled and fortunately he was very gentle and patient with me. I've enjoyed my times with him and anxiously await the next time.
I used to frequent an Adult Bookstore in North Miami Beach back in the early 80's and I would suck any cock that came through a gloryhole. Any size, any color - I sucked them all. And on some glorious nights, it was a lot. And on less frequent but even more glorious nights, I would have one cock in my mouth and another in my ass through the gloryholes on each side of the booth I was in.
Man that is a hot time. You have me beat, my best book store effort was one thru the glory hole in my mouth and another in my ass.
Man that is a hot time. You have me beat, my best book store effort was one thru the glory hole in my mouth and another in my ass.

There was a time between lovers when I went every single night for six weeks in a row. Some nights were much busier than others, but I always sucked at least one cock per night. The most was 11 in one night, and I also got fucked in the ass four times that same night. Good times!
There was a time between lovers when I went every single night for six weeks in a row. Some nights were much busier than others, but I always sucked at least one cock per night. The most was 11 in one night, and I also got fucked in the ass four times that same night. Good times!
How many times do you think you have sucked cock. I'm thinking I have easily suck more than a 1000 times over 50 years.
Experienced ass, you have. I’m able to throat my 7 inch dildo all the way, but I have a hard time getting it all into my ass.
I can take a 8" dildo in my ass and down my throat. I just got a 9" dildo and can swallow that down to the balls but am still working on riding it down to the ball. Now I want a real cock. It needs to be clean and full of cum. Those are my only requirements.
I've seen many comments about how men enjoy sucking any cock. So long as it's clean. I'm wondering why I don't feel this way? Is it because I've never actually had a cock in my mouth?

I'm early 50's, in a sexless marriage, and I'm constantly fantasizing about sucking and fucking a nice, beautiful cock. I want it attached to a fit guy, and be 5-8" in length. I don't care about color, cut or uncut. I want a cock that has to go down my throat to get it all in my mouth.

Cocks like this:

I'd like to hear from you guys. Am I just a naive cocksucker wannabe? Were you picky until you tried it and then relaxed your idea of what a good cock is?
That's huge